Syria’s Christians Risk Eradication

Discussion in 'Religion, Spirituality and Philosophy' started by arbncdt1, Oct 18, 2013.

  1. arbncdt1

    arbncdt1 Member

    What is disgusting is this self-proclaimed "Christian" (me) needs to do something about this, instead of sitting on my lazy gluteus maximus, while my brothers and sisters around the world are suffering, due to their religious beliefs. I have been one of many followers of YESHUA, who do not want to step outside of the comfort zone, because the sacrifices can be costly; yet, YESHUA HA NOTZRI commands HIS followers to "count the costs". Many North American Christians will state "I will pray for my brothers in Syria"; however, "Faith without works is dead!"

    I have behaved in the most hypocritical and pathetic manner, with regards to this issue and many others, with respect to my faith and beliefs.

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