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Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Ra, Dec 12, 2010.

  1. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Actually they do show you and explain it covertly as they have done with other superheroes before her of how she got her powers. It is not only right in my spoiler it's right in the film, man. Did you NOT see the training part with Yon-Rogg? How she became a Kree? How these things lead up to her controlling her powers? Did you miss those parts? It's RIGHT there.

    This is blindness, because I saw the things that you act as if it wasn't shown and addressed in the film.

    I think some of you were letting feminism defeat you to the point that it render you delusional, just like people keep trying push this thing about saying something racist about white men when she didn't. They got ya'll SPOOKED! lol.

  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Maybe I wasn't clear first off her training with dude was hand to hand combat where she wasn't allowed to use her powers they treated it like cheating. And what I meant by not showing us how she got her power was they showed us the power source but no explanation of how she wielded it. No explanation of what it was just something called photons and that's it?
    And to circle back around to what you called her training how could anyone train her if they didn't really understand her power all we heard was control your emotions that's pretty much it.
  3. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Movies aren't supposed to be a play-by-play of everything that is making them too detailed. You are supposed to gather from that situation and use your imagination. That is the best part of the movie experience.
    So you can't judge that one training scene off of the six years she has been up there. Also you have to remember they gave her her super strength, agility and durability. I don't need to see how she started wielding it it's not that important, but if it is to you and anybody else maybe it's in a deleted scene. This is one of their shortest movies. BTW the same could be said about the infinity stones because we still have no explanation of how Thanos was able to use them once it was attached to his gauntlet. This man or Titan threw a moon at Iron Man and I'm still wondering what made him do that. lol.

    My only guess and good guess is that since the photons are infused into her DNA it almost comes natural like a fighting skill. Think of Man Of Steel and how it took them having to hone their senses in order to use their super powers.

    And you're still asking what it was when
    it was reveal when they went on Mar-vell's laboratory ship that it came from the tesseract when she blew up the light-speed engine. That energy source from the engine was stemming from the power of the Tesseract. I thought that was a good visual of how her body absorbed the energy when she blasted it.
  4. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    They didn't spend time explaining the full nature of her powers or her fully wielding them because the Supreme Intellengence and Yon-Rogg didn't want her to be able to utilize them. Knowing the how and why of how she became a Kree warrior within the movie is the reason why.
  5. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    That part as well. You might want to add a spoiler tag.
  6. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Naw. I purposefully didn't go full detail to avoid that, especially since he saw the movie.

    I'm not saying anymore though. If people aren't going to see or like this movie based on the fact it's a female lead they have issues. Especially considering its fictional/fantasy level shit.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yeah but from a point of story telling it robs the audience of the heroes journey. What we're left with is another over powered hero who is better than everyone just because.
  8. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    I don't see how she fits into all of this. The Avengers already have two leaders.
  9. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Stark is a Technical leader, Captain America is a Tactical leader. Fury is a Strategic leader. Captain Marvel is Captain America with photon beams? Seems silly. I'd rather swap her with Scarlett Witch. Then you would have another powerhouse like Thor that doesn't have to be in command.
  10. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Okay, how's that any different than any other movies out there? You telling me Aquaman or Venom gave you an actual "hero's journey" story compared to this?

    If you genuinely just didn't like or find the movie entertaining, fine. No problems. If however you didn't due to it being strictly cause it was a female lead........
  11. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Just saw it and actually liked it. I don't know if the Mary Sue trope works here. The movie clearly shows Carol getting her ass kicked from the go-kart track as a little girl to the Air Force, then training under Yon-Rogg and the Kree. It seemed to me her evolution into full-on Captain Marvel was earned. I mean Rey just jumped into the Falcon and started flying it as good as Han Solo, then did a Jedi mind trick when she didn't even know she had Jedi powers, then was able to take on Kylo Ren who was supposedly badass and wound him. That wasn't this. IMO

    What disappointed me was there was no explanation of how:
    a) Djimon Hounsou's character Korath went from Kree warrior to Thor 2 to Guardians
    b) How the Tesseract got from Stark to Annette Bening to Earth orbit and nobody noticed it was missing
    c) Not a real clear connection with Endgame but rather the first Avengers movie
    d) Didn't see what the Supreme Intelligence actually looked like in the comics
    e) Lame way Fury lost his eye

    Apparently it takes over a decade for superheroes to start manifesting on Earth. Fury writes up the proposal for the Protectors Avengers Initiative in presumably 1996 and Stark doesn't appear as Iron Man until 2008 and even then he's not a "super," he builds his own suit

    Veiled lesbian love story because Disney

    Still not feeling the set-up that Carol Danvers will be the one to take out Thanos, leapfrogging over Thor, Drax, and Him/Warlock to deliver the death blow, but what's done is done

    I did like how the Kree starship jump effect was consistent with Guardians of the Galaxy

    I thought the movie was like a B or B-

    I don't know how to make the [SPOILERS] thing so just don't read this if you haven't seen it

    That is all
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Actually never saw Venom and stopped watching Aquaman right after dude let Mantas father die. Since when did heroes do shit like that. Interesting zero tolerance started with a black villain.
    And it had nothing to do with it being female lead. They could have done a better movie with Black Widow Storm Scarlet Witch hell I'd even take a movie about thr Dora Milaj over Captain Marvel
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Her being a pilot was never in question I actually even liked her little slogan higher further faster baby put that on a shirt.
    I didn't get the super powered amazing hand combat fighter who didn't show any capability of being a bad ass in the one training session where she was told to control her emotions and that's pretty much it.
    At least in Wonder Woman we got to see her training earning her power and it made sense she was a bad ass on the battle field she had be training her whole life. A test pilot being a supreme fighter just lost me but maybe I am thinking to deep on this one. I was just underwhelmed I guess.
  14. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Thanos pulling the damn moon out of orbit and throwing it still triggers my imagination. Craziest shit yet. Lol.

    With the force that took he's apparently the most powerful being ever.
  15. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    They'll use Captain Marvel to explore what has and what's going on with both the Kree & the Skrulls. There are some questions that need to be answered in regards to the Kree Empire. We know Ronan the Accuser becomes a Kree Extremist/Terrorist who was willing to ally himself with Thanos. How did that happen?

    Also saw two possible seeds for a possible Captain Marvel : Secret Invasion movie ala Captain America : Civil War. One obvious way with the Kree and one not so obvious way with the Skrulls.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2019
  16. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    Whatever you do, do not Google Brie Larson's feet. You have been warned.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Oh my God why would you do that in first place you weirdo lol
  18. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

    Lionsgate drops 2 new Hellboy TV spots. In this reboot, Hellboy, caught between the worlds of the supernatural and human, battles an ancient sorceress bent on vengeance and annihilation. I'm in.

  19. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    I get a feeling that this is one of those weird blue waffle situations...
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  20. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

    Disney has announced that the sequel to the 2014 film Maleficent will hit theaters Oct. 18, 2019. Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, on a brand-new teaser poster for the film, is below:


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