I reckon I sound a lot less "Scottish" than people think and my voice is probably lower than people think too. We all have to make a video with our accents lol. I'll maybe make one laters. I'd love to hear yours! Aussie accents are amazing.
wow U meanie- I lost my voice some on that video, it sanot that dark and raspy. But rough Russian??? It doesnt even sound close to a russian accent. Dork. But I did ask
Thanks LS and Tarshi : I finally found your video! I LOVE your accent!!!!! and your daughter cracks me uuuppp, she is adorable! I want that jacket!
Mine's not gonna be a video probably just a recording since my phone hates me. I'm trying to do it now but I don't know know what the fuck to say haha.
I'll put my shit up sometime tonight. It's a skype conversation with some people from another site, so I gotta cut some shit. I'm trying to find one where I'm not showing my fucked up sense of humor, but I can't. All we talk about is fucked up stuff.