Steve Nash Double Swirling Gone Wrong!!

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by nobledruali, Mar 18, 2011.

  1. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    You dropped some bombs on

    I'll wait till later, cause although this was an interesting discussion, I didn't think I'd get into something so deep at this hour. I'm tired as well, so I'll let it rest and see the other posters chime in.
  2. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    Many many black African languages are AfroAsiatic in origin. The languages of the Sahel are Afro Asiatic in origin also

    Also read about the genetic haplotypes of Africans including the Berbers and we would continue this discussion later
  3. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    Cool. Il come back tomorrow to continue. Immortal to sleep.
  4. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

  5. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the discussion

    I have done quite a bit of reading on the topic at the urging of a half white Berber/black Tuareg friend from Agadir, Morocco nearly 20 years ago. Again, you are over-simplifying or being reductionist. The general theory of origin of language is that language families originate from common ancestral groups in prehistory. Those groups then dispersed geographically around the globe over thousands of years. The dispersion and distance leads to regional diversification, but, prior to the modern era, the origins (NOT the genetic makeup of every single member) of a group can be largely determined by what language they speak.

    That is not to say (as you seem to think I am saying) that Berbers (coastal dwellers and less so) or Tuaregs (hinterland dwellers and much more so) are 100% black/Bantu/sub-Saharan in origin. They clearly have many white genetic traits with admixture from early Mediterranean Phoenicians and later Vandals. They are, to a greater or lesser degree however, part of the racial and migratory patterns of Eastern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. They have some (again I did not say ALL) common ancestral origins with other Afro-Asiatic language speakers, who in prehistory were a distinct hybridized subgroup. This is the case because during pre-history language was in fact an ethnic marker, because no one had Rosetta Stone or distance learning courses to teach these "whites" to speak an "African" language.

    For more on the origin of languages and Afro-Asiatic peoples, see HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2011
  6. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I'm sorry, but LMAO @ ^
  7. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    That is your right to apply your own definition. However it has the world over two largely used/accepted definitions:

    1) a descriptive term for someone with the outward appearance of being 100% black or some recognizable percentage thereof;

    2) a descriptive term for anyone known to have a black ancestor or genealogy (the one-drop rule being the most extreme version of this, but present to a greater or lesser degree in many European societies)

    I understand the distinction you made about your perception of Nicole Ritchie's and Mariah Carey's phenotypes, I am just pointing out that legally and genetically they are not wholly white, despite having substantial white ancestry.
  8. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    MOST African languages are of Bantu origin.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Can someone explain to me why in 2011 does race matter anymore. Why do we need to classify one another all that shit does is divide us. All this talk of phenotype and countries of origin don't help me at all today. Its redundant at this point. So to some it all up anyone with brown skin has been royally fucked by people with "white" skin for the last few hundred years. Ok now what?
  10. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    "because race matters .....Please go buy my book " ....says Cornel
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lol dude does make a fortune off of racial tension. Him and Al Sharpton.
  12. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    I feel you...I do think it is important to remember the past as it was, but let's keep it movin because it does not help dwelling in the past...we can keep numbers and research to help speed up future progression, but history hasn't helped us speed up intergration and the such. I feel history in large part has helped people become more wise/smart in the way they express their prejudice, hatred, ill will, etc.

    By the way, I'm neither black, white, native american, mixed, bi-racial...I'm Almondie...that's my race/ethnicit and color lol
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lol this negro right here.
    I would love more people to push for being considered Americans and that's it. Not country of origin hyphen American just plain american just like the British , Spanish, Italians and every other culture in the world. We HAVE to unify and knock off all the childish shit. Corporations and governments are literally poisoning and trying to kill us. We're distracted by ridiculous baby shit like hair texture and eye color. Wake the fuck up people.
  14. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I hear you. This all got started because he was challenging whether Mariah Carey could be called black and objected because she has fair skin and wavy hair and didn't want to accept the US reality. Then the whole conversation degenerated as I pointed out people who have some black blood whether he acknowledged it or not. I don't think anyone here has any love for the one-drop rule, but it's a reality. Sorry to the forum for getting off track.
  15. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    lol My Almondie designation is one of being a globalized citizen in the new emerging world (globalization)...I span all nations lol

    This theory has been around for a while now, protrayed in films, has been expounded on in many ways, and I'll tell you I agree for the most part. I feel that a mixure of corporate america, machines, and some government will be our downfall (kinda "Matrixesque," but with more business in the mix). I'm no conspiracy theorist by any means, but I feel this will be the cause of our demise ultimately. It may not be soon, but eventually. We are the what coporations are made up of, but we speak of them as their own entity, they are classified as their own entity in some cases through law, which is dangerous in my eyes...
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Its not that even that its just that amongst so much knowledge and intelligence we're still distracted by the childish concept of race. Its time to evolve this is holding us back.
  17. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    throw another 'that' on that shit brah

    keep it real homeboy

  18. FRESH

    FRESH New Member

    Nope, and don't think anyone ever did...there should have been a Dave Chappelle skit on the one-drop, kinda like the slave episode...:smt021lol
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Its down right criminal that we all corporations to have the rights of citizens without the responsabilities. Conspiracy suggests secracy the shit that's happening is right out in the open. Its right in front of our faces, corporate bailouts with taxpayer money with nothing in return to the American people. Wars that the American people don't want that's costing us trillions. Foreign aide to countries where the US and corporate interests have invested their own money. Not one sleazy banker who was responsible for the economic collapse has even been charged with a crime yet. Its all in front of our faces but we'd rather tweet and facebook.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Or the race draft. That shit was hilarious. Sure do miss Dave Chapelle.

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