Still a Virgin does that decrease attraction?

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by Empress Satine, Feb 28, 2010.

  1. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Haven't seen him for years.
  2. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Be honest, you were one of those roomates....werent ya?...

    *shakes head*

    I have nothing against rubber vaginas (i mean, if women can have dildos, then by god, men should have rubber vaginas lol) But letting his mates use it is just DEAD WRONG. Got damn, there are things you shouldnt share with your mates, 1) your toothbrush, 2) your g/f (if shes hot) and 3) the rubber pussy you bought from ebay. disgusting.

    As for epsy, honestly, i think a rubber vagina might just be as good (if not better) than the real thing (take it from a guy who fucks a lot). The only thing the real "thing" provides is heavy breathing and maybe passion and kisses. She might even tell you she loves you ONLY because youre sticking it good, and thats all good. But the problem is when she wants to spend the night, which isnt THEE problem cuz i got a double bunk queen sized bed, however, the morning after?....the bitch looks nothing like she looked last night, and sometimes (regardless of how hot she is) she SLEEPS IN your got damn crib and you go to work and come back to find her still sleeping. OK no problemo, so you try and get some pussy and the bitch hasnt washed,,smelling like rotten fish and shit. BITCH fuck outa my bed and wash your got damn self.

    At least a rubber vagina stays clean(not that i own rubber vaginas but im a clean dude) and wont nag on your ass when you tell it to fuck off :cool:
  3. Espy

    Espy New Member

    Now BMJ, if that were actually what you thought, I suspect you'd just buy them in bulk instead of seeking out the real thing. It'd probably be cheaper in the long run and require a whole lot less effort. As for the rest of your little diatribe, not all women want to stick around afterwards, nor do they have an interest in waking up next to you in the morning, nor are they all unrecognizable in the morning and skanky. But I'm sure you have a higher number that fit that description simply because you wear them out and they have to rest and recuperate before they can function again.
  4. RRoyce55

    RRoyce55 Active Member

    Not to call anyone out in particular, but from the responses to my posts, people are CLEARLY sensitive to how they take my posts. That's ok. That's really the point in the end and I seem to get it across EVERY time. Women really can't handle men being too real. We gotta be 3 steps ahead of PC or else we come across as Misogynists and woman haters. I guess that's how it is in 2010. A man can't say what he really thinks without being insensitive.

    I have loved and will continue to love women who deserve my devoted affections. I won't go any further in reinforcing any of that shit. I don't need to prove anything to anyone on this site and it ends there. I am who I am and it is what it is. There will NEVER be an apology for any statement I make, for I meant the statement at the time of typing it. Sorry :smt080
  5. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    For the 100th time, its not what you say, but how you say it - and I dont think all men think like that, and I dont think you think a hole is a hole.. Sure, a vagina is just that, a vagina, but there is something to who its attached to.. (if you are out for a lay, sure - it doesnt matter) even BMJ schooled you in that and he is our resident playa:)

    Women that choose to stay a virgin dont do it because they think its so valuable and gold, they do it for completely different reasons.. which I think you get if you think about it... and if we are not virgins, just because we dont give it out willingly to anyone doesnt mean we think its gold, we just might think you are not someone we really want to sleep with - or want to figure out what you are up to first - nothing wrong with that, its our decission, not yours.
    Granted, ther are women that think like that, but it is certaiinly not the norm.

    We were just making fun of your comment, that is all.
    If you havent learned anything about the women that responded to that, let me tell you - none of us really care what other people think about stuff like that- but if you post something like that, you better be prepared for the smartass committee.
    Im sorry you missed the tounge-in-cheek...
    Its all good. Noone here expects an appology - freedom of speach - which includes the responses you got.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2010
  6. KingAesop

    KingAesop Active Member

    :| Me no like Cockmeat Sandwich *In Chinese voice*.
  7. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

  8. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Mar 7, 2010
  9. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

  10. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    You just now figuring this out? :D
  11. Espy

    Espy New Member

    I have no problem with you or anyone else saying whatever you like. I don't think it makes you a misogynist, or insensitive, you're just blunt. I prefer blunt, but I'm sure you've figured out that an awful lot of people just really don't do well with that. Though I will say that FG's response was clearly sarcasm, and perhaps you missed that and took it as criticism of your thoughts.

    As long as you're good with what you say and how you say it, it really shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks, or how they take it, and I doubt anyone expects or wants an apology. If you're blunt with people just be prepared for them to be the same with you. It doesn't mean they're sensitive or man haters, they're just stating their thoughts as well. :)
  12. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Yep - I thought it was obvious I was being sarcastic, but we need that darn sarcasm font apparently.

    I love you ESPY!!!!:smt060
  13. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    it sounds like you might be the overly sensitive one here...we were just having a little fun at your expense...why is it the men can sure dish it out around herebut they can't take it...ooooooooo no they get their feelers hurt and then we are the bitches:smt003
  14. Espy

    Espy New Member

    We really do, it gets us all in trouble entirely too often. Maybe just some easily recognized code, like sarcasm is always in purple or something? Though perhaps some prefer the ambiguity?

    Oh and you know I love you too FG!
  15. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    i think when sarcasm is being used that maybe we should use the italic option with a lot of ;) :p :smt016

    second thought...who can be bloody bothered...let's just read the comments properly...sarcasm is pretty easy to pick, especially when we've been here a while
  16. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member


    I prefer honesty myself, but coming off crass and like a prick is another thing.

    I think being tactful and having respect is something also.
  17. Empress Satine

    Empress Satine New Member

    hey, well alot of responses to reply to sorry if i was MIA not out of rudeness. I had a really busy week with uni work and got a virus now.:neutral:

    Firstly: Blac gurl yep you do seem to get my motivation, but i actually would prefer a non-virgin guy.

    FH yep i am a "virgin" I suppose to catergorise it properly you could say backdoor and frontdoor virgin but not upstairs.

    Lippy yep it is weird the whole new classification thing.

    Unchosen thanks for your response enjoy your posts.

    Aesop thanks for the support.

    KC sadly the backdoor is closed.

    FG thanks for your comments you are articulate as always and thanks for backing me up as well as IB thanks :smt003.

    I dont think i said my vagina was gold encrusted or i'm some sort of goddess whose virginity should be worshipped. :roll:. Main reasons scared of pregnancy and std's (doing biology can freak you out sometimes) and im single and would rather wait till im in a commited relationship first.

    RR55 dw im a big girl im dont get offended easily. The whole prince thing mmmmmm. i'm actually v.independent and the fairytale story is nice but just a STORY im happy being single and i do have intimacy issues but i sure dont need a man on a white horse to save me.

    SD that rubber thing eurgh not surprising he didnt get laid though i suppose it is potentially a cheaper consequence free option.

    Generally this is an enjoyable thread so thanks to you all for making it so. :D
  18. Espy

    Espy New Member

    You do get a feel for people the longer you're here, but I think sometimes people's immediate reaction is to get offended and so they mistake the sarcasm. Maybe they're just having a bad day? I know when I'm tired I'm a lot easier to irritate, and there's been a couple of times I've appeared overly bitchy. But you know it's a forum, not the United Nations, so in the end does it really matter?

    I agree with you IB that a lot of times it's the delivery, not the message, as FG also pointed out. But frankly I'll take tactless truth over a lie every time. I like to know where I stand with people, and the more blunt they are, the easier that is to discern.
  19. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    You're very welcome...

    This has been a very entertaining thread :)

    Some people don't see that their delivery is more effective than the actual message. Which sucks.

    I'm not into people lying to me either. I might not like what others have to say, but I'll surely respect it!
  20. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Empress- You welcome, BTW how is your fruit fly Drosophila experiment coming along?

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