Texas is considering approval of a Confederate Flag personalized license plate. In the linked video from CNN, I thought it was ironic that only the black people interviewed had a problem with the proposal... http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2011/06/24/dnt.tx.confederate.KHOU?hpt=hp_t2
Over 15,000 Confederate plates in nine Southern states have already been issued most of the request initiated in the last few years but, for some 'unknown reason' the interest for many Whites to remember their Southern heritage has increased shortly after 2008. LOL This fear and race bigotry movement disguised as history is very transparent to moral, intelligent people. What is funny is I think some of them actually believe they are pulling the wool over most peoples eyes. KY is also considering Confederate plates despite the fact that KY was a border state in the Civil War. Some Whites in the state say it is because the traitor Confederate Pres. Jefferson Davis was born in KY but, so was Pres. Abe Lincoln. Lincoln of course won against Davis in the war funny how we live in a country that only values winners but, in regards to the Civil War most Republicans claim that they sympathize with the losers; the Confederacy, in opinions polls despite their 'alleged patriotism and love' for America.
I find it interesting that the drive for those plates accelerated during the term of Obama. Heritage my foot it is White Supremacy.
Hey if that plate makes them feel better about their lives then let them I say. Ride with it to their heart's content, soon it will be mostly Hispanics in Texas anyway. All the Confederate branded license plates or people who have to hold on to the memories of Dixie's resounding defeat that preserved the United States of America, won't stop the world from moving right on. Isn't it ironic that a lot of these folks are the same type that love to spout off about patriotism and chants of U.S.A. but they are quick to grasp on to a piece of cloth, whose ideas were intent on splitting this nation apart. Interesting and funny how that works. I have never been one to give much notice to the whole Confederate flag issues in the South. Some people need to grab on to any and everything in their time of insecurity. The Confederate flag is merely a remnant of the Confederacy's defeated history and that is the bottom line in the end.
Very true, GQ! Especially the part that I bolded. It is definitely ironic. Although, I always found it kind of offensive to see that flag hanging around- because to me it represents sedition and slavery - but I see your point.
Oh it definitely does to some degree of course. I love how that paradox of their actions are never highlighted. The reality is the South wanted to secede from the United States and if what they wanted came to fruition there would be no U.S.A. as it is today. Proponents will claim its just the heritage and those who fought that they celebrate. As a student of history I can view all sides of an issue and acknowledge it, even when it looks scurrilous at best. Someone ought to remind them however that this is the United States of America today, not the Confederate States of America the next time they want to go into one of their patriotism spiels. I can only snicker at them because last time I checked this nation has a flag, Texas has a flag, yet they feel compelled to proclaim the history of a dead as a doornail concept. :smt102
The rebellion of the Southern slaveowners, which brought on the Civil War, was a British Empire-sponsored insurrection. The British supplied the arms used by the anti-U.S. insurgents, and coordinated the Confederate secret service activities in North America and Europe.