Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by z, Nov 14, 2010.

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  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Truthfully this seems to be an appropriate thread for it lol
  2. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    I think that's what I said in my last message, that this really is a discussion of opinions and I'm very much in disagreement that it's DNA driven, or that most men who do it to be "hot" are trying to compensate.

    While I don't need a Venn diagram, I think that I can claim the background for my assertions, having worked out, trained others and hung around with fitness types for more than 20 years.
  3. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Well then you should throw in an occasional FUCK YOU, just to stay on topic. :smt042

    You are the King of fuck you anyway.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Who said anything about compensation? I talked about preparation but what ever. So dudes eating skinless chicken and doing a half hour of abs four days a week do it purely for the fitness? Sure ok whatever. I may not have the experience you do but I do observe people and asserting that most guys workout just for the benefit of working out doesn't fit with our vain look at me look at me culture. Like I said it could be an age thing. Once you've established your life and no longer think of "hunting" as a priority I would imagine it does become more about fitness. Its like giving a 20 year old and a 40 year old 10 million dollars. The kid is more likely to buy pricey look at me items that serve the purpose of the short term where as the mature man would be wiser and get more necessities and think about the future and is past getting a ferrari or mansion to impress people.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Ok. Can I fuck you anyway ;)
  6. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    Precisely, who said anything about compensation???? I never mentioned that at all?? Nope, some do it to be healthy, some do to become "hot" for the opposite sex. I've said that three times now, lol. My point was that those who do it to be "hot" are compensating, that's it.

    As I mentioned it's not age related as I've been training since I was in my 20's, and it never entered the picture to be "hot", because I was a confident guy already. Also, I work out with and train other younger guys, NOT for compensation, because they seek me out because of my knowledge in the gym, and they don't express such thoughts. We certainly discuss these topics casually in the gym and in gathering outside the gym as well.
  7. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

    Fuck All Of You...........

  8. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Hey paniro, fuck you, you ignorant piece of shit! How bout you come over to my side of town and see how easy it is to get away with that shit. You think I'd let you disrespect me like that??? You're a pathetic, sad idiot.

    And to everyone else who can't think of anything more intelligent to say when they disagree with me other than "omg you're fat haha" I hope you choke on your own saliva.

    You're grown ass men, and you act like children?! I'm really glad I know that all men don't act like the shit we attract on this forum, because otherwise I think I would've just shot myself in the face by now from all the stupidity.

    Once again, ain't none of you motherfuckers on here know what I really look like, so come up with something more original, that shit is tired and it makes you look like idiots.

    I am sick to fucking death of this shit. I can't say a goddamn thing without it coming down to me being called fat, and that's absolutely absurd. Come say the shit to my face and see how fast you get CLOCKED.
  9. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    lol...i love you jordie...!!! i don't think anyone could take a thread that's so full of complete awesomeness
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I think we can handle it!! :p

    Jordie, I think you should do the honors, since you thought of it! I would love to periodically show Tarshi how much she is adored here, especially because I can never rep her as much as I want to because of the damn limit! :smt024
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Sep 18, 2011
  12. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Close, but I'm more partial to Shulkie, cause she kicks major ass and looks damn good in an evening gown. Hulk can't do -that-!

  13. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    I agree with the Tarshi thread! Move towards the light people!
  14. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Does that mean we're all moving to Tarshi's arse?
  15. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    there's plenty of room...
  16. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Wow. All of that drama is craziness. I'm glad my crazy ex-friend didn't carry things that far. Thankfully I have the advantage of her crazy ass not living here anymore. It makes it much easier to avoid & ignore her. The hardest part for me was getting over my feelings being hurt by the whole thing. Now that I'm getting past that, it's gotten much easier.

    I've had a few close friendships with women, but I've had more of them with men. Not that male friends are always drama free, but I've never dealt with that level of drama with any of them.

    He's definitely an asshole. It sounds like the fox who couldn't reach those grapes & declared 'em to be sour. People like that suck.

    Way too much most of the time. That's why I keep my distance from so many family members. Of course most of them only come around when they want something anyway. I should've been an only child. ;)
  17. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    FUCK YOU to the kid that stole my son's hoodie today...i am so pissed off...i don't know who i should be more mad at my son for not taking care of his property or the kid that decided to steal it...fucking school hoodie costs 30+ dollars...down the was brand fucking new...i feel like going down to the sandwich shop and looking at the video from today and plastering the kids face all over the school until he coughs up the hoodie:smt011
  18. alexisnow

    alexisnow New Member

    The Fuck You Thread,...........................................

    hi Ms. lipstick,

    that is an excellent idea, and you should do just that. i'm sorry that happened to you. it's not cool to steal when there is always asking.

  19. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    sure and get myself killed...i was venting son goes to an inner city school...

    okay so now that i have you as a captive audience...why so formal in posting? where are you from? is there some sort of language barrier?
  20. alexisnow

    alexisnow New Member

    The Fuck You Thread,...........................................

    Ms. lipstick,

    oh venting ok i understand, and am sorry if i sounded like one that was telling you what to do cause i wasn't trying to be like that please maam.

    formal posting too, i did not realize i was this way maam. in my learning of writing i think is why i write the ways i do maam. is the only way i am knowing. i live here in Miami Beach since i was a little girl, and i live also in Fortaleza, Brazil too.

    i was born in Russia near Moscow, my mom is Russian lady, my Grandmother is Russian lady also. my first daddy i never knew him because he was kept over there during revolution when i was born maam. i have seen the picture of him. my new daddy died in the plane accident in Brazil when i was six years old.

    of the language barrier maam, i was not knowing i presented one of those to you or anyone here. i am sorry please about this, k? i am embarrassed of this alot now. are my words bad maam? thank you for your help so much too,

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