YEYYY!!!! You dont know how absolutely elated we are!!! Now I need to get my address to you! - AND LA! YOU HEAR LA???? How?
I think a bbq in my back yard sounds perfect and I bet you 100% that the aussies will agree. Nice low key fun at the pool.
Just your beautiful self and a bathing suit and stuff I see that whicks have you as ae-mail friend. I have her email. I can send the adress to her and my phone # and she can get it to you??? Or is there a more direct way??
LOL! Check the Black folks can't swim thread.... You won't catch my out of shape ass in a bathing I'll maybe soak my tooties, but that's it! Yeah, you can send it to her and she can forward it...
aww! you underestimate yourself!! But the point is not to be in th epool so its all good:-D Ill send to Whicks. I cant waaaiiitttt!! Now, how do we get LA here...
Trust, I need you as a Okay, *wipes forehead* no swimming (nor wearing a bathingsuit for me) lol Thank you... I have no idea....
I acctually train one of my friends now..LOL - poor thing. I was trying to give you rep w my address but WAAA!!!! Cant give it to ya yet. If you can send your e-mail in rep, but u prolly cant either... Ill send to Whicks grl.
I wish you were out here now, but we'll get you next time! Thank you Chica! LOL...My best friend is trying to train me from out of state, but it's not working... Thank you....
I wish you could be here!!!!!! It would be so much fun!!!! Ill send an e-mail and hope you can make it to my house the next time!!!!!
Yah, ot of state wont work. There is a reason I have a trainer. It gets you to do it. Someone to kick ur ass I can kick your ass, lol.
Fo' shiz, Geeky! I have nothin' doin' over new years, maybe it's a good time for a visit? hehe. (how cold does LA get in winter??)
He got mad at me from a far... Okay, you can kick my ass...LOL Hey! What a good idea...I always have sucky New Years Eves.... Come back to America (LA)! lol Yes indeed!!!!!!!!! These 90s are kickin my ass too...
Its been 98 here today- argh. Lets plan on getting whicks back here then!!! I will lovingly kick your ass. maybe you can joing me and my friend once a week for some back yard kick ass training:-D