Teenage girls with biracial babies

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by kenny_g, May 26, 2008.

  1. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    Scanning through recent posts, the British dude is describing my generation and having biracial children. He's not so much insane as he is just a generation off. IR relationships were really given the side eye in the 60's and 70's. People whispered behind their hands. And "think of the children" was the standard byline when discouraging even the thought of dating out of your race.
  2. Bug

    Bug Well-Known Member

    Never used to encounter any serious Racism towards my children but the year before last I did have to report what is technically a Hate crime, reference some bullying in the school and abuse outside of the school by a group of about 8 parents.
    My Brother was walking past at the time (our kids went to the same school) he nearly knocked the instigator on his arse, It was only begging that kept him at bay "it's ok J,I'll deal with it properly" over and over.
    I was a governor for that school so I did deal with it through official means and the Police.
    I must admit the police were very good, actually exceptional and handled it very well and quickly.

    The school I was unimpressed by the sluggish response, I was forced to bring the umbrella academy into it and considering the issues I'd already had with them about some very serious bullying that was disappointing.

    Also my governor status helped me to bring up the issue of the amount of Ethnic minority children we had lost as students recently and I was concerned this was going un noticed by the board and what we were doing about the issue of staff and the fact that 100% of staff were now white and we had in fact lost our only member of staff that took us out of the 100% ratio.
    With local population figures we should have had at least 2-3 members of staff.

    I understood some of the issues around losing certain children, because we had been admitting quite troubled cases, local authority placements (last chance saloon kids) and an influx of parents who were now favouring the school due to more strict practices at a neighbouring school.
    Making our school more populated with more aggressive kids (fact, lots of discussions reference behaviour) and other parents were pulling their kids out.

    The head wasn't experienced enough and was overwhelmed and positively scared shitless when I brought up his sluggish response to racial abuse at the school gates and the fact we had hired no one from an ethnic background and was that because he thought he could not keep a member of staff safe from such abuse and that was maybe affecting his decisions when hiring as the sad facts are he has more responsibility towards an employee in such situations than he does to a pupil.
    Is he trying to make his own life easier?

    I had to place my kids elsewhere in the end, very sad but it was best for their education, when I notified the head I was pulling them out I was asked to reconsider. Kids like mine are needed for sats results, but I was not leaving mine there to stagnate in a poor environment (with arseholes outside the school gate making em feel like shit) just to boost his league table.

    I think we have more of a problem lately (last 5yrs or so) than we used to have, sometimes I feel the whole nation is tipping more towards the Xenophobic viewpoint. Big rise in UKIP and BNP or I should say more BNP hiding in UKIP.

    The first Police woman I dealt with said that she was encountering more incidents like the one we had experienced, whether it was because people were more likely to report now or whether the actual crime was more prevalent she couldn't say.

    I thank god they are schooled elsewhere now, my daughter is much more happy in a exceptional (ofsted rated excellent school) learning environment. My Son has started at the best mixed sex, non private, non grammar school in the county and I can hand on heart say he is well looked after and is in the top tier/grammar stream set so he is learning at a pace that won't bore him.

    So maybe Brotherfromengland has a point now!!
  3. biosnex

    biosnex Member

    kenny, i think alot of the IR teenage pregnancies you see are based on a trend...it's sad. in some circles (at least white girl circles), dating or having sex with a black dude is "the thing" to do. alot of them want to do it just b/c they know how bad it will piss off their parents...or they just do it based on the fact that it's getting more and more popular to see, and they want to get in on this "trend" while it's hott.

    I have to agree with this. It's a trend and they think that it is cool while being totally oblivious and ignorant to the life time consequences. It's just like getting tattoos. That is the hot trend now and people are getting them without thinking about what they will look like when they are 50-60 years old (tattoo's on their neck, face and arm sleeves). And to see so many black people get them is ridiculous. YOU CAN'T SEE THEM BECAUSE OF THE DARK SKIN COMPLEXION. It's like taking a sharpie and writing on a lump of coal. Makes no sense...PERIOD! And yes I said it....I'm black so I know what I am talking about! I see it everyday!

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