Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams and his lovely family

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by Bliss, Apr 12, 2020.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    • Surgeon General Dr Jerome Adams, 45, comes from an upstanding middle class family in Maryland

    • Both his parents were teachers and his sister is a mental health professional

    • His drive for battling drug addiction comes from his brother Phillip, who has struggled with drug abuse and is serving prison time for burglary

    • Adams was appointed by President Trump in 2017 and before that was Indiana's health commissioner

    His incredible achievement - as the Nation's Doctor - was achieved with hard and dedicated work, along with the loving support of his wife, parents, siblings and children.
    (Naysayers be gone)



    Her name is Lacey Adams.

    She is a TWO- time cancer survivor.


    With Bella.

    Adams, 45, got his bachelor's degree in biochemistry and psychology from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and a medical degree from Indiana School of Medicine.

    In 2014, he was appointed by then-Governor Mike Pence to serve as Indiana's health commissioner until 2017 when he was appointed Surgeon General.

    He previously worked as assistant professor of anesthesiology at Indiana University and is now a vice admiral in the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps.

    Adams has written several academic papers and book chapters, including chapters in Anesthesia Student Survival Guide: A Case-based Approach.


    A Family man...



    His beloved mom, Edrena.
    (Not pictured, his Dad Richard, and sister, Latoya)

    His brother, Philip whose said of his brother...

    'I remember very clearly him staying focused in his books more than anything else. I couldn't be more proud of him. He's a good guy, a great father and the best brother. For what he has made of his life? I can only admire and respect it.
    Knowing how he was as a younger kid, its not hard to see how he can be where he is at now. He stayed on the right path and has been blessed for it. I myself? Well I strayed quite a bit and that's pretty much why he went his direction and I went mine."
  2. DJG87

    DJG87 Well-Known Member

    The dude is from my area. He went to the same high school my mom did & his family still lives around my way.
  3. tp480

    tp480 Well-Known Member

    According to the pew research, 30 percent of successful black men with bachelors degrees or higher are “marrying out” Those numbers were between 2011 to 2015. I think those numbers are between 40 to 50 percent now.
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  4. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

    I TOTALLY agree! Pew compiled those numbers from the US Census.

    The 2020 Census will show a spike in that aforementioned category and also the same spike in Black Men "marrying out" in general at every economic level.

    The website shows that in 2015 the "marrying out" percentage rate for Black Men rose 1% from 14% to 15%. The UK shows that Black Men "marry out" at a ROBUST rate of about 48% and those where numbers from about 4 - 5 years ago, so we definitely know it's well over 50% by now.

    So Questions...

    1.What percentage of Black Men "marrying out" will we see with the 2020 Census,...17% ,18%..HIGHER?

    2.How many more years or decades will it take for the US to reach those wonderful "marrying out" numbers for Black Men that the UK enjoys?
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  5. tp480

    tp480 Well-Known Member

    The last data compiled shows black men marrying interracially at 24 percent. However it also shows black Americans cohabitating at 20 percent. That’s obviously couples who’s are together but not married.

    So based on combined 2017 numbers of Marriage and cohabitation, the numbers are around or above 50 percent.

    I especially believe this is the case in your mid to major metros Denver west I.e Phoenix metro, and all west coast metros which have reached UK levels.

    Here is an example:
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2020
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  6. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Very cool!
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member


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