Teenage girls with biracial babies

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by kenny_g, May 26, 2008.

  1. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    Do anybody know or know of this with teenage white girls that date black guys wanting to have a baby by them in their teens? I see this a lot now days where I live, like every 6 out 10 white females here with biracial kids usually be teenagers. Do that be the goal of teens now days that are into IR dating? I don't know any teenage whitegirls or girls period that aren't family. I knew one, but didn't associate that much with her.

    If anybody know any what is the reason? Something I have always been lost on.
  2. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    kenny, i think alot of the IR teenage pregnancies you see are based on a trend...it's sad. in some circles (at least white girl circles), dating or having sex with a black dude is "the thing" to do. alot of them want to do it just b/c they know how bad it will piss off their parents...or they just do it based on the fact that it's getting more and more popular to see, and they want to get in on this "trend" while it's hott. it's really unfortunate that in the teenage world today, most bm/ww relationships are based on some exterior motive...not b/c they actually care about eachother. example, when i was in my mid-teen years (10 years ago), IR was a hot topic at the school i was at. there were a handful of us who were supportive, while everyone else was part of the "redneck" crowd. this redneck mentality carried over to some of the supporters' parents. one of my closest friends at the time, (she was 15), got knocked up by this black dude who already had 3 other babies with 3 other girls. my friend did it b/c she knew it would upset her mom...sad thing is her mom died from cancer a month before her baby was born. :( that same friend, got knocked up by another black dude a couple years later...so now she's got 2 biracial babies, and she's engaged to a redneck. and her "best friend" (who i also went to school with), used to refer to her kids as "n*gger babies". so, yeah, i really don't know what the deal is with the teenage pregnancies, other than it's probably just something cool to do. i'm not saying these mothers don't love their babies, but sometimes i wonder if they do it just so they can have little "trophy babies" or something....you know what i mean?

    it's just sad though...no matter how you look at it.
  3. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    That makes a lot of sense, because teenagers d tend to follow trends, very sad indeed, especially the story you gave, I have heard about those stories too. Glad I met official ones when I was a teen or I would of been caught up in some whirl wind emotional roller coaster when I already was going through tough years like we all have during our teenage years.

    (to get off subject for a little bit.)
    The tough times I went through as a teenager was the gangsta phase, I ran with a group that was a little too influenced by gangsta rap, but I also had friends that were just hood and had goals in life....Good thing I chose them to stay with after high school, cause a lot of my gang banger friends have died or is locked up.
  4. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    yeah, when we're teenagers we can do some pretty stupid stuff. i guess it's b/c we think we know everything, and looking back it's like "what the crap?!", lol. i really wasn't a bad kid/teen or anything, but i definitely had my "rebellious" gene. i'm just thankful that my parents stood their ground, and that the good Lord kept me straight. :wink:
  5. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Some teenagers in general may do it because they don't like to go to school and desperately look for an excuse not to go there no more. They also cherish the support from the state they give to mothers(I don't know how it is in the US but in Germany mothers get good money just for being a mother).
    Plus in Germany some young teenagers mess around with soldiers from the US in hope they wife them up and take them to the States when they have their babies.
  6. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    It's sad that it is "trendy" to have babies and f*** around with no-good BM but it isn't quite as trendy to have a stable, meaningful relationship with a good BM. :(
  7. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Yep people have some weird values and attitudes.Teenage pregnancy-interrcial or not- is a huge problem in the US I noticed. In Germany the number of women 21 or younger having 1 or more kids is more than 3 times lower than in the US
  8. malikom

    malikom Banned

    I know of a girl like that who wanted "pretty mixed kids" and wanted to have a girl who looked like halle berry
    believe it or not,but its sort of a trend..ive even come across a few white womans pros who mentioned the same thing

    its also a sick trend among some hardcore cuckolding couples..............
  9. malikom

    malikom Banned

    word,thats why im only attracted to european(Mediterranean) women in particular.I feel as if alot of U.S brothers were fortunate to travel,they would agree as well.
  10. porcelainsnowbird

    porcelainsnowbird Restricted

    It's happening a lot in Canada too. Some girls consider biracial kids almost as accessories and are having them with men who have multiple children.
  11. porcelainsnowbird

    porcelainsnowbird Restricted

    I shudder to think of what happens to mixed children born to cuckhold couples, however many of them are aborted.
  12. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Hey Kenny, heres the drill. I know this might offend some, but to me, the majority of ww that date interracially are the dumbest white women in the bunch. They are trend followers, nothing original ever emits these women....They jump on a bandwagon when things are "going well", or when it is deemed popular in their *social circle* to "date black". They have no personal beliefs about ANYTHING....

    Such imbeciles will often date black men for YEARS, without knowing why. And then out of no where starts using the N-word and talking shit about black people. They are also the type who'd have mixed kids only to regret it later on.

    A city right close by to me (2hrs drive) has a birth rate of 33% in teenagers. Meaning the ratio of white mothers in that city in comparison to the ones with no kids is about 1: 3 (1 in 3 u/17 girls in that city is pregnant.) Thank God only 1:20 of them have mixed kids (thats because its a 90% white city)

    Im not saying all white women that date black are idiots, im just saying based on what ive seen, and the type of conversation ive heard among bm/ww couples are the most moronic (except among university students ofcourse). It is no surprise that such women would want kids just for the kicks of it.
  13. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

  14. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    I have one question for you bmj- If these teenagers are inbeciles-then what would you call the guys who impregnate them? and where are they?
  15. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    imbecile magnets??

    Im just saying. The majority of these girls cut their lives short by having babies. And not only that, but if a person in that age group corrupts themeselves in such a derogatory and condenscending manner wouldnt you question their intelligence?....Between the ages of 13-19 young kids are at the most pivotal segment of their lives. At that age they SHOULD (Emphasie on SHOULD) be at school studying.....only the ones who skip school to watch MTV and BET wants kids

    anyways later
  16. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    Yes I would question their intelligence-but it takes two to make a baby. Just a sad situation all the way around.
  17. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

  18. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    What's sad is that SEX EDUCATION is a taboo subject in schools, no such problems in Europe and while they have "teen" momma problems, not nearly as bad as here and even then the State helps them.

    In fact we have the highest infant moratity rate in the Induristal World and young ladies wanna have chidlren for entertainment value?????

    Turn on Urban Radio (I have Sirius can't do that) and you'll notice their commericals for "Jail Bonds" and "If your a scurred Teen, come see us you don't have to tell you parents we want what's best of you and your soon to be born child" (Out of Wedlock, pun intended wed..lol)

    Ah America we seek to medicate the problem becsause its either -

    A) Profitable

    B) Keeps the surfs busy and distracted

    C) Makes sure they don't finish school or at least its a mighty undertaking.

    My goodness what a mess, a young latina dropped her baby in the shower and then walked 4 city blocks to the hospital.....

    I am sure this doesn't happen in Germany, only Wonderful America!
  19. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Yes it does happen in Germany as well. I live in Germany so I can judge that quite well.I see it on the news on TV and read it in magazines quite often.
    Women leave the house without the baby they just gave birth to and don't come back.Neighbor hear a baby cry,call the police and they find the thursty,hungry baby that's close to dying.

    Or young women letting their bf's hit their baby against the wall and only take it to the hospital when the kid is close to dying.

    Once they found 3 dead babies cemented in the stairs of a house.

    Then 1 teenage girl killed her 2 babies because the guy she wanted to date didnt like children and she wanted to be "free" for him.

    The teenage pregnancy rate is about 3-4 times lower here than in the US but that doesn't all those girls are good mothers
  20. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    Interesting, those things are common in America too, maybe Western Culture is doomed????

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