Taken From Another Board...

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by karmacoma., Feb 16, 2010.

  1. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member


    This is addressed to some of the white women who date black men. It's a free country and if that's what you want to do, more power to you. Truth be told, I kinda like it when I see a quality interracial couple (Think Seal and Heidi Klum). But there are a few things that bug the hell out of me with a growing number of interracial couples...

    - What's with the name change? If your name is something like Tammy and people have called you Tammy you entire life, why after a black weekend do you want people to start calling you Tee, Tee-Tee, Lady T, Pook or any of the other ghetto ass names? Just stick to your freaking name.

    - What's up with the ebonics or heavy black dialect? Black people look stupid as hell talking that mess, imagine how it makes non blacks look.

    - Black mannerisms - Can't really define this very well, but I know it when I see it. It's stupid. Please quit.

    - Please, wrap the willie! Or atleast try to have the same baby daddy for your b-ball team in training. I'm serious here, how many unprotected penises do you allow inside of you? I see you at Walmart being followed by a herd of brown kids and not a single one of them look like they have the same father. Why?

    - Don't believe you are "Ms. SaveaPlaya." If you are screwing/dating some guy who shows you up front he has no respect for women and already has several bastard children running around, you are not going to change anything. Odds are he is going to knock you up specifically to make the would a little bit browner. If he has no job, no money, thinks the lottery is an investment and spends more of your money than you do, he is NOT going to change.

    - Children. I used to think black men just knocked up white girls and left on purpose to ruin their chances of ever going back to dating white. That was my own prejudices talking, but I have since come to realize that is not the case. Most black men abandon their off spring as a matter of course. 70% of black children are raised in single parent households and just because you are white is NOT going to change that. Be prepared to be a single mom if you choose to pursue black men. And this is regardless of economic status, they will knock you up and leave.

    And one last note... Many of the people who may (or may not) give you advice to change your ways are not racist or even prejudiced. It's not anti black, it's anti black culture. If you started dating someone with the characteristics of say Barak Obama, no one would care about race and would even be happy for you. He is a black man, but he doesn't embrace the same lifestyle, values and culture of most of black America. He is faithful, driven, moral, educated, employed, likes black women and only has children by his wife. That is almost unheard of in most black men.

    Location: BM/WF
    it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
  2. chicity

    chicity New Member

    There are some very lonely White Men in this world.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Damn Karma where are you from? An episode of the boondocks because the stereo types in your post are so heavy they have to be a joke. I grew up in a middle to upper middle class area and for the most part the black men stuck around. I know where you're coming from with your stats but what you're talking about is more indicative of poverty not "black culture".
  4. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    See this is why I don't respect your intelligence. The topic said it's TAKEN FROM ANOTHER BOARD. Which means I didn't write this. Thanks for playing.
  5. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    I was actually think Black Women. Same ballpark though :D
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I never said you wrote it I just critiqued the article. No need for insults fam. Thought we were having an intellectual exchange.
  7. chicity

    chicity New Member

    See, I was along the same lines, but this part at the end makes me think it's a white man:

  8. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    it never ceases to amaze me how many idiots shop at walmart...it seems whenever someone has something to say about bm/ww walmart comes into play...wtf?

    it makes me wonder if that is the only perception that people have of bm/ww union...smdh
  9. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Ah. Missed that last part. Many are cut from the same cloth though so it's hard to tell the difference.
  10. chicity

    chicity New Member


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