
Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, May 21, 2008.

  1. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    what you said about good women marrying're right, but unfortunately, it happens ALL the time.

    and it's true people don't have a clue about commitment and love anymore...alot of dating is based on sex, the need for sex, the want for sex, the ability to have sex, how good the sex, sex,'s quite sad. people are going to do what they're going to do, so i'm not hatin' on them....i just wish people would think before they hop in the sack.
  2. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    ditto, sex has no specialness any more, it is like rabbits now and not even all that interesting. without a committed relationship and a sense that i know this person and she knows me, it is really a sad sad state of being.
  3. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    and in a porn saturated society, passionate, loving, sex in the bonds of marriage and committment seems hard to find and women and men are so jaded, the good people find it harder to find true partners
  4. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    True... :(
  5. rosa

    rosa New Member

    power struggle... well, I've got to say I love a bit of that. I want to be able to show him my teeth in an argument, and he should be able to hold his own, regardless of who 'wins'. Sometimes I like to have a debate just for the sake of it. I don't want to have to play stupid and not defend my views because he will feel hurt and emasculated if he's proven wrong. If he does, and if he needs a woman who will uncritically cheerlead everything he does in order to feel good about himself, then we've got a problem...

    Actually I find this "he's the man, let him win/have his candy/think he's making the final decision" attitude rather patronising, as if a man is by nature too weak and insecure to handle defeat by a woman, so she has to always protect his fragile ego from the harsh reality. If a man believes he's better at making household decisions he's gonna have to prove it first. I'm not prepared to go bankrupt for the sake of tradition!

    Don't get me wrong, I love men, I just don't think masculinity has anything to do with superior intelligence or decision-making abilities.
  6. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Glad to see you back, rosa. Miss having you here.
  7. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Im kinda with ladeda on this one. While I dont want a cheerleader-type woman, I dont want some "killer, kung-fu wolf b***ch, either. lol. (But...ladeda, I dont know too many people with a cut throat mentality who can just turn it on and then turn it off.)

    I dont even want a woman who would concede to me being the head of the household. In this day and age, where one bad financial decision can be the difference filet mignon and filet-o-fish, I think the woman should want to have equal input on all, child rearing, etc.

    And t-reed, I can respect your desire for an educated woman, but I know quite a few educated women (and men) who are about as sharp a stick of butter. Give me intelligence over education any day of the week. (I dated a female subway conductor who knew more about the stock market (and played it) better than anyone I have ever met.)

    I didnt know you were a biter? :smt106 I love a woman with a little fire in her. lol.
  8. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    Most people would not describe me as submissive. I am a bit of a feisty career woman for at least 5-6 days of the week. That doesn't mean I don't support, respect, and encourage my man, especially by listening to his new songs, making sure I attend most or all of his live gigs, and talking to him about his personal problems. I couldn't respect a man who didn't respect my independence, and the fact that I have more important duties in my life than to give those all up for one man.

    I think it's important to recognise that people have public and private personas, too. I need a man who can respect that my work takes up a great deal of my time and energy, and I can't do it properly unless I give it that time. But when it's 'our time', my focus is 100% on him: I'm not aggressive or confrontational, but loving and supportive, and although I'm a fighter in court, I'm a peacemaker at home. I am also more submissive sexually than most people would think :lol: .

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