The ARRESTEE is....**HOW** old did you SAY?!??

Discussion in 'In the News' started by AnMDBCartoon, Mar 17, 2007.

  1. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    There's something that is SERIOUSLY, RADICALLY wrong here....

    I mean, could they not have merely told the youth to move elsewhere?

    Or...if they HAD to get technical about it, just wait till Dear Old Dad showed up..and merely cited HIM?

    You know, for more than a few years me and my mates have opined that the BERLIN WALL has, indeed, fallen in Eastern Europe...'s being re-biult....slowy, but surely....piece-by-piece....ON THE SHORES OF THE (allegedly) FREE, DEMPCRATIC AMERICAN SOCIETY! :x

    Sad. :(
  2. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    That is extreme. Those cops need to be fired.
  3. AquaPeach

    AquaPeach New Member

    Democracy and freedom are illusions.

    We are controlled by the media, who play on and exploit our fears and hatred for one another and for ourselves. For a bunch of free-willed, free-thinking people, some of us can be easily taken in; we buy something because we like the commercial, not because we've done our research and discovered the product is any good. We try desperately to immitate celebrities we put on pedestals, and then eagerly buy tabloids and believe horrible rumours about them. We have to have this or wear that because, if we don't, we won't be cool; we'll be outcasts, and the gods forbid that would happen because then we might actually have time to think or pursue our own dreams instead of wishing we were someone else. It keeps us occupied and leaves the politicians free to conquer other less fortunate nations.
  4. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Those police should get fired up in Baltimore.
  5. AnMDBCartoon

    AnMDBCartoon New Member

    If only it were THAT EASY....

    And if ONLY this type of incident was **EXCLUSIVE** to Baltimore......

    Unfortunately, such is not the case.... :(

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