Discussion in 'General Site Information - Guidelines' started by webmaster, Apr 17, 2006.

  1. webmaster

    webmaster Administrator Staff Member

    Sorry, been busy, but have not forgotten about this.
  2. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    :shock: Don't see the point at all in having a WM forum :!: Let them either get their own site or post up here if they have the balls too. I'll do my thing irregardless. :twisted:
  3. AquaPeach

    AquaPeach New Member

    It's certainly getting old, I just choose to ignore it. Every forum or email list ahs its own drama. It's inevitable when you have a community of people, and moreso when it's an online one because people seem to be a lot bolder when they're behind the keyboard.
  4. AquaPeach

    AquaPeach New Member

    When are we going to get the adult forum? ;)
  5. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    :p Thanxxxs Aqua! I wanted to say something but didn't want to be labled a pervert for porn eventhoug I am... :shock: ... :wink: :!:
  6. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    :roll: I thought I saw something about it in the suggestion forum. I could be wrong though. :?
  7. AquaPeach

    AquaPeach New Member

    You took the words right out of my mouth. :lol: :p But hey, there's nothing wrong with being a perverted porno junkie, there are worse things to be addicted to. ;)
  8. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    True :twisted:
  9. 2legit

    2legit Active Member

    Do u see my sig ? I want to fit 1 more pic. on the right, it sure will fit coz its small but the system won't let me .............................

    Webmaster where did u go ?
  10. nobledruali

    nobledruali Well-Known Member

    Hey who is that in your siggy :?: :shock:
  11. webmaster

    webmaster Administrator Staff Member

    There is a 255 character limit in signatures that may be blocking you from adding more characters in order to link another photo.
  12. ---woman---

    ---woman--- New Member

    I'd like to be able to use the PM option! :)
  13. webmaster

    webmaster Administrator Staff Member

    We had to disable that function. Check out this thread --

    However, that doesn't mean it will always be this way. I'll have to check out the options in the new version of this forum's software to see if it's more configurable than it is now. Right now it can only be ON for everyone or OFF for everyone.
  14. ---woman---

    ---woman--- New Member

    Oh, that sounds cool. Are you going to upgrade this forum soon enough?
  15. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    General Website Info Suggestion Box.

    I've posted before that it would be a nice option for being able to contact other posters. I was the last to comment in that thread and again, I certainly wouldn't abuse the privilege, and would not be opposed to having to be a "trusted member," or something to that effect.

    A tiny pet peeve of mine are those who post things because they know no one can contact them .What I mean are those who come on extra provocatively for some attention, but leave no no way to even verify that they are real? Maybe that's part of the deal, and I guess it's ultimately a poster's right to privacy, but I wonder if people would do that if others could possibly approach them via the board.Plus, it would be nice to get a better count of who was active and who was not?How accurate is the count?What good are screen names that hang around and NEVER post,with NO MEANS of interaction, no activity with the name whatsoever?

    I could be off base in my views, it's just that if part of the goal is to bring white women and black men together, private messaging may be another way to do it.If the guys on here don't know how to treat the ladies, then that's fair enough, turn it back off, but perhaps on a trial basis, why not? I think the key is discretion, and don't most on here know how to ask via the board whether or not they have permission to private message another poster? The women on here will complain if the guys act inappropriately and that would be the end of it in my view.

    My .02.......
  16. webmaster

    webmaster Administrator Staff Member

    Yes, I've installed the latest version of the forum software on a test server and I'm testing it out. After that I'll have to modify it to fit the look of this site. Or - if this other new software we (some programmers and I) are looking at is easy to work with, I may just implement the new forum with that -- which would take longer.

    As far as private messaging goes, the three biggest issues with that are:

    1. There are people who do not wish to be contacted privately. Either they are in a relationship or they're just here to discuss topics. The women would get hit on constantly, and arguments would take on a whole new level than you've seen posted publicly. It would be hard to track who said what to whom when a large portion of it would be private messages.

    2. Racists, troublemakers, and folks with personal vendettas will sign up accounts, harass people privately, and be harder to identify.

    3. It would defeat and kill the personals area which supports this site financially. And you'd start seeing lots of personal ads being posted in the forum. And that same evil webmaster who thinks he is "some kind of master of the web or something," will have to remove them and get all sorts of bad PR.

    One of the new software packages we are looking at may make some of this irrelevant, because everyone will have enhanced profiles, and will be able to visit different areas of the site without having to sign up separately. So you'll most likely start seeing posts from the folks who have stayed exclusively in the personals area.

    Access to different areas will be controlled by groups and permissions. I'll look into whether I can setup a special group for long term members in good standing. Perhaps give this group access to private messaging in the forums only, and the paid members will have universal access to contact anyone. But this would only be if the new forum software allowed that -- some members ON and other members OFF. It may also be something we could hack if it's not, but that's a different story.

    I'll let you all know what we come up with before it's implemented.
  17. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    This sounds really good to me...

    I have another question, can we lock all forums to force people to have a sign in. Once they are banned would that not prevent them from re-registering since their IP address will pop up again? Sorry I am so low tech it's sad.... lol
  18. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    General Website Info

    :D That;s not a low-tech question, Chigirl.It's a good one.I'd love to see the ability to block IP's of banned posters.
    I'd love to see stricter rules for joining..02
  19. webmaster

    webmaster Administrator Staff Member

    It is possible to lock down the entire forum and force everyone to register an account for read access. But then you'd only have lots of registered lurkers instead of guest lurkers - who also have the ability to post.

    Yes, there are many ways to lock down the forum and make it more secure if it came to that -- from creating new entry-level groups with limited access and admin only approval -- to extremes like jumpboxes, ghost boards, and "malicious" payloads (which I do not do).

    However, at the moment the troll problem has not reached the level where I feel it needs to come to any of that. It's way more hassle for them than it is for me - time wise.

    Currently, I just follow a basic escalation procedure (depending on how serious the violation) of:

    - warnings
    - post(s) removal
    - bans (IP, email, screen name, or all three)
    - redirects
    - server level blocks
    - contacting a person's ISP or hosting provider
    - contacting legal or law enforcement authorities

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