1. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    Ok, I'm still new here, and already I'm getting sick of the flagrant hating I see going on around here. Everywhere I look it's "racist" this, and "size-obsessed whore omg" that, and "You only like him because he's black!" this, and "You only like her because she's white!" that, and...grr! It goes on and on.

    People, come on. Let me tell you a couple things.

    It is possible to not be attracted to someone of a different race and not be racist.

    It is possible to be attracted to someone -because- they are a different race, and still not be a racist or "deserter" of your own.

    It is possible to have a peaceful debate without personally attacking your opponent (even if you only do it in vague, condescending ways without actually coming right out and saying it. It still counts)

    It is possible to shut the fuck up instead of picking over every single piece of information you take in that you don't agree with and get offended by, instead of actively seeking it just to kill those lonely hours on a saturday night.

    It is just as possible for a woman to be more attracted to a man for having a large penis as it is for a man to be more attracted to a woman with large breasts, or ass, or long legs, or whatever gets your rocks off.

    This doesn't make the man a "size king" does it? When a man loves big titties he can declare it to the heavens, but the moment a girl mentions a preference for something with a little more substance it suddenly seems that's all she cares about period.

    I thought this website was about love. We can't even have a thread anymore about how much we love black men, and white women, on a website called "Whitewomenblackmen.com"? This makes me sad, because I thought the whole point of it was to bring us together, not tear us down with hate.

    So, for all my big titty loving, big dick lovin, black men lustin, white woman bustin' people out there, stand up and say it proud.

    I love big dicks, especially if they're black. I'm not ashamed of it, nor am I going to keep it to myself just because people can't understand you can love a man for both his soul and his penis size.

    And you know what else? I love black men. Oh noes! I stated a preference based on race, I must be a shallow bitch! :D

    Don't put hate on this thread. Only love below this line. If you wanna hate, go somewhere else.

    I'd rather love, than hate. So if you'd rather love than hate, too, stand up with me, and stop letting these cocksuckers ruin our love.
  2. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Watch it, girl. Honest talk like that is gonna get you a boot off the "PC-train."

    Please repeat after me, "sex isnt for peasure...sex isnt for pleasure..."
  3. drow

    drow New Member

    I will be the first to say that I don't take offense to sexual preference alluding to size, color, what have you. We are all human and have our particular taste. If we black males can talk about big tits, juicy ass, ect. on a WHITE girl, then why should anyone get upset over them gushing about black penis size? Not everyone is necessarily looking for "love" here.
  4. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Okay, you did say to stand up and say it proud so that's exactly what I'm about to do here:

  5. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I agree...we should all chill.

    Men are probably more sensitive about penis size than women are about breast size because men can't change what they were born with....and even if it was possible...I suspect most cats would be afraid to let someone operate down there....even if they were given a 90% assurance that they could increase their size from 5, 6 or 7 inches up to 11 3/4 inches.

    It's also tough to compare because....while guys may become more aroused looking at bigger boobs....we'll still roll with a chick that has B-cups.


    Guys are BOOB CONNOISEURS...size helps but petite is never turned down

    Girls are BIG-DICK CONNOISEURS....a dude will look at a girl with A or B cups but most chicks aren't going to get hot over a 3 1/2 inch erection
  6. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    All we need is love...isn't that what the Beatles sang many years ago?

    Seriously, this is a good post. We get enough "reality" in real-life, this should, for the most part, be a place to have fun and enjoy being you.

    It's a good reminder that we aren't all going to agree on everything and everyone has their own stories to tell and things they've learned and things that are important to them.

    I, for one, enjoy reading most of the things on this board. I don't always participate, because basically, I like to keep some things private. But, I enjoy the exchanges and hope that we can all learn to live in harmony and rejoice in our differences (be they skin color, or attitudes, or thoughts and feelings).

    Good job, DH!! :smt038
  7. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    ::shakes head in agreement::

    mmmm-hmmm, girl....mmm-hmmm!

    :smt045 :smt045
  8. designer

    designer New Member

    I'll stand up with you...
  9. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member


    But most women will yelp if Lex slams them in the pussy...

    Would I like to be longer? Only a tiny bit maybe an inch, but otherwise its just fine, I must be fucking alot of "Goldilocks types" or something.

    "Not too small, not to big JUST RIGHT..."
  10. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    Well I know some girls who have told me straight up that they scared of the packers and no I was not hitting any of them, this one girl from Canada was loving this dude and when she went over his house and he pull out a great oak she was like aww fuck and she only sucked him off. I had another chick tell me the same so I guess it is different strokes(pun intended) for different folks. I like my women on the slim side and some brothers like them fat huge even so to each their own.
  11. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Exactly....some chicks will say they want a big one....but that really means 7 or 8 inches long and kind of thick.....when they get someone in "Mandingo" territory (double digits)....they are asking to get impaled...but every girl is different like INJERA said... 8)
  12. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    hrm, well I suppose "big" is really a relative term anyhow. Big to one girl might be average to another. Depends on what sizes you've experienced, and what you can handle. Lil girls with monster cocks? That shit just looks like it hurts.

    But I just wanted to say thank you for not hating on my thread. When I read the responses you guys made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. :D :D :D

  13. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Helluva damn good post.
  14. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member


    now thats some funny shit
  15. life5577

    life5577 New Member

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