Lol none of the's not an everyday name like those. It's more common as a last name from what I've seen. Ive never personally known anyone with my name, but its always in the top 500 baby names...for boys. It's one of those names where when someone asks me my name and I tell them, the first thing out of their mouth is "what?"...then they say "I like that for a girl" lol.
I was less arguing if it was unisex and more arguing that it is more often used with girls than boys as she said her name is the opposite.
I can't even find my name on one of those little license plate thingies for kids. Or mugs. Or name bracelets. I was named after a senator's daughter (50's era) and so far, have only actually encountered one other person (probably late teens) with that name, at the Verizon store. Definitely a weird name.
:smt043:smt043:smt043 Damn. Talk about getting both titty & ass fucked at the same time by one person......
No, I'm sorry lol. Quinn would be kind of cute though! There's a clue I could give any of you nerd lounge guys and you'd have it in a heartbeat...but then I'd have to kill you
I think this is the most disgusting tattoo I have ever seen. If a guy would get undressed to present this, I would probably puke :smt087
It is a gross tattoo but the art is pretty cool. The way they got the skin to look rippled on the sides is awesome, plus the detail in the spine and the creepy figure is great. My brother is covered in tattoos from neck to ankles and his is all this kind of grim, gross stuff. Not cute as tattoos IMO, but beautiful as works of art.
I agree that it is really done well. I first hesitated to post in in "tattoo fail" for that reason. It's not really a fail, but I felt the need to share it.