Hello everyone, I am new here! :smt039 I am moving to the Virgina Beach area soon. Can anyone tell me anything about the IR dating scene out there? Good places to meet people, etc? I am not into "thugs", so no suggestions needed there. But I would like to learn where the classy, responsible, upstanding, positive men tend to be. I am 38 years old, so I would be looking for venues in that age range. Thank you!
I am a white male in Va. Beach, and the IR scene is good here. I have several black friends taht love white women and would be glad to take you under their wing. Do you have a picture? Bob
How To Meet I'm now residing in North Carolina, but I definitely still have ties to Virginia and know the TideWater area fairly well. Anyway, as AliasSmithandJones said, "Welcome to the CommonWealth."