Star Wars

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Thump, Dec 13, 2015.

  1. ryanpaulstewart

    ryanpaulstewart Well-Known Member

    It’s funny, When Star Wars’ diversity only had Lando the space pimp Calrissian, I was completely fine with watching a fake white future play out in a GFFA. Don’t remember ever feeling much animosity about any of the depictions sans the JarJar fiasco, which George had surrendered to the actor. Fast forward to the new diverse SW and each product has become less and less digestible.

    At the end of this latest mess, Rey will beat Cry-lo for the third time.

  2. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that's the narrative that people like to put out there, even with fans who are genuinely concerned with the direction their favorite franchise is going. To tell the truth, I don't mind it when regular people with social agendas spew nonsense, I just get irritated when mainstream media outlets piggyback on that erroneous thinking.
  3. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Biggest letdown character. Supposed to be Vader 2.0, turns out to be an emo punk who lets himself get beat twice by a girl with no Jedi training. An ex-Stormtrooper also got his licks in. Shameful.
  4. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

  5. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    I'm 90% positive that the "Sith Rey" is a red herring, it's probably a force vision, although if they had the balls to make her actually go evil I'd be ok with that.
  6. ryanpaulstewart

    ryanpaulstewart Well-Known Member

    The new trend is to make toxically-masculine villains quasi-gay.
  7. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    If the borrow from the EU, then she is a clone. And it’s going to be Evil Rey vs. Boring Rey.
  8. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    The only sweet thing he did was stop that laser bolt in mid-air in "The Force Awakens." It was all downhill from there. Captain Phasma was another hyped character who didn't do shit. What a joke. I still got the remastered middle trilogy from 1997 on VHS and my player still works. Later for this new shit.
  9. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    They keep pissing off the fanboys, ignoring that the fanboys were the ones buying the comics, books, memorabilia, and hyping up/watching the EU shows (attack of the clones animation, then attack of the clones CGI, then rebels etc.).

    If anyone is interested in Star Wars lore, there are a few solid YouTube channels I can add links to. Let me know.
  10. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

    This week's Entertainment Weekly cover.

  11. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

  12. ryanpaulstewart

    ryanpaulstewart Well-Known Member

    Why is this prequel trilogy analysis better than both sequel trilogy films?
  13. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Because the “fanboys” that the feminists hate, actually absorb all Star Wars media and info. So, they are able to go in further depth and elaborate the larger universe.

    The same fanboys they called racist for hating the last Jedi, also love and adore Mace Windu, because of his incredible back story. There are racist ones, but way less than Kathleen Kennedy would like you to think.

    They made a fan-made Star Wars film once...
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I love this whole thread bravo guys. Sometimes I can't articulate my disdain for the current iteration (except for Rebels that's dope). Its becoming my annoyance with sjw media in general. Yes representation matters but all this beat you over the head nonsense that only a tiny fraction of people actually like is making me disengage all together. The people who bought and supported this thing for decades are no longer being considered instead its a takeover by people who just want to either take away any joy from those they deem problematic because they're unhappy and those who blindly support them without ever questioning if a good story is being made.
    Instead of making new stories that show a strong female character without all the sjw nonsense ie Aliens, Firestarter, T2 etc they shoehorn an all female storyline making men ancillary to prove a point that never had to be made in this universe. Another reason I won't watch the new Matrix because I guarantee they will ruin it by forcing an unwatchable agenda piece to make a point.
  15. ryanpaulstewart

    ryanpaulstewart Well-Known Member

    Conceptually, this was more interesting than anything in those God-forsaken movies. Oh wait a minute... there was that scene where Kylo and Rey... [insert the sound of farts].
  16. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

  17. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Daisy Ridley is a shit actress. That is all.
  18. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member


    Entertainment Weekly
    The Mandalorian Unmasked: ‘We did things no Star Wars fan has ever seen’
    Read here.
  19. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

    Below is the latest Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order trailer, which previews the third-person adventure game launching this November 15th on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC via Origin.
    The game includes an authentic story set immediately following the events of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith.

  20. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

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