Study Surprise: Women More Likely to Cheat

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Ymra, Apr 22, 2011.

  1. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    As opposed to saying' If I was in a relationship I would consider cheating.

  2. 11eleven11

    11eleven11 New Member

    Lol, I just can't relate to the motivation is all.
  3. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Of course it's easier, but that's because men have a harder time saying no.;)
  4. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    If what a man wants is being offered him why say no?
  5. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Exactly, that's why I don't believe there are far more women cheating than men because men are not likely to say no to any offer.;)
  6. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Rarely when people are presented with information that goes counter to their beliefs do they say "damn you are right"

    Its easier for a woman to obtain [A] from a man then it is for a man to obtain from a woman. Given this simple truth, its easier for a woman in a relationship to locate, close with, and bang any random dude and not have to put in work than the contrary.

    ...when its easy, its easy. but we (men and women) have been conditioned to believe that cheater is gender specific.
  7. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    You are right. It is rare. However, I have no problem saying "damn you are right"...if you are right. I agree that it is easier for me to get sex than it is for you. I have no problem with that statement. BUT just because it is easier for me to cheat than it is for YOU to cheat, does not mean that I cheat more than you do...feel me?;)
  8. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    You haven't chatted with me before have you?


    - I feel..
    - I don't believe...
    - I know a person who...
    - I see...
    - Just because [insert point] doesn't mean that [insert counter point]

    These really aren't valid retorts.

    If you leave a 100 bill on a table with no one looking, we know that its easier to steal than one that is locked up in a safe.

    doesn't mean that everyone who walks past that 100 bill will take it, but its silly to think the one is the safe has a higher chance of being stolen than that one laying on the table.

    Its much easier for a woman to cheat...doesn't mean that she will,......but group compared to group..hmmmmmmm

    Oh...and do I feel you? Well that depends on what you look like :)
  9. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Why yes, we've chatted before. Have you forgotten me? :( You shared some things about your asian wedding and you've shared your opinions on some things with me before back in Feb. Now I agree that it is easier for a woman to cheat. However, I don't believe that in regards to group comparision that women are doing more of the cheating because our sex drive is not as strong on average as that of men. It may not be as easy for you to get laid as it is for me, but your drive will have you out all times of night on the hunt. Where as I will most likely be at home watching Life Time or something.:cool: It could be possible that we tend to be more honest about it if we do cheat. I know we aren't angels, but I think it's either even or yall are slightly ahead when it comes to cheating. We are way ahead when it comes to the ease of getting laid as you said;). But that's because men are easy like that.:mrgreen:
  10. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    maybe we have. I really only take note of a few

    FG, tam, Tar, couple others that I see on a regular basis (and the dudes I cow prod into an argument) I see your point...I just disagree.
  11. OpenHeart

    OpenHeart New Member

    Okay. Enjoyed the discussion though just the same. Have a good one.:)
  12. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    you too babe :)
  13. jaisee

    jaisee Well-Known Member

    So even a study from the NorthShore Animal League isn't enough to get women to admit to the truth?

    I've also found that some women may allow a double-standard with regard to what's considered cheating. If a man so much as looks at another woman, he's in the dog house. A woman can get away with pretty much anything short of donkey punch anal on Sunday and then turn around and flip the script on us with "I only did it because YOU are always working and are never at home" or "If YOU trusted me, you would believe me when I say we weren't kissing, we were just taste testing each others breath." You have to be very specific when discussing cheating with the fairer sex, the rules of what constitutes cheating for them may not necessarily be the same that apply to us.
  14. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    What I never understood is some of these people who cheat on a person to prove that they are not cheating.:smt017
  15. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Given the research on that, that I have looked at - it looks pretty even with a few percentage diff here and there.

    What I do believe though is that a woman cheat - in general - for unmet emotional needs more so than men (still not right though). Men can separate sex and emotion better than women - again, in general.
    So, therefore, when women cheat, they are more likely to be emotionally attached to the one they are cheating with than men.
    Even though both reasons to cheat (sexually or emotionally) the end result is the same, broken trust etc - but I think that cheating emotionally is worse than pure sexual cheating.

    I think womens reason for cheating is more and more becoming a sexual thing and not emotional as it has been, for many reasons.
    We are in an era that likes instant gratification.
  16. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    I agree 100%
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This I can agree with. The only thing that annoys me is that more often than not women still push the monogamy issue. If we all see cheating as such a big issue shouldn't more of us discuss or explore the idea of open relationships?
    Again half of marriages end in divorce, shouldn't we figure out why and fix it?
  18. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    That's different.

    Most marriage end in divorced because of unreal expectations. I often say there are no such things as absolutes, but many people get married expecting just that. Absolutions

    "When I get married I will always [insert action]"
    "I expect that my mate never [insert action]"

    And when that absolution is not met people feel betrayed and let down. The unreal expectation of absolution.

    and on and on and on. I'm proof of that. This is why marriages fail. Oh....and if the couple is Christian, that just increases the likelihood of divorce.

    ...then again, one might also bring up the fact that the whole idea of being married to one person is an absolution. hmmmm
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2011
  19. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    If you are in a major military town like here in Norfolk, Virginia, just wait until the men leave for sea duty who are in the Navy. The wives are ready to dress to kill for their second mates when the primary mate is at sea. And they say women do not cheat. My advice to the primary mates enjoy yourselves in those far away ports.
  20. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    While I agree that women cheat a lot, I can say that when I was married my ex who is in the military, the big saying was "What goes TDY, stays TDY.". In my case, he brought it home. However, our marriage was bad before the infidelity on his part. I am not sure if a bad marriage leads to infidelity or if infidelity is the cause of a bad marriage. Sort of a chicken and the egg theory.

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