The "Black man" hero.

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Frozen Veins, Oct 22, 2007.

  1. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    No baby, I'm not mad at all. You are going through some things and some lessons you have to learn on your own. Although I am not a great deal older than you I know, as you grow older you will realize what a good partner for you is. You will know and be able to spot, right off, which girls to stay away from. You will figure out that what you want is with your eyes and what you need is with your heart and you will follow your heart. You will, if you don't already(???), be able to tell the difference between love and lust. That's very hard.

    You are right, you do reap what you sew, everytime, never fails. If you already know you will be reaping what you sewed earlier, don't sew it and you won't have to cry those tears. Having kids put my life in perspective for me. I really think about what decisions I make and where it will take me later. To me, that is the smartest way to go about it and it hasn't failed me so far. :D

    You will get over this, it is but a small bump in your road. You will experience this again and as you get older, you will be able to see a girl like that a mile away and then you'll walk the other way. And you cannot let your armor of morals become like the cheese of swiss, what are you thinking. You must always keep your morals, no matter what. I've let mine go a few times and don't necessarilary regret it but, wish I would've decided differently sometimes. I've done plenty of things I'm not proud of, live and learn. About the condoms, that is weird that she discourages the use of them. All the more reason to strap up, like I said before, if she respects and cares for you she should have no problem with it. She won't try and talk you out of it either, which I know she would do. She should have enough concern for the both of you to say "ok I respect your wishes and lets use condoms", and "I respect myself in not wanting to have a child right now". It will be alright, keep your eyes open. :shock: :D
  2. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    Thank you!

    I have nothing more to add other than that I got in a fight today..........well it really wasn't a fight it was more like he came over my house looking for her and he scared my little sis before she went to school and I knocked him out.

    He ran.

    And he learned that my family is known for something that we aren't to proud of but it does the job.
  3. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    WHAT! WTF is his problem??? Why is he looking for her? You better make sure she hasn't been talking to him on the DL. Playing both of you for fools. It's easy to do. Watch yourself, this dude is out of his mind. I knew you this girl was bad news and now her ex is coming to your house causing your family distress. I hope she is worth it?!? And I can't believe he scared your sister. I have 2 younger sisters and I know the anger that enrages a person when someone fucks with the fam. It is a no-no. :smt018 You need to, or it would have to be your sister, file a police report and then get a court order stating he cannot come within so many feet of your house. Just like your girl should've done a long time ago. That way if he does, he will go to jail. :D
  4. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    Let's just say he won't be coming back to our home because our grandfather is a muderer, he did his time (got off because he looked white you know the deal back then in the 50's) and our last name is known for being the wildest craziest strongest most insane fam in town..............

    I put her in the the hot spot today because of him still being around......
  5. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    The point is Frozen, is that you shouldn't even have to deal with this crap. WTF are you doing with a chick who's ex would even come to your crib to start shit? There are so many fish in the sea and you're wasting your time with a girl with too much baggage. There are so many hot white women who are the total package who would love to have a guy like you who'd love them passionately as you do this chick. You gotta do better. Stop wasting your time, break it off with her, take time to get your own self in complete mental and emotional stability and go play the field again looking for GREAT white women. You could have a ferrari and you're settling for volkswagon.
  6. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    Well, now you know she has lied to you. She acts like an immature teenager. I'm sorry. :roll: Yes, I rolled my eyes, she's no good for you sir. :evil:

    He is right you know. There are too many men out there that hook up with a girl and when they find out she's a few crayons short of the box, they stick around thinking they can fill it. If she cares so much about you and needs you sooooo much, why is she still talking to him? Or is she denying it?
  7. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    Volkswagon? Maybe I thought I could take this Volkswagon Passate and turn it into a Bugatti Veyron..........but. Nope.

    I do want a Ferrari though........

    But I will settle with a Corvette Z06.


    Puns intended if any.

    Well I have an anoucement to make......

    I am SINGLE!!!!!!!!! NOW![/size]

    I just told her we should be friends and wait for a year or more before getting in a relationship.

    Her older sister is celebate..........but she loves flirting......

    Nobody fucks with my family and If I have to throw everything away to keep them safe then so be it.
  8. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    It's Volkswagen people... Volkswagen (or Vdub lol) and nothing wrong with a good, reliable car made in Germany :lol: The passion may not be as visible as it is with a Ferrari but it's there he he he


    It's HOOOOOOOOTTTTT too! Lemme Tell Ya! :twisted:
  10. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    Are you happy about that? Ok with that??? Although I do think it's for the best, I know you are probably a little hurt and I'm sorry. You know you deserve better and you will find her. And you already told us about the sister. She's a tease. Now that you have messed with one sister in that family, you cannot go to the other. It's not right, you will cause problems between them. Not cool at all. I agree on your tip about the family, gotta keep them safe. Nothing is more important. :D
  11. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Yesssss it is! Because in Vdub land we drop it like it's hot! Ha ha ha
  12. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    Yeah I am hurt but........I don't know.......I mean.....

    She is White DAMNIT!!!

    Hard to find a white women who would give you a fair chance.




    German engineering.


    I like BMW and Porsche so all the german girls out there who take pride in german cars I am a fan of BMW and Porcshe.

    Why not BenZ? Because BenZ take parts from BMW so basically they are BMW just built differently and they are over rated.....

    But hey how can I talk when my wallet says "Hey, why you talking about those kind of car when you know you can only get a U-go" LMAO J/k
  13. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    Like James Brown always said.....

    "Get on the Good foot"

    I am single and I feel good but...........

    No more good sex........... :cry:
  14. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    I'm glad you got your balls back. You'll be happier about this decision as time goes on. Believe me, there is plenty of good white pussy out there. Next time do one of two things: make a true booty call where emotions are not a factor, or get a good brain with that booty that you can feel comfortable getting emotional involved with.
  15. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    You must not get out much. There are plenty of white girls in my area that love them some brothas!

    I will come back, I promise. You'll get it again. You've got plenty of time. I tried to tell you to confide in Rosie, she will always get you through the tough times. :D :twisted:
  16. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    Hey I never lost my balls, just that she was holding them.

    And no Rosie.......JasieS!!!! LOL
  17. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    Come on Frozen, tap into your inner freak and touch yourself. It's okay, I won't tell anyone. It'll be our little secret. 8)
  18. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member


    My inner freak doesn't freak men, including myself.
  19. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    HEY what?! Don't you like it when a woman's inner freak comes out and she freaks herself???? I know you do, every man like to see a woman masturbating. Well, don't you think some women like to see men doing it too??? It's a major turn on to watch eachother do it then when you're done, it was like foreplay and you can get it on together. Don't think of it as a dirty thing, just think of it as your personal time to "take a load off". HA HA! Come on, you can do it! :twisted: :p :twisted: :p :oops: Stroke it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    But that is different......I am with my girl, but alone looking at pics in the JCpenny mag............nah..

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