The Doctor Who/Torchwood Thread

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Ra, Jul 16, 2011.

  1. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    And I guess that's my problem with Matt Smith. He's quite alien, and I'm sorta used to him, but he does not have the depth or the acting chops that David Tennant has (well, seriously, having seen a lot of his other work, damned few actors have his range).

    I think Christopher Eccleston could have made 9 quite dark - he's capable of that and didn't always seem terribly fond of humans. I think Tennant could have gone darker if the material had called for it - after all, his clone was capable of genocide.
  2. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

  3. samwilson75

    samwilson75 Active Member

    Writers were going to explore that question with the 7th Doctor before the classic series went off the air. If anyone ever saw the "Remembrance of the Daleks", the 7th Doctor was referring to early Time Lord history, and he let slip the word "we" as if he was actually present during the events he was describing. The 7th Doctor also referred to himself as being "more than just a Time Lord". Perhaps that is also where the 10th Doctor went a little nuts and called himself the "Time Lord Victorious" during "Water of Mars".

    In the original onscreen Time Lord mythology, it was three Time Lords that founded their society. They were Rassilon, Omega (I miss that lunatic), and someone known only as "The Other". The Other was some early incarnation of the Doctor (not Hartnell). The Other was also the actual grandfather of Susan.

    I really liked the season finale. Like last year's finale, they filled in all the gaps from previous stories, even the first meeting between River & the 10th Doctor.

    I wonder the fall of the 11th will entail?

    I can't wait until the next season starts.
  4. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    I recall during the final classic series McCoy era run how they kept throwing out little clues to hint that the Doctor was more than an average Time Lord. But one anyone watching the series for any amount of time can gather he's obviously more than your average Time Lord, considering that he has chosen the title of "the Doctor" for himself. Clearly intellegence wise he has to be someone of importance even in Time Lord society.

    I lean toward him being someone of Rassilon's bloodline due to the final Tennant episode and brief the interactions that took place between the Doctor and the unnamed Time Lady who was among the Time Lords. She seemed very personal in her interactions with both the Doctor and Rassilon almost sort of mother to son (the Doctor) and wife to husband (Rassilon). Just my little observation on it is all. Could be nothing more than a red herring when all is said and done if it ever comes to it.
  5. Caerdydd

    Caerdydd Active Member

    I got that aswell, I think the woman in the "weeping angel stance" is the Doctor's mother.

    There is strong indication that The Doctor may be The Other, when Madame Pomfrey reads The Doctor's mind in "Girl in the Fireplace" she says to him that his name is more than just a secret. The Doctor was shocked and scared which doesn't happen too often.
  6. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    I'll concede that the Doctor may be The Other, but still say he may be of the bloodline of Rassilon. Since the Time Lords do not seem to have surnames, but like to adapt titles (The Doctor, The Master, The Rani, The Valeyard) what's to say that the title of The Other does not only refer to him being part of this triumvirate of founding Time Lords, but also that he is also related to Rassilon i.e. a younger brother or a son perhaps? Just a theory though.
  7. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

  8. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    All The Female Companions (Up to Rose)

  9. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    LOVE this
  10. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    The Ten Doctors

    Back around 2007 there was a fan made comic strip that was put together featuring all ten of the Doctors incarnation at the time.


    Here's a link to the strip for any brave enough to want to read it because it's 247 pages. I've only read some of it myself.
  11. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Excellent - I think I'll save that for a sleepless night, thanks Ra!
  12. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member


  13. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member






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