Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by z, Nov 14, 2010.

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  1. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I've thought about that, but there's no talking to her at this point because she's not receptive to it. Even saying 'hello' to her has her acting like an ass right now. That's why I'm keeping my distance.

    The other friend I mentioned agreed that giving her space is a good idea, & he said if she comes to me asking 'why all the space?', to use that as the opportunity to tell her why & to tell her I'm not dealing with that mess if she wants to continue the friendship.

    He's going to be in town on Thursday, & he usually stops by my store to say hello. I think I'll use that as an opportunity to try Saty's suggestion & encourage him to ask her out.
  2. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Not sure today was worth chewing through the restraints.

    Fuck everything.
  3. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    A big FUCK YOU to the U.S. Government for giving billions upon billions of dollars to countries like Pakistan and cutting Education budgets in their own fucking country. WTF??

    FUCK YOU to the school district that doubled the price of milk for the year for my little one. Thank GOD I only have 1 child in this school. Actually, it's good that I only have one child at all, with how expensive everything is.

    FUCK YOU to everything that seems to be coming up for me in the next 3 weeks. Seriously, why is everything happening in the next 3 weeks? I have to dish out so much money for bills (all but one bill is due for me between this Friday and 2 weeks from Friday when I get paid again) and added expenses this week for: my sister's birthday (can't help that), a wedding, my daughter's milk and hot lunch and pizza Fridays meals, co-pay for a doctor, etc.

    When will it end? Oh wait, in 3 weeks. Then I will have money again. :smt085
  4. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    Hang in there Bookie! Sending you a cyber hug
  5. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

    I hear you Bookie, it ALL comes at once doesnt it.

  6. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Thank you, Nilla! I felt it all the way here. :-D

    Thanks, LB. Yes, it does seem to all come at once. Sucks.

    But, I just have to buckle down and it'll be fine. I have to keep the fun things down to a minimum!
  7. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    bookworm, that sucks. I know how u feel, I hate living from paycheck to paycheck. Just gimme a few years, me and nate will get our own studio and you can write some scripts for us and we can all get super famous together lol
  8. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Sorry things are pouring down on you bookie. :(
  9. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    Yeah I feel ya on that one. Its definitely backwards smdh
  10. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    It's not much help, I know, but today I read about an educator who is, in my mind, a real hero for doing this:

    School Superintendent Gives Up 800K in Pay

    FRESNO, Calif. (AP) — Some people give back to their community. Then there's Fresno County School Superintendent Larry Powell, who's really giving back. As in $800,000 — what would have been his compensation for the next three years.
    Until his term expires in 2015, Powell will run 325 schools and 35 school districts with 195,000 students, all for less than a starting California teacher earns.
    "How much do we need to keep accumulating?" asks Powell, 63. "There's no reason for me to keep stockpiling money."
    Powell's generosity is more than just a gesture in a region with some of the nation's highest rates of unemployment. As he prepares for retirement, he wants to ensure that his pet projects survive California budget cuts. And the man who started his career as a high school civics teacher, who has made anti-bullying his mission, hopes his act of generosity will help restore faith in the government he once taught students to respect.
    "A part of me has chaffed at what they did in Bell," Powell said, recalling the corrupt Southern California city officials who secretly boosted their salaries by hundreds of thousands of dollars. "It's hard to believe that someone in the public trust would do that to the public. My wife and I asked ourselves 'What can we do that might restore confidence in government?'"
    Powell's answer? Ask his board to allow him to return $288,241 in salary and benefits for the next three and a half years of his term. He technically retired, then agreed to be hired back to work for $31,000 a year — $10,000 less than a first-year teacher — and with no benefits.
    "I thought it was so very generous on his part," said school board member Sally Tannenbaum. "We get to keep him, but at a much lower rate."
    His move was so low-key, his manner so unassuming, that it took four days after the school board meeting for word of his act to get out to the community. There were no press releases or self-congratulatory pats on the back.
    "Things like this are what America is all about," said friend Alan Autry, Fresno's former celebrity mayor who played Capt. Bubba Skinner on the TV series "In the Heat of The Night."
    "America is as much about overcoming obstacles in difficult times as it is opulence," Autry said. "This reminds me of the great sacrifices made throughout our history, especially the Great Depression."
    No one has been more surprised about the positive reaction than Powell, a lifelong educator who didn't realize that what he did was newsworthy. He chuckles at his desk when yet another e-mail arrives from a colleague blown away by his generosity. Two days after word got out he had received 200 messages on his Facebook page.
    "When you make good choices, good things happen to you," said Powell, who tends to talk in the kind of uplifting phrases that also make him a sought-after motivational speaker.
    He even sees as an asset his childhood contraction of polio, which left him with a limp and a brace, and now a lingering post-polio syndrome.
    "It's the most spectacular thing that has happened to me in all my life," he said. "People stepped up to help me be successful."
    Powell might credit others, but others say Powell's drive always has come from within. Despite the right leg brace and experimental operations to stop the growth of his healthy leg, he became a champion high school wrestler in Fresno and set a record for one of the most dreaded of all gym class drills — the 20-foot rope climb, which he completed in 1.8 seconds. Today he carries a six handicap in golf.
    After moving into school administration he became deputy superintendent, and was appointed to his current job before running for the office in 2006.
    The ordained Baptist minister, who serves on the board of a national anti-bullying group that sprang from the Columbine shootings, is so popular he even counts among his friends his contract bargaining nemesis, the former head of the employees' union.
    "For a leader to step up to help the budget is phenomenal," said Mike Lepore. "It gives you hope. It gives you the feeling that everything is being done to try to make education work. It's Larry. It really is."
    Powell will still earn a six-figure retirement, especially hefty by the standards of California's farming heartland. But because his salary comes out of the district's discretionary budget, for the next three years he'll be able to steer the money he is giving up where he wants: to programs for kindergarten and preschool, the arts and a pet project that steers B and C students into college by teaching them how to take notes and develop strategy skills.
    "Our goal has never been to have things," Powell said of himself and his wife, Dot. "We want to give back."
  11. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    This ^^ is the one that REAAALLLLY pisses me off. [​IMG]
  12. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Thanks DH! That sounds like a great plan to me. :smt023

    Thanks Jordan. I appreciate the sentiment.


    That is an awesome story! Thanks for sharing that. If only more people could do that sort of thing. Every little bit helps.

    Yep. But unfortunately not enough people are pissed off about it because it keeps on happening, and the middle class keep bearing the load of the budget cuts and people just keep going along with it whilst their heads are stuck in the sand.
  13. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    If a Chinese was here i am sure he would be saying fuck you to his government for buy US bonds and treasury bills in trillions of $$ :cool:
  14. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    FUCK YOU to the mechanic who took two and half fucking WEEKS to do a basic service on the car. You fucking asshole. I hope you go broke and can't feed yourself and die. I fucking hate you.
  15. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

    Sin Mari that is beyond unacceptable!

    My fuck you is to the people who keep complaining and whining about everything all the time. The constant 'woe is me' that runs between the lines of the complaining is boring and tedious and, well, pathetic. Build a fucking bridge, get a fucking life and move on. Geeez.
  16. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    Oh, I hate that too. They spend so much time complaining and whining, that life passes them by....which gives them more to whine about.
  17. LittleBird

    LittleBird New Member

    SO TRUE!!!
  18. mama

    mama Well-Known Member

    Fuck you men. That is all.
  19. RhindaTx42

    RhindaTx42 New Member


    Public Information Officers. Why don't some of them do their jobs, instead of citizens finding out necessary info on our own? We pass that on via our social sites and end up doing their jobs for them. In this day of people really needing jobs, why don't these screws do theirs. I've no tolerance for people lounging their asses, while the customer waits and waits in line for them to get off their high freaking horses and do their jobs. You know: check my goods out, customer service and other areas that go bump in the night. :-x
  20. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member


    I had decided to use Saty's suggestion & encourage this friend to ask my other so-called friend out, so she'd stop acting like a psycho-bitch. When he stopped by my job on his way through town, I told him I wanted to talk to him about something, & he said he needed to talk to me as well...I let him go first.

    He proceeds to tell me that he was told something about me by her that had him concerned. She told him I had feelings for him, & he said he was surprised to hear that & he didn't want to hurt my feelings (he was obviously being sincere), but he thought we should not try to be more than friends. I started laughing like a crazy person, which confused the hell out of him. IMO, she was fishing when she told him that crap just to see what he would say.

    He asked what was so funny, so I told him that I don't know where she got that idea, but what I wanted to talk to him about was his interest in her & that I was going to suggest he ask her out. He said that the situation was confusing because in light of what she told him & her weird behavior, he thought he'd initially misread her signals. He was happy to hear that she's interested & that maybe her behavior came from thinking I liked him so it was her frustration coming out. I didn't say a word about my take on the whole thing (he had no idea how bad it had gotten). I didn't want to interfere with something that could possibly be good for both of them.

    I felt much better about the situation after our conversation, & was hoping that his asking her out would, as Saty put it, help her "get over herself".

    A couple of days after the convo, I got an email from her. Although I'd been keeping my distance & not communicating with her, I decided to read the email to see if she mentioned him asking her out. Evidently, she didn't get over herself at all; it read:

    "Fuck you bitch! I knew he liked me better than you! Now you can stop chase him or even talk to him. Fucking bitch!"

    All I could think was WTF? After an 8 year friendship & no serious issues between us, she's turned into a psycho who behaves like she's in the 5th grade wanting to fight over a boy on the playground. All she left out was 'ha ha' & an emoticon sticking it's tongue out at me. I guess just because I've never seen this side of her before the last few months doesn't mean that it isn't her true self coming out. The sad thing is, with this being her jacked up state of mind, I think she'll screw things up with him, because he's not the type of person who tolerates that mess. It's sad.

    Of course I was upset about all the drama, but now I feel relieved. She evidently wasn't a real friend to begin with.

    To keep the thread on track...FUCK THAT CRAZY BITCH.
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