the fear of the Black Man ...blackmalephobia??..

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by BlackMasterJay, Jan 4, 2008.

  1. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Dude.......short people are taking over the world!!!!!!!!!!!!


    ** Lucifer, a molecularly-dense BM, is attempting to blend in at a professional soiree**

    Damnit! The tall WW/lawyer saw me!
  3. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    And was instantly charmed...again!


    And the snipers can't hit us!
  5. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    One question for ladies though.......I have more success with girls that are my size or even a little bit taller......girls that are barely '5-0" would rather date someone a foot and a half taller......that makes no sense....I would think a '5-6" girl would be harder for me to get than a '5-0" girl but that's not the case.......why do y'all think?



    Was that a pinch she felt on her ass?
  7. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    *ww/lawyer debates slapping molecularly-dense bm, or buying him a drink...*


    ** Lucifer thinks to self...she cannot see me...she cannot see me...her mind is clouded...I'm invisible...a short BM....**


    ** ...and no one notices...**
  9. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    That'll be $50 for that slap...I don't put out for free you know!! :twisted:


    ** She's still talking...she'll go away...just do not move...stay unmoving...mustn't make her scream for the $$$**
  11. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Hmmmmpf, you can play dark and mysterious now...I'll just bill you. Watch your mail. I take visa, mastercard and will barter in back rubs. Good day to you, sir...I said good day!!


    **She's gone. Thank Jah. How the fuck will I make those bills disappear?**
  13. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Well, I fully expected to be naija-mind tricked, but if you can't pull it off, maybe you should go to med school or something! :lol:
  14. ladeda

    ladeda New Member

    Hi, long time listener, long time caller.
    I was going to reply, but then I thought about it some.
    I know the negative interaction you are describing. I would go a step farther and point out the split second face that some people have. In one second a persons face can go from calm to twisted depicting an amalgalm of fear and contempt. It will usually disappear as quickly as it appeared.

    I've taken many stances to how to deal with and explain this. I do not let it get me down, and I am one to keep my eyes level, shoulders straight and back aligned when I walk, so most of the time I am able to look at people right into their eyes. But, I find that I would rather look through people than at them. Why do I do this? For one, the negative look is a constant but the bigger picture/idea is that adulthood wears on many many people. I would wager that most adults are unhappy and afraid people. Most of the time(I speculate) what we see when we look at people is a mixture of pain, fear, discomfort, anger because they are locked in some introspective hell.
    I think you can drive yourself very very mad if you pay attention. We want to see what we want to see. But, I do not deny that a racist attitude is within the people I am addressing. How can you ever be so sure that the negative look you see is what it really is?

    It's a split. Part of me wholly believes that black people are constantly depicted in negative fashion in mainstream media. However, I also think that we have a disproportionate amount of poor blacks to non poor blacks. I also think in our "modern"(re: contemporary) world many people rely on media sources to create identity. So, what happens is this: You have whites that believe that they are the norm(ie, the rule for which all things must be measured) and a created conflict where an awareness of America's history with blacks clashes with negative stereotypes propagated in media sources and real life. What I'm really trying to say is this; I think a fair amount of white America believes what it is shown on television, although this represents a fraction of the reality of black America, unfortunately black people do not have the freedom to exists as "individuals" apart from the dealings of others. So, You are are You at the mall, an elevator, a library but they do not see You(notice the emphasis on You to underscore the individual) they only see you, the representative of all images.

    It's simple semiotics. Semiotics, or the study of symbols and signs could provide a lot of insight into this.


    Mainstream media sources affect blacks in that impoverished(poor) and non have a fabricated sense of "blackness". This sense of "blackness" makes it possible to have someone like Cam'ron talk about his attitude towards snitching(alerting the police to specific criminal activity if you are a witness) without anybody batting an eye while many get upset about the comments of Bill Cosby. This sense of "blackness" also make it possible for a white or black person to make overt/ignorant statements about the authentic "blackness" of a succesful African American. (re: Condi, Wayne Brady, Colin, etc)
    What I'm plainly trying to say is this: We have lost absolute control over the black image(not to say that we ever really did in the first place), what we have now are charactures of people. Simple sketches, created to deliver reduced tidbits of humanity. This is not just limited to black America, this is a wide problem for all. I do not deny the situation in America, but I honestly feel that the images we see are actual negative cultural artifacts, cultural junk. Like McDonalds, or KFC these negative images present a narrow view of reality.

    Analogy: A friend once told me: "In Philly, in the 80's you would see cats on the block day and night, but for the most part they cared about the block. One in a group if they were at a house would always have a broom present. They would sweep up if things got dirty. Now you dont see it anymore, if it gets dirty, it stays dirty. Cats these days dont care about much"

    I dont mean to be a zealous media hater, but I think it has power. I think for the original poster, a bit of reading should be in order.

    I recommend reading the book "BLINK" it will perhaps provide a different outlook to things.

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