The famous Education Plan 21, to enter into force soon 2014 Overseas Sarine, has drawn the ire of a large part of the population, starting young per UDC Lucerne (which remains at the origin of the petition). The joint initiative of the Federal Office of Public Health and the Ministry of Education aims to introduce compulsory sex education, right from kindergarten. To do this, delivery of "training kits" very special should be done with teachers of kindergarten and primary : it is nothing less than "Basler Sexboxen" («SexBox») to be distributed.
Because violent movies, and video games with people being brutally killed in horrific ways are way better, and natural for a child to see then what is naturally apart of the human body. Switzerland is a democratic society if people find this disturbing people will be voted out. Some societies are simply more mature then others with regards to sex, and thats a fact. In fact I think we as a society would be healthier if parents were more honest when a child asks "Where do babies come from?" Maybe families would have healthier relationships if people growing up realized their families had not been lying to them ever since they were four, and five years old, and able to think, and remember. Some are even mature enough to say "Young adults like to have sex here is available contraceptions, protections and resources." Over a bullshit health class that preaches abstinence as the best, and only solution. As well as parents attempting to instill moral values contradictory to their own natural feelings, and wants as human beings. Maybe if our society improved its sexual education we would not be #1 in Porn consumption, and Teenage pregnancies amongst developed nations. If anyone feels our immaturity in regards to sexual education has not affected society you need only look around.
^^^How many health classes still teach abstinence as the only solution?! It's still the best, but hardly taught as the only solution for preventing disease and unwanted pregnancies.
Abstinence only doesn't work. Children will still be exposed to the reality of sexual activity in every form of media. You won't be able to shelter them forever, and eventually, that would lead them to be more curious about it. No amount of religious education or scare tactics will prevent them from getting a rise out of their libido.