The Doctor Who/Torchwood Thread

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Ra, Jul 16, 2011.

  1. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    So that we are no longer derailing the Games of Thrones thread. Any fans of the BBC series Doctor Who and Torchwood (now a joint BBC/Starz series on Starz) come on in and have at it.



    Last edited: Jul 16, 2011
  2. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member


    I fucking LOVE Torchwood.

    "I'm Welsh" BOOM! Go Gwen Cooper!

    AND I love Doctor Who, though more under the Russell T Davies era than the Stephen Moffat Era.

    If you're on Twitter, both Stephen Moffat and Murray Gold, the composer for both Torchwood and Doctor Who, tweet. Murray Gold is slightly nuts, and great fun.

    British TV, especially British drama, is a *huge* thing with me. Thank you, thank you for setting up the thread.
  3. Sin Mari

    Sin Mari New Member

    I love Torchwood and Dr. Who as well. But I'm not happy with Matt Smith as the current doctor and refuse to watch him. My favourite Doctors are Tom Baker, Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant. Those three, in my humble opinion, are the best there ever was.
  4. quantumblack

    quantumblack Active Member

    I'm a big fan of both Dr Who and Torchwood. Love the new series of Torchwood, which just started - interesting concept (people unable to die).
  5. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Dusty black man writes down another reason why he likes Sin. :cool:

    Now the the interesting thing is to learn if it's "an extraterrestial by way of human agents to further their alien agenda" plot or "a select group of humans using acquired extraterrestrial technology to further their own power agenda" plot?
  6. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Tom Baker forever. 'Nuff said. :)
  7. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    He was my first Doctor, but I have to admit that Eccleston and especially David Tennant, won me over. I don't know if you've had occasion to see Tennant in anything else, but he's farking brilliant. His Hamlet is probably the best I've ever seen, and a few of his other dramas (Single Father, Recovery, Secret Smile) are absolutely amazing.

    Eccleston was in The Second Coming, written by Russell T Davies, who brought back Doctor Who and is running Torchwood. It's another absolutely riveting drama. A video store employee, sort of a semi-loser guy living in Manchester wakes up one day and realizes that he is the second coming. Fascinating stuff.
  8. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Anyone else see Wayne Knight and think "Slitheen?"
  9. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Hmmmm...unless they've found a way to rid themselves of the "farting" problem they have when in human guise, I can't say it entered my mind. If it comes to pass that it is indeed the Slitheen behind this and have corrected the "farting", good call. Also if the Slitheen hopefully they've redesigned the look for them. When they have appeared in the recent Doctor Who's & in the Sarah Jane Adventures both look & attitude wise they have been potrayed in a semi comical fashion.
  10. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Agreed, and I don't really think it's Slitheen behind Miracle Day, but I guess he's sorta always struck me that way. I'm terrible.

    I haven't seen SJA, it's on my amazon wish list. I was really saddened when she passed away a couple of months ago. Beautiful woman. I have a friend who is a major Whovian (she even had the 7th Doctor give her away when she married), and has been involved in Who-con type stuff for years. She knew Elisabeth Sladen and told me that she was an absolutely charming, warm and funny woman.
  11. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    I love Doctor Who!

    David Tennant was my favorite...the Shakespeare episode is still one of my favorites from his time as The Doctor.
  12. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Whoa. I missed this bit of info. I knew Elisabeth Sladen was battling cancer but didn't know that she had died. Sad to learn of this. Sarah Jane Smith was the number one best companions IMO.
  13. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Dusty black man puts another gold star in alternate wifey number two's "she's a keeper" column for being a Doctor Who fan. :cool:
  14. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    April 20.
  15. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

  16. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

  17. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Oooooo...I can just imagine what I get when I come home in the alternate reality....:smt118
  18. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Found this on Twitter this morning. Fucking Hilarious!
  19. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

  20. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Just filling the thread. I have a bunch of Dr. Who related concept art I've run across while browsing the net. I'll put some up every now & again when bored. :cool:





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