The "Black man" hero.

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Frozen Veins, Oct 22, 2007.

  1. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    The black defense, guard, savior,word of wisdom, protector, couselor ect ect. I have been going through something lately. There is this girl(White) up the road that has a boyfriend(White) who treats her like dirt. He does absolutly nothing I MEAN NOTHING for her. And he cheats on her and she knows it. Now she has a boyfriend and all but she needs help with stuff. 7:00 in the morning and I just got off of work. She needs help. Who does she call?

    You guessed it right. ME! I do everything for her, From taking her to the store AND buying her grocerys to cutting her grass.(Along with others)

    When she gets in a fight with her boyfriend, who beats her to a pulp, who does she call? ME!

    When her car breaks down? Me!

    When she gets in an arguement with her sisters and she needs someone to hold her? Me!

    When her boyfriend threatens to kill her who does she call to spend the night BUT, hold it right there before you think any further AND......AND!, makes SLEEP on the couch? ME!

    Anything other than sex and fulfilments of my needs. I am there %100.

    There is plenty more things I do for her but, why doesn't she get it that I am a better man than her current boyfriend? He cheats, smokes, does drugs, skinny, still in 8th grade because he dropped out with no future dreams or plans because he feels the women should carry him.

    Weak, skinny and he steals what little money she has.


    They haven't had sex in a long while because she feels he got something and he cheats!

    But you may ask and I am sure you are saying "Why does he put up with this?"





    1.She is pathetic. She needs a man, seriously and I was raised to help others even if they don't give back.
    2. She is a pretty girl and we have alot in common.
    3. Her older sister alone.

    Her older sister is Your typical blonde blue eye'd combo but she is.........out of this world fine! I mean she is super star HOT but at the same time she is beautiful, breathe taking. Curvateous, sexy, flirtateous, all natural with all the shapes in the right places. Fun, funny, stylish understanding, kind. An airhead and a genious at the same. Down to earth, out going in a classy conservative and modest wrap.

    I %100 gaurentee she is the black mans kryptonite. She is a true threat to black women AND white women, basically women in general.

    If perfection had a name she would be it.

    She has an air to her that says "You can't have me but I can have you." She is straight flat out intimadating to even the most seasoned of game veterans. And when she shuts you down, she does it with a smile that is the equivalent of going to jail with 4 life term sentances with no possiblity of parole.

    She is one bad women.

    Have I asked her out yet? Only thing I got from her is a hug and a kiss on the cheek and I swear my friends wanted to kill me, litteraly.

    And her youngest sister is a goth punk rock type who I was teasing around with and said if you love black so much why not date a black guy? After that she has been crushing on me but she bite me hard enough to draw blood and then licks my bites............a nono for me.

    Anyway let me get to the heart of what happened to day. She got into a fight a couple of weeks ago and of course I was there to mend her physical and emotional wounds. But we started getting closer and closer to the point that she started hanging around me more, and calling concerning my needs (non-sexual). Well today her boyfriend came over and told her he got another girl pregnant and he beat her again for not giving him money and putting out.

    She was torn to pieces, she came over my house today and I mended to her needs after time of spending time together alone we where kissing and holding each other then we became erotic.........

    We where in my bed making out and feeling on each other you know and we reached the point it was time to go all the way and out of the blue...........she can't do it. She was tearing her self apart she says she loves me so much but she can't because of him. She has a sense of loyalty. She says it was the hardest thing she ever done in her fucking life was to leave out of bed from me. She cried and cried and cried her little heart out. She tried to cheer up the monment by stating she did not know I was packing like THAT. And she said she isn't sure if she can resist next time. Just a couple of seconds more and I would of had her under my spell! :twisted:

    But she doesn't know that she is tearing me apart too. Maybe even more than her. She gives me her heart and I take good care of it but when I give her mines I feel uncertain about it and quicky withdraw it bore it hits the ground.

    I freaking had her in my bed with nothing but her painties and her bra unstrapped!!! My hormones are upset and are exploding because this happened a couple of mins ago and I just came back from taking her home.

    Should I continue to try to be with her with whatever kind of relationship we have or should I just move on?

    I do understand what happened tonight and I don't really want her when she is under her emotional tides. I want her to know in her heart what she is doing is %100 okay and if it is %99.9 it is not acceptable. She was at %76 I guess.

    And any other black men get to play a simular role as the black hero that saves the white women from her nasty partner? (My older cousin did the same thing and and now they are married with two white kids two black kids and three mixed kids and are extremely happy)










    It's like the Black Hole, nay the Bermuda Triangle of Male/Female relationships.

    You should have reversed course and engaged warp engines sometime around the time you FIRST discovered her abuse at the hands of her BF.

    Don't try to be Captain Save-A-[insert appropriate adjective here].

    Rewrite your upbringing program, dawg.

    If she can't see it now, she never will.

    Ooooone mooooore tiiiing...

    Stay away from her older sister too.

    She might be a 10 (and she knows it) but she ain't worth it (exactly because she knows it and, to me, is getting off on it).
    I could be wrong but there is a disturbance in the force as regards her.

    Babes abound both here and abroad, son.

    If the Homeland is as dismal, You have the COVETED BLUE PASSPORT.

    USE IT.

    It's a big planet.

    Expand your options, dawg.
  3. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    I'm sorry Frozen, I know you really want this and I want it for you but I agree. She sounds needy and emotional, up and down. I know all you want is to help her but if she can't see already that you are someone she needs to be going after then she's missed out. If you've been doing these things for her for so long and she hasn't noticed yet, she's wrapped up in something crazy. I think when you got deeper in her head, you would find a mess of problems. And as you know FV, take it from me, you don't want extra problems. It takes some women a long time to break from a man that's been abusing her. She obviously has a very low self esteem. I can't believe she calls another man after her bfriend has beat her though. That's odd, does her bfriend know this??? Most abusive men are also obsessive and if her man is then I would think he'd hate the fact that you do so much for her and spend so much time with her. If her bfriend is that abusive you may want to watch out. If he finds out how you are feeling about her, he may come after you. (I know you are tough, but still. just looking out for you) :D If you want a one night stand then maybe next time you can get in the pants. If you are looking for a relationiship then don't be like lucifer said, captain save-a-??, sounds like too much of a mess. I agree about the sister too, sounds like she looks good and she knows it. She might be good for a one nighter but no relationiship. You can do better Frozen.
  4. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member


    She called me this morning and said she wanted to talk. I had a terrible night at work and was tired. Took my time getting over there. Before she started talking

    I poured my heart out to her.........according to players edition number 489 and Ultimate gamers 578 You should never pour your heart out to a women.

    I told her everything about how I feel for her.......

    I really didn't care, it was my strategy. Either she would run and leave me alone(Good thing) or she would be my girl (Great thing).

    I just got fed up with it.......

    Best sex I ever had!!!!! She wanted it and she got it. There was so much emotional and sexual tension. We had the best sex EVER!

    I drove home with the wrong shoes on my feet shirt on inside out and backwards and the only thing on me that was right was my pants.

    Got home and just passed out on my bed. Hard night of work with added stress plus pouring my heart out having good intense sex. I don't even remember how I made it home.

    I was KO'd but my mom checked up on me and asked what happened. I just told her I had a weird night.

    But then I felt a very light movement next to me but I was to KO'd to do anything.

    Finally woke up and there she was laying on my bed. She didn't say a word and just started making out with me, things moved on and she wanted to play her pussy cat dolls cd (Was it bootleg I don't even know LMAO) but one song had a good groove that she really worked me out on and she did something with me she never experienced before.........hehehehehe.

    She just kept saying "take me, I am yours" and some other good stuff. She let it all out.

    She wasn't afriad of my ending either.

    I know I said in one topic I never had extraordinary sex but this one changed that.

    I don't know how many times we said we said we love each other we have to deal with what we got.

    I drove her home and we just couldn't stop kissing, but we did and now I am here.

    Don't know what the hell I am doing, don't really know how I got here, and I am happy but I just don't know........

    She said I am her man and I said she was my women but................
  5. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    I am so confused........

    I don't know what I am doing or what the hell is going on.

    I am always the "super hero" but this time I actually got the girl or did I just got her so sexed she thinks she is in love.......



    And she could be using me just for sex.

    I am not afraid of her Ex.........well I guess he is her ex. We fought before and he hits like a girl. (For me)

    I have a long history of being used by women also..........could she just be fooling me....?
  6. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    She could be fooling because she knows you will do all of these things for her. Or she could be star/sex struck, in love with that dick and the words you say. She may be seeing this as a benefit to her, what all will you do for her as long as she opens her legs? Only time will tell but quit with the "i love you" stuff. It's way too soon for that. I sent you an email, it will explain more.
  7. BlkCasanova

    BlkCasanova Guest

    This story reeks of Pey so much it's not even funny.
  8. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    I got it and thanks for the advice.

    I am a long time lurker of this board and I know who you are trying to compare me with.

    I am going to say this a nice as I can.

    If you don't have anything useful to say then please don't respond with inexpedient retorts as. "I don't beleive this". You can tell me you don't believe by simply not responding at all. This goes for anyone else that would respond with something simular to what BlkCasanova has already said.

    Thank you!
  9. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    ouch...being compared to pey is quite an insult to frozenveins...besides pey never actually gets the girl...for him it's only in his imagination...
  10. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    :shock: Don't know about that one boo but he goes by the name "playboy" or something now :!: :p
  11. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Hi Frozen,

    just some things I am going to say

    I am all for going all out, not playing games and confessing ones feelings. I think we are all (well most of us) adults, maybe wasted enough time playing the field, controlling our feelings and if it feels right it deserves to be said (that's at least my new motto). So although your story had many flags go up in my brain I comment you for just going all out and sharing your feelings just as they are.

    Now on the Hero thing.... sigh
    I like people who help, seeing someone in pain and stepping up to the plate is a good thing. I don't know what her intentions were when she called you after being beaten up etc... for me to comment on that I would need to know more.
    But something I am comfortable saying is that this girl seems to have major issues and you should think about whether or not this is something you want to involve yourself with, I may be a pessimist here but I don't think that someone in her situation can be at a stage to truly open herself to a new relationship, she has issues to deal with. So I would say, take it slow, leave the love word for later and if you think it's worth your time work through it with her but seriously leave the sex and big emotions a bit on the back burner and look at the person and what she would represent in your relationship.

    I have to ask you something, how old are you?
  12. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :lol: :p GAAAHHDAMMN! You gotta admit, that ish was funny!!
  13. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    I gotta agree with Lucifer on this, that was real talk. Frozen, there's so many other luvable bunnies out there, homeboy buckle up you're boots and use them super powers elsewhere.

    Remember, Ultimate games 437 also says...."I don't love dem hoes!"
  14. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    20 damn years old. I know you "life veterans" are going to hit me hard so with your experiences. Geez......
  15. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member


    I am more like the hulk spiderman and iceman put to gether. I go web-slinging, lose grip because of myicepowers and ends up smashing the poor old lady who lives with a bunch of cats.

    Thank you all for the good answers!!....So far...

    I am at a point of extreme confusion and I need answers.

    Maybe I should have written the exerience with less enthusiaism and just cut straight to the main points. Leason learned. Geez.[/quote]
  16. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    Good thing is, you're not as young as I thought you'd be :D

    Just calm down. Don't beat yourself up. You did write the story with great enthusiasm, obviously you enjoyed the experience. :p I just agree with Intriguedone and Lucifer on this one. Save your powers for someone who's worth it. I can see you've fallen for this girl by the way you talk about her but, re-think this. She's getting beat by her probably red-neck boyfriend, calls you to do her dirty work, then runs to you when she's hurt. Sounds like she's using you. Women can be sneaky and mean. I say give it some time. Don't get too excited yet, don't let her fill your head every moment of everyday. Wait and see how she acts and what happens with her boyfriend. Keep watch that if/when she breaks up with him that he's not trying to get her back and she's letting him. Most of the time when you've been abused it takes a great strength inside of you to leave. The man that hurts you is very powerful and in your mind you think he's got power over you too. It's crazy. Just be careful and watch her moves. I'll be here for ya. :wink
    I don't want to rain on your parade at all, I know you needed that and had a great time :!: It was worth it, even if nothing else comes out of it. 8)
  17. OmahaBoy2003

    OmahaBoy2003 New Member

    Oh wow dude I've been where you've been. Being Captain Save-A-Ho ultimately didn't get me anywhere and I had to cut alot of baggage loose. It's on the one hand a good feeling but it's a serious drain. Don't let these needy girls drag you down ultimately.
  18. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Don't even bother doing the Captain-Save-A-Ho. If you're with a girl that's a hoe, it means a few things:

    1. You're looking for an easy bone.
    2. You didn't know she was a hoe before you got w/ her(very unlikely)
    3. You hoped that you could make her a hoe only when you're around.
  19. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    Yeah I have slowed down some with her. She pulls me by saying she NEEDS and she WANTS and I had alot of childhood problems of not being wanted or needed.

    The feeling I get doing things for someone who seems to appreciate your work.

    She cried when I just left her yo go home to check something. It cause a pain in my chest so great it made me kneel on the ground.

    I can take a bat to the head, being stabbed, being cut and large rocks thrown at my head at full force but never have I felt such strong emotion........
  20. Frozen Veins

    Frozen Veins New Member

    I hope I won't let it happen.........

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