Steve Nash Double Swirling Gone Wrong!!

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by nobledruali, Mar 18, 2011.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You came onto an AMERICAN forum and posted in an AMERICAN thread about your perception of the world according to race. Admonishing myself and other posters for sharing your bs view. One more time dummy we can all agree race doesn't matter but we acknowledge the practices of colorism. So what point are you trying to make exactly.
  2. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  3. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    They actually dont have ANY identity with you for a start not to talk of one that they would escape from

    There is a lot about the world a lot of people need to learn
  4. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    I was pointing out how silly it is for people to insist that that so and so person is so and so race which people seem to keep doing here all the time and even on this thread.

    Especially when all their insistence is based on a white supremacist rule developed in Ignorance

    Its very silly
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Which when divided by region is nationalism dumb ass look it up. Every system division comes from a place of "they" aren't like "us" but your usual physical differences in Africa and other areas has to do with nationalism.
    Since I have to break it down for you dummy I'll be happy to oblige you.
    Wait a minute I'm not getting paid for this.... enjoy your day I'm tapping out.
  6. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    Nicole Ritchie and Joel are an "interracial" relationship

    Reggie and Kim Kardashian are an "interracial" relationship

    Mariah and Nick are "same race" relationship

    But Nicole and Mariah are more white than Kim:p:smt119

    It just illustrates how silly it is when people start this "you are opting outt of a race" thing and insist that everybody must abide by a white supremacist rule

    very very silly to put it mildly
  7. z

    z Well-Known Member

    He asked you a thousand times, what country are you from and what is you background???????Why don't you answer that b4 you continue your race lecture to folks around here.
  8. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    African differences stem from ethnicity not nationalism

    once again, you are displaying ignorance

    If an ethnic Somali or Afar considers you different, it is because they consider you a different ethnicity who does not share much in common with them irrespective of what any white man in America says

    it has nothing to do with nationalism
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It's silly to call myself a New Yorker when this land wasn't originally New York.
    It's silly to call ourselves Americans and Europeans and Africans. Why arent we earthlings?
    It's silly to call ourselves men and women since we all start out with xx.

    The point is we've adopted ths term culturally and only those within the culture can change it. So you love your terms soooo much then stay in your own land. Problem solved.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thank you!!! The asshole is dodging questions like he's in the Matrix.
  11. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I think people here can understand the ethnic differences between African groups quite clearly. Ashanti and most West Africans are VERY different in appearance from East African/Hamitic/Cushitic/Arab/running-out-of-terms hybridized blacks. But people in a racialized society are much more adept at picking out racial characteristics than perhaps people in a place where race has little or no social weight. However, much of the developing world has its own racial hang-ups (here I can only talk about Latin America, as I have limited experience with African ethnic groups besides Nigerians and Ethiopians), many centered around the colonizer/colonized complex.

    I also hear what Mr. Fantastic was saying about the negative connotations attached to 'blackness'. Many of these societies have creole/mixed/colored castes who are posited somewhere along the racial spectrum, but 'blackness' almost always lands you at the bottom. Racialization of Africans through a European lens was even a feature of the Hutu/Tutsi conflict, because the French viewed the Tutsi as 'whiter' because of their features and put them in a higher position inside of Rwandan society that altered inter-ethnic relations until the conflict erupted.
  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

  13. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    Red color and big fonts are not the best way to ask a question.

    My country also does not have anything to do with a reality he knows nothing about. The fact that he is trying to project American race mentality on issues he cannot even grasp the most basic concept of is where the issue comes from

    Its why issues like this come up constantly and people spend 70 pages arguing over a ridiculous concept that should never even be taken seriously at all.

    and pls this is not a lecture
  14. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Again Mr. Simpson- The jury asked you over and over the same question and they would like to know what country that you're from & what is your ethnic bacground before they proceed.
  15. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Well, one reason to take this concept seriously is because the world's only superpower revolves around it and for 400-500 years not grasping this clearly could get you hung or shot. And in some parts of the country this is still the case (Jasper, Texas).

    No one here disagrees with you about how ludicrous it is, but refusing to acknowledge the criminal has a gun pointed at your head won't prevent you from being shot.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    When one sole person adopts the role of "educator" that's exactly what it becomes.

    You keep talking on a world view but all the people you keep using are Americans, you are talking to Americans. So within the context of the conversation you're the only idiot without a clue.

  17. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

  18. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    This is not true at all

    It is the Europeans that actually brought about the idea of race as we know it today

    Why would an Oromo think that an Ewe man is his "race"???? Why would a Somali look at an Igbo man who does not look like him and think -oh he is my "black race"? Why would anybody even label themselves as of being of a certain "race" in the first place

    Let me try to explain this thing on here.

    What you guys translate as "race" actually has ZERO meaning in many African countries

    What constitues people a person identifies as being the same with includes a common language, culture, history,traditions, heritage, food, norms, moores, taboos, rites, religion, clothing, family structure, festivals, societal references etc

    If a person does not share the above things and more with you, then thy are completely different from you. You can go ahead and throw in differences in looks no matter how small you think they are.

    The feelings of diffrences emanates from the above differing among people

    what most Americans percieve as "your race" is close to meaningless in many societies

    Ethnic differences in Africa are fueled by reasons that have nothing to do with Europeans. These differences existed before they arrived

    I know this would be hard for many Americans, who have a "race" first view of the world to understand
  19. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    you are not serious at all. When you display ignorance on an issue and display a singular world view, sarcasm is not the best resort
  20. Iykeg

    Iykeg Restricted

    Its only people who identify as black and kooks on SF that keep pushing this ludicrous idea of accepting something so stupid because "you dont have a choice"

    Subscribing to a nonsensical white supremacist idea invented out of thin air is definately a choice

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