The Insane Klown Posse! (Why I Hate Conservatives.Pt. 2)

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by jellybird, May 9, 2008.

  1. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    As much as I have tried, I will never understand why working-class people vote republican. They clearly dont have what's best for the country in mind. They continue to shift this country's tax burden to the poor and middle-class. And they consistently pander to racists.

    John McCain, a former military veteran and p.o.w., has some of the most *ss-backward viewpoints I have ever heard. This man, who was severely tortured as a vietnam prisoner of war, is in favor of waterboarding. (Nevermind its disgusting, inhumane, and violates the very principles of the Geneva Convention, but how can anyone who was tortured well beyond his "breaking point" be in favor of torturing another human?

    This same man, who's party has routinely been strongly supported by the military, isnt supporting the new G.I. Bill. The new G.I. Bill, which has been favorably compared to the G.I. Bill recieved by WWII vets, would give a huge boost to the benefits received by military vets.

    So why isnt this military man supporting the Bill? Well the consensus is that republicans fear that the benefits are too good and that the bill will cause a mass exodus of enlisted men and women. (Now we cant have our loyal soldiers leaving and not fighing for our oil, now can we?...)

    I wonder if its just a rebellious thing that some of the hardest hit worker bees vote republican? You know, they're are always those who got to go against the grain just for the sake of stirring the point. They gotta zig when they should zag. Wax-on when they should wax-off. Do the souja-boy when they should be doing the wu-tang. (You cant wu-tang better-than me!)

    But Ive read in other threads, "Hey buddy, I vote for issues!" But how can you vote for people based on the issues when they issues they stand for changes like the wind. And if the person who's running is a racist, or panders to racist, (you think Ron Paul-who has taken numerous pics with the founder of racist site-is so strongly supported by those lunatics because they like his haircut,) would you still vote for him if his view were in line with yours?

    I dont see how anyone who even contributes to this board (particularly the BM) can consider voting for this man when he didnt support the bill to make Dr. M.L.K. Jr's birthday a national holiday!
  2. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    He obviously knows from first hand experience, how effective it may be. Let's say you had it on good authority that our enemies have planted a nuclear bomb somewhere inside the United States, which was set to go off before the end of the day, and kill millions of innocent Americans, and the only person who knew exactly where the bomb was, had been captured, but vowed to the death, he wasn't going to say where it was. Would you use torture to extract that information out of him, in order to save millions of lives, or would you play footsie with him until the blast detonated.
  3. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Somebody has been watching waaaay too much "24."
  4. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    What's 24? Is that military time? I'm not much of a T.V. watcher, but in any case, if you consider life, and death situations, where any number of things can occur, and the extraction of pertinent information is vital, then this is where you should be able to either answer the question to the best of your ability, or continue to reduce your thread to wise cracks, and inuindos. Shall we use 9/11 as an actual scenario?
  5. mwahh

    mwahh New Member

    [/quote]What's 24? Is that military time? I'm not much of a T.V. watcher, but in any case, if you consider life, and death situations, where any number of things can occur, and the extraction of pertinent information is vital, then this is where you should be able to either answer the question to the best of your ability, or continue to reduce your thread to wise cracks, and inuindos. Shall we use 9/11 as an actual scenario?[/quote]

    So you’re confident that your government and judicial system will only 'resort' to torture under the very unlikely (and absurd - hence the 24 crack) scenario that a person is irrefutably the only key to saving millions of people from a terrorist attack? If you accept torture then you’re probably ok with imprisonment without trial and conviction, that the abuse of power is justified if it 'safeguards' the 'majority', even though it means the degradation of a persons basic human rights.

    You probably want to add this picture to your profile;
  6. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    This post is bordering on the absurd now.

    Do you really think your Democratic candidates are looking out for you? I have news for you, it doesn't matter which party they belong to, they could give a rat's ass about the little people, the working class stiffs who keep this country going.

    They're all out for themselves. They're all out for big business (when big business pays them off). Why do you think that all of our wonderful, working for the people Senators, are all millionaires when their salaries are supposed to be, what, like 100K a year? Let me think....oh yeah, maybe taking money from lobbyists of big businesses??? And don't even get me started on the "lifers" like Ted Kennedy.

    Like I've said previously on this board, about the only way we can hope for the politicians to actually work for us, is if we have term limits on all of our elected government officials - not just the Presidency.

    All politicians are out to make money for themselves.
  7. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    The difference is the Democrats make sure a little money falls off their table so I can get some.

    I think it's cynical and lazy not to take a stand and choose your party. "Oh, they're all crooked." Well that's dismissive. Why vote then? Why do anything?
  8. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    You're answering a question, by asking a question.

    Just like another poster has stated, I'm about as confident in our government looking out for me, as I am in gas prices going back down to $1.50 a gal. But can anyone just answer the damn question! Is that really so hard to do? :roll:

    Well, at least you threw in pictures with your question.

  9. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Not the Democrats in Cook County, IL. Thanks to them, our taxes were raised. They're taking money OUT of my pockets. And thanks to our wonderful Democratic governor, I have to give my state money (in the form of an I-PASS) so that I don't have to pay double tolls just to drive into the city, or on any tollway in IL.

    I do declare a party. I'm independent. I choose the candidate that I like, on the issues that matter to me. I have voted for both Republicans and Democrats.
  10. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Oh, and to add one more example: thanks to the Cook County taxes, our gas prices are already almost at $4 a gallon - and that's for 87 octane. Yesterday, I drove past gas stations in the suburbs that advertised 87 octane at $3.93 and $3.95. And it's not even summer yet.

  11. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Welcome to the united states...come on in...
  12. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Yes, but it was a rhetorical question. And just what is your question?

    Bookworm, the democrats at least make an effort to help the less fortunate. Tell me, who keeps cutting the financial aid available for college students? Republicans, not democrats. Who kept lowering the capital gains tax while at the same time shifting the tax burden to the middle class? (And dont even get me started on Ron Paul's insane flat tax.) Republicans.

    And rinnaye, there is not excuse for torture. There are no nuclear bombs hidden in the US. And there is no imminent threat. But at this very moment we are torturing muslims and we are holding them without due process. And thats wrong. No amount of pseudo-security is worth the crimes against humanity that we are currently commiting.

    9/11 was almost seven years ago. Its time WE let it go and stop using it as an excuse to burn the bill of rights and discrimate against muslims.
  13. mwahh

    mwahh New Member

    You're answering a question, by asking a question.
    Just like another poster has stated, I'm about as confident in our government looking out for me, as I am in gas prices going back down to $1.50 a gal. But can anyone just answer the damn question! Is that really so hard to do? :roll:

    Well, at least you threw in pictures with your question.[/quote]

    Oh im sorry, lets go back and revisit your questions...

    [/quote]What's 24? [/quote]

    Its a show on TV.

    [/quote] Is that military time?[/quote] Yes - but i think in this context its referring to a show.

    [/quote] I'm not much of a T.V. watcher, but in any case, if you consider life, and death situations, where any number of things can occur, and the extraction of pertinent information is vital, then this is where you should be able to either answer the question to the best of your ability, or continue to reduce your thread to wise cracks, and inuindos. Shall we use 9/11 as an actual scenario[/quote][/b]?

    Please enlighten me.

    And while im at it - i think geopolitical unrest in the middle east and OPEC have more to do with the cost of oil (currently about $125US a barrel - about 3 or 4 times what it was just a few years ago)....i can see how the torture of foreign people by the US Government would help diffuse the situation and get those gas prices down. The cost of petrol where it is - in my view - is a powerful incentive for society to treat our resources more respectively and efficiently - and rethink our foreign policies.
  14. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Jelly, even though I am a Republican, you are right on the money about McCain. The man is a first class A$$hole that I have personal experience with. As a past chair of the Black Republicans here in Az. I have met with McCain face to face on multiple occaisons. He could not have been more dismissive of the topics we wanted to discuss with him, and it was clear that he did not care to talk with us or in my opinion about issues that affect minorities. He was simply meeting for "appearances sake". Since I knew that he and Senator Trent Lott were good friends, I asked him about the whole Strom Thurmond controversy, and he completely blew me off! He will get my vote when hell freezes over.

    That being said, I have seen enough of local and national politics to know that, in my opinion, there are good and bad people on both sides of the aisle. It is up to us, the people, to hold them accountable, nothing changes until "we the people" change it. It is waaaay to easy for the general public to sit on the sidelines and gripe and moan about corruption, gridlock, special interests, incompetence, ect. Lastly, in my opinion all of the best solutions to social problems come from private sectors, not government programs, so taxes, which is the largest expense we all face in our lifetime, is a crucial issue. The more $ we can keep in our pockets and out of uncle Sam's pocket, the more good we can do for our society.
  15. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Ok Jelly, I'm not saying there is, or isn't, I've heard the reasons for, and I just wanted to hear the reasons against.

    I agree with you about this. It's all a scare tactic imo.

    I don't doubt this may be happening, but do you have an artical, link, or anything I could see to support your statement?

    Yes, that would seem to be an abuse of power, if it is true.

    Speaking of which, here's a very interesting clip regarding 9/11. Could 9/11 have been a conspiracy? This clip may raise a few eye brows.
  16. mwahh

    mwahh New Member

    Guantanamo Bay
  17. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Do you not understand the etiquette of posting in forums?

    It's one thing to throw out names, and make accusations, but it's something completely different to back up any, and all claims with facts, i.e. links, specific articles, etc. If you make a statement, be ready to prove it with verifiable facts, or your statement means shit.
  18. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    I think the words "Guantanamo Bay" speaks volumes and most people understand what goes on there.

    But since you what to see ugly...


  19. rinnaye

    rinnaye New Member

    Those are just photos, it could be anywhere. They don't tell me if that's in GITMO, or the moon. Where is the story behind the photos?
    (Links Please)

    Disturbing yes, Gitmo, ???
  20. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    :smt021 ...

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