the fear of the Black Man ...blackmalephobia??..

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by BlackMasterJay, Jan 4, 2008.

  1. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    I believe while most young black guys will agree with me here, i want to hear the opinions of white women in this.....and what you think of the fact that young black males, regardless as to how good(or bad) looking we are, will always receive the "fright at first sight" type reaction from you guys. You could be an unattractive white man, or asian ,or east indian and nobody will care-let alone give you a reaction remotely similar to the shit we go through. And people think we should maintain a smile and think everything is cool??...What ive observed is that most asian men, while being some what articulate and mathematically gifted, hardly ever get any type of response from women. A good looking asian guy will at best get a second look, but I doubt a woman would consider him as a "bangable material" but that’s just me… And an unattractive asian guy will just get ignored to the point of being a non entity. And thats not reclusive to asian men...because similar shit happens to Indian guys, and some white guys... But try for a day or two to be a good-looking(or bad looking) young black man and watch as how ppl literally go out of their way to confirm how much/or little they like you.

    I live in Toronto, one of the most interracial capitals out there, and I see that shit so frequently that ive become immune to it. Its not that I give a fuck or anything, but when you see people literally jump side walks at the sight of young black males(and only black males), you begin to contemplate whether you are truly seen as a human being after all. Its like we cant do anything right in this society. Damned if you do, and fucked if you don’t type deal as they dispise you if you make money, and hate you if you dont. loath you if you look good, and hate you if you dont

    Its funny cuz you may be walking thru the mall, and a group of white dudes will give you the "fear the black man" type reaction(as if you are the grinch that stole christmass…lol)…but then as you walk further down the hall a group of young sexie broads start checking you out like no other

    it aint easy being young ,black, and not giving a fuck
  2. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    The greatness of O-Dogg and Caine (Menace II Society).

    Maybe because its where I live, but I don't get many responses at all positive or negative. If I wanted to be a spy, I'm sure that I'd be awfully successful. If I was big and physically imposing, more people would probably notice what I was doing/not doing.

    I think the "fright at first sight" look is more common amongst older people and declines gradually with each younger generation. Obviously if I walked down the street and acted a certain way...people...even black folks would turn the other way.

    Random day (I'm walking down the street looking for some friends when I see this.....pure dramatization.....)

    1st dude: Who the fuck you is nigga?

    Other dude: Don't worry 'bout me cuz

    1st dude: Ain't no cuz in this hood nigga....we bloodz

    Other dude: fuck you and yo set talkin to a cuz

    1st dude: naw nigga its all 'bout dem Piru bitch

    Other dude: fuck Piru blood nigga...I oughta stomp yo ass out right now

    1st dude: you shoulda did it last night after I fucked yo' mama and sister

    Other dude: %*#@@!

    Most BM don't act this way however between MTV, BET and the images in the media...we are treated as if we are all the same.

    Of course we all are guilty to some extent of painting people with a broad brush....anyhoo....
  3. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    I know the bm I used to date felt the same way. He told me the first impression of a bm sets off a 'rape' warning in everyone's head. I would disagree. My first impression of him was light years away from fear.

    This group of ww is probably going to be biased since we are all here specifically b/c of our attraction/appreciation for bm - so yeah, we are going to notice you. I would probably notice you 10x faster than I would an asian man b/c I'm not particularly attracted to asian men.

    Obviously it's been stated on this board many times the negative depiction in the media of bm. The average person growing up watching TV is exposed to so many more images of a bm as a thief, rapist, drug dealer, etc...than the bm as educated, successful, peaceful. Sadly, part of an unwarranted negative reaction lies there.
  4. graphicsRat

    graphicsRat New Member

    Great thread BlackMasterJay. I know just what you mean. I often stay at the office til late and then walk home, and occasionally I walk past a WW, and I imagine how she must be scared of the 6' 1'' 230lb BM, walking toward her, so I consciously keep to one side of the pavement just to assure her -- "don't worry I'm not going to jump on you"
  5. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Not to be rude, but is it just your imagination? Maybe she's fantasizing at that moment you would stop and ask her out.

    That's what I would have been thinking! :wink:
  6. graphicsRat

    graphicsRat New Member

    At 2:30am on a deserted street? ... LOL :D
  7. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Well, my fantasy would probably come in second to some trepidation...though an encounter like that with any man at 2:30 am would set off warning bells in my head just out of common sense. That's not to say you aren't terrifying! :wink:
  8. dossou

    dossou Member

    Guys and to the women there ,listen to :arrow: Kanon in D of Pachelbel .You can watch this on :arrow: youtube It will heal ..our wounds and pains...That's the reply I can share
    O divine Music
  9. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    I was talking about this with someone yesterday (a BM!) when we got in a conversation about teenage gangs in London who keep shooting each other. Back when I lived in a bad area of Hackney, there were loads of gangs of young black men (and I mean YOUNG - 15 or 17 years old) wandering around with their pants round their knees, hoods up, baseball cap, know what I mean. They were thugs. They would be standing at the bus stop night after night until the early morning, and I didn't really like walking around when I saw that they were nearby, because there were constant stories of robberies, stabbings and so on. But I feel awful that I still get jumpy when I see a couple of young black men walking around dressed like that...especially since the same guys are my clients now!! - but it does make me nervous...
  10. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    I agree with Fnny on this. Obviously the input from those on this board is going to be skewed. I'm attracted to black men so I'm going to look at them differently than someone who has whatever racial issues they may have.

    To answer the OP (since you asked for input by WW) I don't have the first response of fear when seeing a young black man automatically. I tend to smile.

    I think it more depends on how people are behaving and the attitude that is being expressed. And that's across the board - black, white, whatever. I tend to notice whoever is around and stay aware, but that has nothing to do with black vs anyone else. Anyone who's thugged out, loud, obnoxious, whatever (and often here they would be more likely to be Mexican or Asian actually) I'm going to be more cautious of.

    BTW - I have several friends who are only interested in Asian men. So you just never know.

    At 2:30 in the morning I'm not going to be walking somewhere on the street, and if I was...I'd be very watchful of anyone out there.
  11. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    I think every bm here has experienced some of this at some point in time of his life. Since I'm not real big (5'8"), I've likely have had less of a problem than the larger guys here. The most blatant form of profiling I've experienced was when my dad and I were pulled over by the cops just because they were looking for two black guys who'd robbed a car wash in town. My dad had a hard time keeping his cool; thankfully they let us go.
  12. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Just to be clear - I'm not saying AT ALL that jay doesn't have a valid point, I'm just saying that the women on this forum aren't the prime group to validate it.

    I would say my 'fear' of a[ny] guy would depend mostly on how he is dressed. A well dressed man is not going to bother me. A well dressed bm probably will get stares from me (or at least lots of covert glances), but not from fear and astonishment. :wink:
  13. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    You're right fsp.....society as a whole can give us bm a lot of crap. Here, we just get smothered by the lovin' we get from the ladies! :D
  14. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    That kind of s**t makes me so fkn angry.


    Lucifer + 28 bicep/arm tats (of AMINO ACIDS) in the OR = Cataclysm!

    Who let the "thug" into med school?
  16. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Jeez, next thing you know Northwestern will be compromised... :lol:
  17. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Well.. as much as I hate to admit it. Yes, I have experienced the "shock factor" some people have when they see a 6'1'' BM walk into a room. Maybe it's my height. Maybe it's cause I'm the only black guy in the room. Who knows. I honestly don't mind it anymore. It's a waste of time. I have much more important stuff to concern myself with.

    I realized long ago that being a black man comes with some side effects.

    Ah well.

    It's only been 50+ years since segregation in the US so it should be of no suprise to anyone. :D
  18. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    As a "mini-me" brotha ( '5-7") I don't get much of the shock...more like the...."Oh I'm sorry....didn't see you there"..... :evil:

    What's worse....everyone being afraid of you.....or people not noticing you much.......incidentally I know know why small brothas are usually the best s**t talkers and loudmouths.....we have to be...... :p


    Shiiiit! I'm 5'5", a "molecularly-dense" brotha, but I don't talk a lot...and since the people don't notice me...I'm the scary, quiet, ninja brotha in the corner (if u see me) who looks like he's planning some ish... Hell, I could grab some chick's ass and she wouldn't know I did it! :lol:
  20. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    B/c while you are brooding, your eye brow is raised in that distinctive manner...that's why you look like you are scheming!!

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