Star Wars

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Thump, Dec 13, 2015.

  1. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    I agree and am aware. But, I’ve noticed that many white people are allowed to fail upwards, and it is often because they are tagged onto something that succeeds. I am aware of the producer’s role, which is why when creatives become producers, the end product is often great. I think they gave her too much credit and assumed one thing could translate into another.

    In addition to that, it seemed like she had some sort of agenda that didn’t really translate to quality storylines. It kind of feels like the moment she ventured into the CEO position, she used it to push her own agenda.

    Off subject of KK, I wonder if the leak was a “bullshit leak” to destroy expectations and then fill it with fan service instead. I guess we will see.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well said
  3. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    She started off as Spielberg's assistant and had a careerlong working relationship with him and George Lucas.

    I think that she's legitimately good on the financial, behind-the-scenes political part of filmmaking, but she doesn't have any creative chops whatsoever.

    Lucas handpicked her to take over Lucasfilm, and she totally stabbed him in the back to advance her agenda.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2019
  4. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    It wasn't "one" leak though. They were multiple leaks in real time covering the entire duration of the production of the TROS, and most of them turned out to be accurate.

    These aren't strategic. They're coming from disgruntled Lucasfilm employees who've had enough Kennedy and her sycophants ruining the franchise.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2019
  5. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Go see it and let me know, please.
  6. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    TROS flopped in China. Did just over $2 million in ticket sales by 8 PM local time on Friday night and was fourth place behind three Chinese movies.

    It's doing even worse than Solo did in China, and Solo got pulled out of that market after a week.

    Word of mouth on this movie is so bad that it might not even hit a billion in global ticket sales.

    I never thought that I'd find myself rooting for Star Wars to fail, but the sooner that Disney forces a regime chance at Lucasfilm, the better.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2019
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  7. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

  8. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    To be fair Star Wars has never been super popular in China. You got to remember that most Chinese audiences never saw the first 6 movies so there was no nostalgia factor for them.
  9. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    True, but TFA and Rogue One did much better in China. TFA did $124 million and Rogue One did $69 million.

    Solo did $9 million on the opening weekend and $16 million overall before it got pulled out of the market.

    This fact that TROS is trending even worse than Solo is a huge embarrassment for Disney and Lucasfilm.
  10. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

    What a flop! $40M on Thursday night and a projected $195-200M domestic opening. Yes, Disney should be humiliated.
  11. glassesjacket24

    glassesjacket24 New Member

    Has anyone seen the new one? This entire series has been disappointing tbh

    John boyega deserves soooo much better series screwed up in the beginning never making him the lead character imo rey is so boring
  12. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    So I took my client and his grandson to see SW: The Rise Of Skywalker.
    It's not great but it is significantly better than The Last Jedi. I can kind of understand why the reviews are mixed because it's clear that JJ Abrams was trying to "fix" several of TLJ's mistakes and I'm guessing the critics that liked TLJ didn't take kindly to the obvious digs at Rian Johnson's bad ideas. There is even a point in the movie when Luke flatly says he was wrong about the way he behaved in TLJ. One other thing I will give this movie is its attempt to move Finn off of the b-squad by heavily implying that he is force-sensitive, they also brought back the idea that Finn has feelings for Rey but it doesn't go anywhere by the end of the movie. The LGBT 'hint' was pretty much what I thought it was going to be two unnamed resistance women kissing at the end I knew Disney wasn't going to have a mainstream gay couple in an international blockbuster franchise at least not yet. The splicing and editing Carrie Fisher into the movie is really obvious

    The movie leans heavily into fan service which doesn't bother me because the last movie acted as if the fans were idiots. Lando being back was fun but he had very little screen time. Kylo/Ben's redemption happened fast but in fairness so did Darth Vaders in ROTJ. They say this is the last of the saga but there are enough dangling plotlines to warrant further stories (probably in a novel or comic) it was not great by any means but Overall, I didn't hate it which is a huge step up from the last movie.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2019
  13. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    If one director/writing team had handled the entire series, this wouldn't have happened.

    Don't care for Abrams, but props to him for explicitly repudiating everything that Rian Johnson did in The Last Jedi.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    He did a good job with Star Trek
  15. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    I avoided just about everything Star Wars for the last couple of months to go into seeing The Rise of Skywalker with as open mind and clean a palette as possible, hell even skip a chance to go down to Orlando to go to Galaxy's Edge. Gotta say this it was not a great film at all but it was not terrible. I did not go in with any real expectations so I was not really all that disappointed. That being said they played it way too safe after Last Jedi and made it very predictable. They also left more questions with this one.

    Kylo Ren's turn back to the light saw it coming a mile away.
    End of the Skywalker Line totally predicatable.
    Finn and Poe being thrust into positions of leadership.

    The Knights of Ren - they did nothing
    Planet killing weapons - didnt work the first 3 times the Empire/First Order tried it but the 4th time it will work.
    Not enough Wedge or Lando in the final battle I know its about moving on to the next generation, but Wedge was was of the best pilots in the galaxy.
    Kylo and Rey romance made no sense was so not needed.

    Finn-Poe dynamic while it was a little corny at times, it did work.
    The desert case sequence was fun.

    So Rey is Palpatine's granddaughter, this leads to a couple of questions. First Palpatine's son, who and where did he come from he would have had to have been born around the time of Return of the Jedi for the time line to work. Now that being said if Palpatine had a son why would he have been so threatened by the Skywalker offspring? Was his son a clone in the same way that Boba Fett is a clone of Jango? I mean he is was a clone that the Emperor/Sith loyalist raised but rejected that way of life and ran off it makes sense.

    Finn obviously felt some kind of connection with Rey and the force, was able to pilot the skimmer through the high rising oceans so was he force sensitive or not?

    What the Hell Jedi had healing powers the whole time? They could even heal lightsaber wounds, if that is the case Obi Wan was not shit he just let Qui Gon die?

    Things that erked me
    As a star wars nerd it bothered me when Rey said to Leia that one day she would be worthy of her brother's saber, when she says this I am thinking to myself it was never Luke's saber it was Anakin's.

    Speaking of saber, Palpatine could short circuit thousands of ships at once with his force lightning but a light saber could block it?

    The scene where Leia is finishing her Jedi training, why the hell did they make them look so young, they looked like A New Hope Luke and Leia not Jedi Luke and Leia.

    Also related Palpatine looked more like Revenge of the Sith Palatine not Return of the Jedi Palpatine where he actually "died".

    3PO basically shuffled his way through all the films yet in this one he is damn near sprinting in his scenes?

    Fin's hair
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Thanks you saved me some money. I'll wait till it's out on Disney plus
  17. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    LOL The "Reylo" Twilight crowd that Kathleen Kennedy tried to pander to is not happy about the way this movie ended.

    In this video, she plays a clip from inside of a theater at the premiere where the teenaged girls in the audience lost their shit after Ben/Kylo died.

    I keep harping on this, but I just don't understand the idea of paying $4 billion for Star Wars and then alienating the existing fanbase. We're the reason that the franchise was worth that much in the first place. Did they really think that Reylo idiots are going to give two shits about Ben Swolo once they age out of the demographic? Those aren't fans that are going to keep giving money to a franchise for the rest of their lives. Twilight was hot at the time. Now that its fans are older, nobody gives about it anymore.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2019
  18. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    As with our politics, we agree to disagree

    His version of Star Trek was a mess. The only established IP that J.J. really did well with was Mission Impossible 3, IMO

    Merry Christmas :D
  19. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    I'm with you only I'll wait 'till torrent. I'm not paying a dime for this mess.
  20. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    Hard disagree was well. Star Trek has been run into the ground even worse than Star Wars.

    The movies were mediocre and STD is an abomination.

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