"We cannot return to the days of prohibition," said Leslie King, an adviser to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and one of the study's authors. "Alcohol is too embedded in our culture and it won't go away." It is also socially acceptable because it is overlooked. I have friends of all economic backgrounds that drink something everyday but, they work and have nice families so no one sees it as a problem. I have lost four friends in my age group to alcohol abuse and/or drunk driving. I have lost none to the other addictions.
I don't understand why any drug or alcohol can, is or would be outlawed, I think people should be allowed to choose for themselves. I don't understand why the government can tell you have to do one thing and not another. We can't legally do crack, they tell us we can't smoke a natural substance from the earth, some sexual acts are outlawed in some states, but they don't tell you can't swears or be 450lbs....I don't get it. We should be able to choose for ourselves.
I think it may have to do with how these drugs and stuff can have such a huge impact on more than the user. It's dangerous in more ways than just causing health problems and for more people than just the user. There's a lot of ways innocent (or who don't have anything to do with it) people can get hurt or killed over someone else's addictions.
what? You are jumping all over the place. alcohol suspends good judgement. People get in their cars and run people over or shoot people while drunk sometimes. [YOUTUBE]wlbV-NPT56s[/YOUTUBE] This woman beat the hell out of the employees and all she was on was alcohol.