The IR dating scene in Va Beach, VA

Discussion in 'How To Meet White Women and Black Men' started by Amissa, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. Amissa

    Amissa New Member

    Hello everyone, I am new here! :smt039

    I am moving to the Virgina Beach area soon. Can anyone tell me anything about the IR dating scene out there? Good places to meet people, etc?

    I am not into "thugs", so no suggestions needed there. But I would like to learn where the classy, responsible, upstanding, positive men tend to be. I am 38 years old, so I would be looking for venues in that age range.

    Thank you!
  2. BobIRluv

    BobIRluv New Member

    I am a white male in Va. Beach, and the IR scene is good here. I have several black friends taht love white women and would be glad to take you under their wing. Do you have a picture?

  3. AliasSmithandJones

    AliasSmithandJones New Member

    I don't live in Va beach, but I am in VA. Welcome to the Commonwealth.
  4. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    How To Meet

    :D I'm now residing in North Carolina, but I definitely still have ties to Virginia and know the TideWater area fairly well. Anyway, as AliasSmithandJones said, "Welcome to the CommonWealth."

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