I am sure you guys have seen me post many times that i have lived in Nigeria for 12 years of my life so i am not a stranger to the wealth of Africa. I do not need the New York Times or the Washington Post to inform me about places i have seen with my very eyes. I lived in Lagos, Nigeria; one of the richest cities in Africa. Its a very large city which is very commercial and has a good transport system. Lagos has a number of wealthy sections such as Ikeja, Mushin, Apapa, Maryland, Ikoyi and where we used to live, Victoria Island. It is the main business and financial center of Lagos. In fact, in the country, after Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, Victoria Island is the second busiest metropolis in the nation. For the record, most of the foreign expatriates, largely from Europe and North America, that reside in Nigeria are either in Abuja or Victoria Island. My father owns a few businesses in Victoria Island and he often works with many foreign businessmen from Asia, Europe, North and South America who all live there. Its a very beautiful sight but noo, the American media show Sudan, Eritrea and Sudan as what Africa is about. There are other beautiful cities in Africa like Abuja(Nigeria), Abidjan(Cote D'Ivoire), Freetown(Sierra Leone), Johannesburg(South Africa), Jos(Nigeria) and so many more. But as we know, all these are not known by those who have not being there. Sadly, even some black folks buy into it and look down on Africa. Sucks!!! But i do not need to be informed about places i have been to. You cannot teach a man what he already knows. For more views of beautiful Africa, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Island_(Nigeria) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ikoyi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagos http://images.google.com/imgres?img...&prev=/images?q=Abuja&svnum=10&hl=en&lr=&sa=N http://www.ralden.com/public%20pictures/pictures%20from%20Nigeria/2003-01%20(Jan)/eleganza%20ikoyi%20IM000036.JPG http://www.nigeriavillagesquare1.com/lifestyle/resturant.htm http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://images.worldres.com/property/a85000/85346/hotel.jpg&imgrefurl=http://hotels.compapro.com/hotels-pays_Nigeria.php&h=215&w=290&sz=19&hl=en&start=3&tbnid=L6-NU5wE2o_ndM:&tbnh=85&tbnw=115&prev=/images%3Fq%3DVictoria%2BIsland(Nigeria)%26ndsp%3D18%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN
how old were you when you lived those 12 yrs in Nigeria? was it quite a while ago? or when you were a young child?
yeah, i actually debated for a good while on racist site. The supremacism there annoys me. They are always mounted on these "we are intellectually superior" high horses. I'm thinking about going there again and debating. I cant stand it when there is such a large amount of ignorance in one place. And yeah, they will foam at the mouth. In fact, they'll probably claim that all those pictures have something to do with a jewish conspiracy theory or something. Really, you'd be amazed.
No, I wouldn't be amazed, because it's too predictable to be amazed by, along with it all being completely disheartening and nauseating.
hey i loved that article with my man coming from Nigeria to try and explain to small minded people - he has a university education, his dad is a successful entrepreneur he does not live in a tree or have to hunt for food wish articles like that were printed more often
I read about Africa when I was little. At that time there were two nations practicing segregation:South Africa and Rhodesia. There are positive things on Africa but most of the countries are just too dangerous to visit and most of the water is unsafe along with corrupt policemen. Only the rich dictators,mercs,multinational firms,and European friends have the best things that are taken for granted in the US. Besides,most of the jungles are gone in that continent.
When global economics changed, so did Africa in many ways. Since the Motherland is the richest land in the world for natural resources, the global economy impacted it in the way you described.
good stuff, i luv reading things like this, of course those crazy racists will never show this, theyll continue showing the negative so that the stereotypes they set up don't fail.