Tell us about a personal experience you had

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by FRESH, Nov 25, 2009.

  1. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    *I hope tuck doesn't mind that I reference are discussion*

    What do you know or witness first hand about IR relationships with regards to poltics?
    -What experiences have you had dating in terms of politics?
    -Have you or would you date ouside you 'politics'?
    -Do politics even matter in your dating prefrences?
    -what ever your experience;good/bad,positive/negative,neutral,let us know,
    I want to hear everything you guys have to say about Politics & dating.
  2. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Also someone completely apolitical would likely not be a good match for me because I like my partner to be aware and active in his world, and politics is a part of that.
  3. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    I am with Athena- totally a-political

    but also a-social..(I donĀ“t know, how you describe.. we have social, unsocial and a-social)

    what means for me..I do what I want, always by my own...I have my own rules my own world..or in other words, I know, I can change nothing big, but I can change the live of the people around me..

    So I guess, my partner should be an "A" person, too or at least be able to accept it..:rolleyes:

    I also never saw or experienced as whitness this question in a relationship..
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2009
  4. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    I think there are enough problems selecting a partner these days without exspecting them to support the same party or your political views, as long as there not a Far Right wing party or some kind of new radical I'm all good, it's part of the fun to disagree anyway you can have a lot of fun trying to convince eachother that your right.
  5. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    Not to be disagreeable lol, but in my experience, a lot of women don't like to back and forth with debatable topics. And don't get me wrong, not arguing, but just expressing your personal opinion or views.
  6. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Some of us enjoy it! :smt023
  7. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    indeed...who wants to have someone agree with you all the time...??? ;)
  8. z

    z Well-Known Member

    I do........... who wants to have someone disagree with them all the time...???

    Huh, huh

    I just disagreed with you, see the irony here, hahaha.
  9. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    duly noted assistant...!!! now get back to peeling my grapes & fanning me please...!!! ;)
    Last edited: Nov 28, 2009
  10. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    That's it you tell him, Green can sometimes get a little unruly over the weekend, firm hand Tarsh, firm hand. :smt045
  11. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    I happened to like guys who have my opposite political ideas, because in the end that's not something u talk about a lot when you are getting to know each other. I don't think I would be able to date for a long time somebody who was very different from me in terms of political opinion though. I follow politics and I talk about it, especially watching the news, so I guess me and my man would argue all the time about it. Maybe, if I didn't care about politics, I wouldn't care about my man's opinions.
    I'm very active about talking bad about corruptio and dictatorship in Italy, so I would never date somebody who loves our Prime minister, even if he was Denzel Washington... I mean.... if he really was hot I could consider a flirt but not a life together. I want my man to share my same values so he and me can educate our children with our values, not argue all the time about "what we should tell them".
  12. There's not much that a girl could do to disqualify herself. Unless she were in the Army or something, in which case she only gets a milkshake, and not the kind I pay for either.

  13. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I don't know if I could be with someone if their political views were too much different than my own. When it comes to friendships I don't discriminate, and I have lively debates with them, but when it comes to my love I need a common ground. I'm not super political or anything, but I have very strong views on a lot of hot topics like abortion and gay marriage. If I tried to have a healthy relationship with someone who was extremely anti abortion, or anti gay marriage, I don't think it could work because I am very passionate about the two subjects. Abortion tends not to be -that- big of a deal, though, because while I'm pro-choice my own choice wouldn't allow me to have an abortion myself, but gay marriage? It sickens me to see people deny others the right to have a legally binding contract with others just because they are of the same sex, especially when it wasn't so long ago that we would not have been able to marry people of other races.

    If it ever happens we'll see if I can maintain a relationship with someone with drastically different political views, however most of the time I end up with people with similar opinions, or at least people who don't really care much about politics. I care enough to keep myself informed, but i've never been the type to be interested in going to rallies and such. That makes it easier. It's more about specific issues than politics in general that I'm concerned.
  14. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    This has to do with my personal experience. Although I'm not looking for the next rally, I do follow politics somewhat closely. When I look back onto my past relationships, I have been with more women who don't follow or care about politics, than not. I have always dated someone who may not follow politics very much, but has the same general political outlook. I think it would be interesting to date someone of my complete political spectrum--if that's even possible, considering the difficulty of the left and wring co-mingling.
  15. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    I think it's easiest to get along if one partner isn't as interested as the other if the views don't coincide. I wish I thought it would work if someone I was with happened to be on the other side of the spectrum, but as I mentioned myself it'd just be difficult because the typical views on subjects I really feel passionate about would cause problems if they came up.

    It'd be like me (heaven forbid) breaking up with Nate and then dating a racist white dude. It just couldn't happen, because the moment he started spouting ignorance I'd kick his ass and walk off. lol
  16. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    I agree with that. Feeling passionately about an issue but having opposite views can be tiring.
  17. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    So, it sounds like every would not be in a long-term--some not even short, relationship with someone of opposing politics, because politics boil down to opposing view points, resulting in more than the occasional indifference at best.
  18. BlackCohen

    BlackCohen Member

    Is this thread about bad experiences associated with politics or bad experiences in general?:confused:

    I guess everything in this crooked World is related to politics=economy=money=power=greed=corruption=:smt100 us!

    I could tell you a story about a bad experience which is ongoing and it could become a film, if you all want to hear it I will write it when I have the time as it involves politics and other areas but it stems from both gender and racial prejudice in the UK. I am not here to illicit sympathy though as such is life and as they say "each mans burden is his(her) own, SELAH.

    Am I a bit of a pessimist or a ticking:smt073 ?
  19. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    Black, As I mentioned, this thread is for any experience you've had; good, bad, positive, negative, neutral, some, none, a lot, etc. Whatever your experience may be. This is an open forum where everyone has a voice, no matter who you are and what you have to say (within a very large limit of course lol), so speak on it.
  20. BlackCohen

    BlackCohen Member

    Right here goes for my bad experience:

    I meet a cute white chick (sixties style) we hook up. Now normally I do not get intimate so early (my philosophy "if you do the biz then be prepared to take on extra responsibilty that being, kid and wife). Anyway one moment of madness leads to my sweetheart daughter. I soon discover this chick has serious issues including that she is an alcoholic.

    I am cut out of the pregnancy due to the racist family who also hate the fact I am a Jew. Anyway obviously I do not go away but wait patienltly. When my daughter is born I try to form a relationship with her mother but it was always met with opposition from her family. I tried so hard to make it work but her alcohol problem was becoming increasingly difficult.

    Anyway she meets some white guy twice her age, he has children and grandchildren and does not see them. He is quickly accepted moves in with her and I am virtually pushed out.

    Now all of this is a concern and her drinking and behaviour was getting worse. I had a prearranged trip with her and our daughter planned to Ghana and despite us not being together the trip went ahead.

    What a nightmare, she was asking for cocaine drinking everyday and trying to give our daughter alcohol. She even offered me our daughter. Me, obviously concerned for her mother as well as my daughter tried to help, BIG MISTAKE.

    I went to see her parents and that was a mistake, they threw me out of the house, my mum tried also and she was thrown out. I contacted the Social Services and that was that, the biggest mistake I ever made (I try not to reflect on what might have been because I am a realist but this one leaves me thinking). O yes maternal grandmother works for the SS!

    Went to court over a period of two and a half years. Some of the shit that happened is as follows. My solicitor (daughter in law of John Prescott MP) was helping the mother, SS accuse me of all sorts without proof. My daughter is getting serious injuries (such as iron burns) and is emotionally hurt. I try to address these with the police and relevant authorities without success. This results is reprisals from the police, counter allegation made by the mother and her family and subsequently I am arrested. Furthermore a malicious allegation of female circumcision on my daughter is made against my sister and she could not see my daughter for a year. My sister was so distraught she miscarried.

    The courts reject my every evidenced application as does everyone else and they project their own guilt on to me.

    We get mothers medical records and they are damning now in support of this I request alcohol hair test and these go ahead. The results, she is clean I am an alcoholic (hmm I am a teetotaller) suffice to say the retest twice and get moderate drinker and teetotaller respectively from the same hair sample. Coveniently contrary to their supposed strict chain of procedure they do not have enough of the mothers hair to retest. I have recently discovered that this company did not even have accreditation to do these test (lawsuit).

    Libel and slander attacking my religious belief and race by the local authority, the police the courts and all on paper. Her family lie after lie confrontations in front of my daughter (one sided of course)and now they are teaching my daughter she is white and black is bad as is the Torah. Whenever the authorities supposedly investigated my evidenced concerns the result,no further action.

    I go to the court for a final hearing and they will not let me present my evidence. Yet still I demonstrate beyond doubt my daughter is at risk. I prove facts, I expose the lies (perjury) and wicked attitude of them all in the court. The doctors do not turn up as summoned by me. My case law is rejected. The outcome f..k you Jewish sole custody to the mother and overnight contact to you. Why? because I represented myself and took on the Judiaciary and won in any reasonable court.

    I was going to appeal but it will not do anything because the judgment is at the Judges discretion. I will tackle it another way and wait patiently and silently. I have always and yes I say always seen unjustices righted in my lifetime by the true Judge. It is just a matter of time, at least my daughter is a lot safer due to all of this process that has brought attention to her safety and now I have a good Asian (Indian) solicitor who is advising in case of anything.

    For those of you who are in England I have the full support of the Victoria Climbie Foundation (who brought baby p to the media attention).

    Hull is full of nepotism, paedophilia, it is a racket filled with idiots who have race and faith issues. We are talking about a city were Christopher Alder (a black man) died under suspicious circumstances in police custody, shown on CCTV (the police where calling him a monkey while he choked to death) yet the Judge ordered the jury that they can not rule on an unlawful killing. They all got away with it and got compensation for stress. I have had almost three decades of this nonsense.

    What hurts me the most is that my daughters mother and her family have never put my daughter's interest first and betrayed my trust.

    That is my summary, I guess you get the idea.

    I guess this has a lot to do with politics (political correctness is a way to avoid the issues and is inverse racism. All the regulatory bodies are put in place to support the system and not the people. Rule one in politics is to protect the state from going into anarchy in other words f..k the people and let us keep them down. MPs are not supposed to be lawyers yet they are and that is how legislation is passed to help themselves) and you see racism is very real in the UK.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2009

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