Listen to this link, its bit mind blowing and I always wanted why I felt the way this Professor does but lol, how come nobody else does - Click her interview -
Very good, quite a thoughtful interview. I don't think the Republican Party is the enemy per se, as it is conservative elements in the culture who aren't comfortable with non-fundamentalist interpretations of sexuality. I wouldn't be so quick to conflate being a Republican with having a conservative mindset. Not all Republicans are cultural conservatives and not all cultural conservatives are Republicans. I also think that most conflicts in American culture stem from a tug-of-war between those seeking to liberate or control sexuality, female sexuality in particular. The abortion debate, abstinence only education, and the pornography industry is all about framing and controlling the contours of female sexuality. To add some global context, what is the edict about women showing little to no skin in Islamic societies if not another tactic to control female sexuality? It also exposes a deep-seated fear men have about female sexuality, because they don't frequently understand it. Most men around the world know very little about female sexuality, but rather than learn they seek to control it. -- On a related note, at times this website and the mentality of some black men revolves around the notion of them becoming the controllers of white female sexuality. Black men transposing themselves as the controllers of white women; specifically who they get to have sex with, like white men have for centuries.
Hmm that's interesting. I agree that that the new Republican Party IS the enemy they almost singled handedly caused the Great Depression. Without moderate Republicans like Teddy Roosevelt to PUSH back TRUE conservatives we would have no labor regulation. So in that sense, yes the Republican Party is not ALL evil, but its done WAY more harm than good. They circled the wagons around Religious Zealots that WANT to control SEX, denounce and DEMONIZE Gays, preMarital Sex and many other things that are not ISSUES in Western Europe. Which shapes the mindsets of men and women here, making it near impossible to date without involvement in childish games. Women are not liberated here, lol, far from it. Its not my fault they aren't organized enough to more than set bra's on fire... Those that truly believe in religion and aren't Jesus Freaks should take their religion BACK!
Very well put dj4monie. I really don't even have to respond execpt... Republicans live in glass houses and their lives are so perfect and blameless. They can do no wrong and if you question or don't agree with their agenda then you're probably a communist or a terrorist. :roll: Oh yeah, there is no recession and we're winning the war on terror. :roll:
There thinking is very flawed my goodness only a nut wouldn't see that. The War? What War, didn't Bush stand on a Aircraft Carrer more than 2 years ago and proclaimed "Combat Operations" are over? Doesn't that mean the WAR is over? Its an OCCUPATION, the REAL Liberal media (Democracy Now, Current TV,, Black Adjenda Report, etc) tell the fucking truth its not a war, its taking up space and killing Iraqis.... McSain keeps saying Obama wants to loose, NIGGA loose what? I thought the war was over, Oh its not? Then you LIED, you all LIED! Uh huh, you see, I think most American's eyes are actually open to this bullshiet, at least 60% and I'm starting to think like Rasta my brotha, he thinks it will be a knockout sweep in Nov, I believe so too..Especially if Europe could VOTE...