Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by z, Nov 14, 2010.

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  1. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    It was great advice, & I'm sure it would work with someone normal.

    I'd never seen anything like that from her before. I guess the fact that I get along with him so well & can actually carry on a conversation with him (unlike the frat boy types she usually dates who can't) is too much for her to handle. I don't really know, & at this point I don't want to know what's in her warped mind. I'm thankful my mind doesn't work that way. The whole thing was definitely a shocker.
  2. ConcernedConsumer

    ConcernedConsumer New Member

    A word for Ann Coulter - didn't she date Jimmy Walker?

    Also, she was really into the old spice guy once on Red Eye. I think she's kind of into black men.
  3. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    FUCK YOU to the magpie that felt the need to rip my scalp open this afternoon as I was leaving class. You're gonna die next time you come near me, you bastard.
  4. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

    Is your head ok?
    I fucking hate them, they are so vicious.
  5. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    OW! Sin are you ok?? I love magpies, but they are viscous little critters when aroused. I'm sorry!
  6. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    Mama - Yeah, my head is ok, but it's scratched up and has a couple of puncture wounds in it, that bled a LOT, but it's nothing serious. I'll live, I'm just a little sore (probably have small bruise there too, by the feel of it). It hit me with it's claws so damn hard, I didn't even realise it had happened until a few moments after. It was nasty, it even followed me all the way to the bus stop at the university I was at. :eek:

    Trixie - I have a love-hate relationship with them. I've had pet ones in the past and I do love them and their song, but when spring comes around I start to HATE the buggers. :smt043
  7. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I had a vaguely similar situation with an ex friend and roommate. She started acting crazy after we moved in with her because she felt that my other female roommate (who I'm still friends with) were "leaving her out", and she got insanely jealous any time the two of us would even talk. She went fucking nuts, and started spreading rumors around school and work about both of us...some of the things she said were so fucking stupid. When we tried to confront her about these things (and the other shit she was pulling at home, like not cleaning ANYTHING) she just started crying and acting stupid, and refused to see anything from our perspective...we tried to explain to her that we weren't purposely ignoring her, we just had school and jobs and boyfriends and that it was just good timing that we even saw each other at all...but no, in her eyes we rejected her as a friend, so it substantiated her saying all that crazy shit and acting like we were monsters. She seriously tried to destroy our friendships not just with her but with other people, because she had to be right so badly that she would lie to mutual friends so they'd take her side...

    It's been about a year now since the crazy bitch went so far as to threaten to sue me (yes, me personally, not anyone else) for fucking slander...lmfao It was laughable, and I even laughed at it then, but it was really frustrating all the same. Especially when I pointed out to her that she was the only one lying...well, apparently she's still trying to talk shit. She even told an ex boss of hers (for her internship) that the reason she moved out was not because of all of this drama, but because me and the other roommate had BOTH slept with her boyfriend...

    The boyfriend she didn't HAVE at the time...

    She told this to her BOSS...and she wonders why she didn't get hired after the internship?

    It probably also pisses her off more because the other roommate? She -did- get hired with that company. :D

    Apparently she also told the boss that she got gangbanged on the beach with like 5 guys and thought that'd help her chances of being hired. lol

    The girl is psycho...we hadn't been friends 8 years, but it was about 3, and it still blindsided everyone.

    She's the one who left her room looking like shit and I posted photos on my facebook of how nasty the room was when she left it. I got tired of everyone emailing me asking me why I was soooo heartless and cruel to this psychotic bitch over the things she'd been telling people I'd done to know, the ones that never happened.

    I stopped getting emails when I posted the photos. Funny that...

    It's girls like her (and the one you mentioned) that makes it hard for me to have friendships with women. There are a few gems out there, and I've had a few great friendships with girls, but over all I've always gotten along better with guys. I've never had a guy pull that kind of shit, but I've had many, many chick friends who've done similar things over the stupidest shit.
  8. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    OMG, as a city guy I've never seen such things. I thought bird attacks only happened in Alfred Hitchcock movies. I'm happy to hear you're OK.
  9. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    I wish they only happened in Alfred Hitchcock movies. In spring time, the magpies are nesting and breeding and they get very territorial and aggressive. Usually they don't actually wound people, but some get highly stressed because they're nesting in high traffic areas and start to actually make contact. This one really needs to be removed, but that's unlikely to happen.
  10. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    argh...i hate magpie mating season...!!! i've actually got a huge fear of magpies from being swooped so often as a child. this time of year i walk around with a stick in hand as i've found that it deters them when i hold it over my head (i end up looking like a dick though).
  11. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I rarely do the fuck you thing, but... Fuck You to the asshole Avionics instructor at work that told my 19 yo daughter that she was strikingly beautiful and to enjoy it now because in 12 years her beauty will be gone, so she should milk it while she can.

    WTF is wrong with people?

  12. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    What an asshole! That could be interpreted as gender-based harassment. Let me guess, it was some guy who can't get laid who said it.

    Yeah at 31, she'll be an ancient crone. SMDH
  13. Espy

    Espy New Member

    This is a nearly 40 yo man, you'd think he'd know better. She took it better than I would have, I'd have called him out on that shit, but she just smiled and let it go. I think I find it particularly irritating because she is the sweetest person I've ever known, and such rudeness is simply uncalled for.
  14. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Yeah, that right there is harassment. He had no business saying anything like that in a professional setting. My guess is he is attracted to her, and knows he'd get nowhere. That kind of crap usually comes out of the mouths of men who are afraid some women is having sex, and they aren't the guy she's having it with. Loser.

    Good for your daughter for keeping her cool. I'd have hit back with some sarcastic snarky remark, myself. But then I'm an old broad, used to putting losers in their place ;-)
  15. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    Good gods. What an arsehole!
  16. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Treepixie is right, I see it also as the first step to sexual harassment, especially because of the context...(enjoy and milk it..). Definitly something that has to be observed, I wouldn't wonder, if he is going on with more pressure in future
  17. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

    Espy that's rubbish!!! What a wanker.
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Why would a stranger say that to someone. That must of been some desperate attempt to find something to say to a pretty girl I guess.

    But...... there is some truth to the statement. :runs and hide: lol

    Truthfully around her age is probably the best time to milk beauty. This would has a major youth obsession. That's why a woman of certain age can never be beautiful, she's beautiful for her age like its not expected to be desirable after your late 20s, which can be false but I do see a trend where after a certain age women and most men too give up competing so then don't tend to try as hard with physical beauty. Couple that with gravity and other age related factors its a recipe for your average person in their 30s and 40s not being as hot as they once were in their 20s and teens.
    SOME NOT ALL(we always need that disclaimer on here lol)
  19. swirlman07

    swirlman07 Well-Known Member

    Thank you Dad and Mom for your genes. I'm glad that I'm not average.
  20. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    lippy rarely does this...but now is appropriate CO-SIGN!

    like fine wine...lippy is aging gracefully with nothing more than over the counter skincare...i do have botox and laser on my mind...nothing drastic

    yesterday i made a dreaded trip to the my number and realized that i was going to be there for a minimum of 2 hours waiting...i sat down and this cute little hispanic boy comes over to me and hands me number 118...he says my dad told me to give this to you...the board at that time said serving number 114...SCORE...the dad was pretty cute too...i bought the little boy a soda and thanked his in 10 minutes
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