The Doctor Who/Torchwood Thread

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Ra, Jul 16, 2011.

  1. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Question: Since River effectively gave the Doctor all of her remaining regenerations does that mean she has extended his regeneration cycle past the normal regeneration limit? This could be how they get around the 12 regeneration limit they set up for the Time Lords if a new Doctor is cast beyond the official final regeneration.
  2. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    They didn't come out and say that. Of course they haven't come out since the return of Who and said that is a hard limit, so I always figured they'd have to fudge the canon some way or another. Maybe this is how they're doing it.

    I still think they should have cast David Morrissey as the 11th Doctor anyway.
  3. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Indeed they haven't said much about what's still what since the show was revived. You have that whole off camera time frame of adventures involving Paul McGann's incarnation of the Doctor who obviously would have been the incarnation that participated in the Time War when it kicked off. The events of exactly what did go down exactly during the war have wisely not been revealed and can also be a spring board for a lot of unanswered Time Lord related issues. Take the Master for example. After being destroyed in the only onscreen McGann Doctor adventure he was resurrected with full regenerations restored during that time to help fight the Daleks. And we still don't know if the McGann incarnation came to an end during the Time War itself or shortly after, with the Doctor's timelocking & "destroying" them and by whatever means he used, that allowed him to escape but only by way of regenerating into the Eccleston incarnation.

    Yes it's a shame that David Morrissey turned out to not be an actual Doctor in the adventure he guest starred in and indeed would have been interesting had he became the new incarnation. It would have actually been the first time that a current on camera incarnation of the Doctor met one of his future incarnations, since he's met past incarnations on various occasions.
  4. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    The only hint we got that Eccleston had recently regenerated was his comment about his ears when he looked in a mirror in "Rose." I'd sort of assume he'd maybe regenerated at the end of the Time War.

    I know that at least before "The Next Doctor" was cast there was discussion about David Morrissey playing the 11th Doctor, and I think he would have been brilliant, and some how a more logical follow up than Matt Smith to Tennant's doctor. Morrissey has been good in everything I've seen him in (Blackpool is a don't miss, he and Tennant play "enemies" and are hilarious together). But I guess Moffat wanted to go in another direction with the Doctor.

    Smith's Doctor is much more alien and quirky, but not nearly as deep emotionally I think, as Morrissey would have been.
  5. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    I think they went with Matt Smith because they seem to be promoting his incarnation as "The Official Doctor For the 21st Century". Both Eccleston & Tennant's versions could be looked at as the "bridge" Doctors between the original run & the resurrected run. The whole revamp of the opening title sequence, casting a younger Doctor whose personality is a bit more alien and the recent Who specials focused mainly on Smith's Doctor seem to bare this out.
  6. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    One episode left for Miracle Day. Finally we learn what the Blessing is. I knew it would be some sort of life form (not saying it's alien just in case it's revealed to be something that's been part of/from the earth all along) but figured it would be a race of beings. Should be an interesting finale.
  7. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    I can't wait! I'm a little surprised that Gwen didn't get arrested for hiding her dad. Such good writing, I even tolerated Jilly, who usually gets on my last nerve.
    I have no idea what The Blessing actually is, my son asked "Maybe it's the crack of Jack's ass?"
  8. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    No sense in arresting someone if they are going to be paying a price by losing a loved one in a giant crematorium.

    Yeah, just waiting to find out exactly what the Blessing is especially since it stretches from one side of the world to the other like it's been suggested.
  9. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    I know half the world disagrees with me, but I was glad to see more Rhys this episode as well.

    I couldnt figure out what all the little stuff was flying around the crack.
  10. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    If Torchwood ever goes back to having a secure HQ/base of operation I think it would be an interesting twist if Rhys became the "housekeeper" for the HQ sort of like Ianto was when the series started prior to him becoming a fullon operative. Seeing as how Gwen's family have become targets due to some of the cases what better way to safeguard her husband & child as well as spend some quality time in between missions? Just a thought.

    I guess we will be learning exactly what the flying stuff is.
  11. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Sounds good, Rhys really stepped up in CoE and proved himself quite capable. He's a good man.
  12. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    I've been rewatching Miracle Day today. One of the things I noticed is that in the past seasons, Jack's sort of left me cold. He's certainly a handsome man, but I never thought of him as remotely sexy. Miracle Day is different. I finally got what so many of my women friends and gay male friends were saying about him.
  13. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    My cable service here in NY just recently added BBC America HD, so I am slowly starting to pay attention to some of the Dr. Who episodes. Very interesting indeed.
  14. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Cool, do you know which Doctor you're seeing?
  15. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL, I just started following it, I happend to be channel surfing and voila a new high def channel, thought hey this looks interesting, paused and saw I was watching an episode of Dr. Who that was on at that time.

    I don't even know the characters as yet though. :)
  16. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    No one will care about this but me, but I enjoyed it. On Wednesdays, I indulge in objectifying men on my FB page to the delight of my female (and a few gay male) friends.

    Since Torchwood ends this week, today I posted "The Blessing: The Men of Torchwood" complete with pictures of John Barrowman, Mehki Phifer, Kai Owen and Daniele Favilli (who played Angelo).

    I'm thinking I need to start doing more theme weeks, but I can't do a Doctor Who theme because I have a Whovian friend who has long been involved in the world of Who and knows many of the production people and actors - every time I mention Doctor Who she posts a picture of a shirtless Colin Baker that looks like a 1970s porn shot. I need to scrub my eyeballs with bleach when she does that.
  17. qnet

    qnet New Member

    I can't wait until Miracle day comes to Netflix.
  18. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    It's absolutely wonderful. It's been the highlight of television all summer, and I'll be sad to see it end tomorrow night.
  19. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member


    Holy fucking shit!!!!!​
  20. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member


    Didn't see that particular ending coming.

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