Stalker Stories

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by qwils86, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. qwils86

    qwils86 New Member

    I met my stalker on okcupid. What's up with these girls online mane?! I'm cool online dating websites right now lol
  2. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    I agree that many people probably don't experience life-threatening stalker situations but there are a heck of a lot of women I know who've dealt with men with stalker-like tendencies! One guy I dated for a few weeks last year (who turned out to be married) still emails me or gets at me on kik or voxer He's suffocating with the "I miss you", "I need you to talk to me", "I don't understand why we can't make this work"...hmmm, cause you're married lol!! I never told him my address, yet I've found him waiting outside my gate at home three times. I use the back entrance/exit now. I get random flowers on my doorstep, not signed but I know they're from him.

    Another ex would come at me every week or so trying to get back together, nothing obnoxious really...until he found out I was seeing my current guy. Then his texts began getting creepy, saying I really fucked up letting him go, I'd realize what I missed out on eventually, I'll pay for not seeing how good I had it with him, etc. I blocked his number. Then he hit me up on kik saying there's five different ways he could get into my house if he wanted to. I wrote back to let him know my 6'5 300lb bf lives with me and that we own 7 guns lol. Haven't heard from him since.

    No matter how honest you are, if things end and its not a mutually agreed upon ending, sometimes people get weird.
  3. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

  4. qwils86

    qwils86 New Member

    True indeed
  5. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    note to self.....if you date woman online...expect a rabbit in a boiling pot.

    note 2....dont date woman online.
  6. qwils86

    qwils86 New Member

    Lol learn from our mistakes man
  7. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  8. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Careful with mixing business with pleasure. When I worked in finance I started having sex with one of the administrators at one of the agencies that provided a service for the organization. It was someone that I did not have to see at work everyday, but she would always call me rather than my coworkers for inquiries because we were fucking and the business connection gave her an excuse to yap with me all day. She would call me throughout the entire day and the convo would be 5% business 95% personal. Not cool at all, I like to focus on making progress while I'm at work, if I get ahead I would rather do homework or read, not yap on the phone. A. Anyway........I wanted to break it off because she started fucking me up in bed. I realized that the scratches she was giving me were more motivated by marking her territory than anything else. You can imagine what happened when I tried to break it off. Of course she had a way and a reason to keep calling me at work. My boss a lady at the time was the noisey type. She knew who I was fucking. Not cool at all. I had to call bluff on all the threats from the crazy girl and hope that she would eventually back off. luckly she finally did. I know I'm a stickler for not mixing business with pleasure, but this was one time that I slipped up, actually set up by one of my wild home girls.

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Scarlett Johansson or her look alike can stalk me for an entire weekend i wont be mad. Just dont show up unnanounced at my door at 6 am cus my wife is 5ft 10 and has a mean kick:cool:
  10. buglerroller

    buglerroller Well-Known Member

    women stalkers are nothing to joke around about, i was truly concerned when she told me that. the frightening thing is when you think about courts and ww word against a bm.

    i spent a good 5 year or so online dating and one thing i have learned is you get what you pay for... those free ones everyone should steer clear of.
  11. fantasyfangrl

    fantasyfangrl New Member

    This is so true. I have met some great guys with the pay sites and some real duds with the free sites.
  12. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  14. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I never dated my stalker. He asked, but I turned his creepy ass down. I had to deal with him pretty often because he was a semi-regular customer where I was working at the time. It wasn't long before he was coming in more than usual and wouldn't leave me alone. It didn't help that one of my coworkers (stupid bitch) gave him my number, or that my boss (stupid bitch who used to be his neighbor) encouraged him by telling him that we'd "make a cute couple". It didn't matter what I said or how I said it, he wouldn't go the hell away.

    He'd make inappropriate sexual comments to me or about me to other people in the store. After getting my number from the stupid bitch, he was calling me 20 times a day...I had to get my number changed. He figured out my work schedule and showed up every time I was there. I had people keep a look out while I ran my reports and did the deposit, so I could hide from him if I got the chance. I'd lock myself in the office with the light out and do my paperwork with a flashlight and the printer turned off on the adding machine so he wouldn't know I was in there. Even with all this craziness going on, my boss was no help and told me I was overreacting; she still insisted he was a "nice guy" and I should give him a chance.

    Then there was the time I took out the office trash and heard someone pull up behind me at the dumpster and open the vehicle door. When I turned around, that fool was sitting there with his dick on display.

    Then there was the time he found out where I lived by following me home from work one day. I was taking a nap and someone honking a car horn woke me up. When I looked out the window, that fool was parked in my driveway. I called the police, but he was gone by the time they showed up. He started driving by the house a dozen times a day, honking the horn.

    Then there was the time at work where he was waiting for me in the hallway when I came out of the bathroom. He had me cornered and was begging me to go back into the bathroom with him and let him eat me. Thankfully one of my coworkers had seen him follow me and came to my rescue.

    He started showing up everywhere I was...the only places I'd never run into him were church and the bank.

    He'd get crazy jealous if he saw me with anyone or even heard that I'd been out with someone. Once I came home from work and found a pair of men's sandals by my front door. Somehow I knew he'd put them there. He showed up at my job the next day (hiding wasn't an option that day), and told me he'd be by to pick up his shoes...he was pissed when I told him I'd thrown them away. While I was cussing his crazy ass out for trespassing on my property and stalking me, he said he only put the shoes there "so if any men came creeping, they'd know there was a man in the house".

    For some reason he had it in his mind that we had a relationship. He kept insisting he was in love with me, but I just didn't appreciate that I "had a good man". He'd also accuse me of cheating on him when I was seeing anyone. He's told many people about how I broke his heart when I decided I "didn't love him anymore". :rolleyes:

    There were too many weird and crazy things that happened over the years to even list. It was 2000 when it all started, and although it hasn't been at the same level in recent years, his crazy stalking ass still turns up to torture me from time to time.
  15. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    I was fresh from the academy. FSP hired me right away because there was a lot of turnaround there and they were in desperate need for more officers. I tried to be fair and professional. But, I was not like my fellow officers. I was weak but I did my job and left with my dignity intact. Being "hard" takes time to develop. My focus was on my job, my fellow officers and following the guidelines of the state. I didn't belong there. My fellow officers knew it and so did the inmates. Some of the Muslim inmates tried to convert me. But I didn't let them. My beliefs were my own. One officer told me that I had made enemies among the other officers. He said I was a good officer but not good enough for FSP. This experience showed me a world that was different from mine. And I learned from that world. Would I do it all over again if given the chance? No. I would go into law enforcement and be a cop working for the city, municipality, county or state. But my PTSD at the time after resigning would not let me. My mistake was falling for the fact about state benefits. I had met many state employees and the felt as I did at the time that working for the state is great but you have to survive in between to get there. It was all a learning experience. This job isn't for everyone. But some people do it for various reasons. One sergeant told me that he would rather be a CO than a cop because he has control of the inmates. A cop does not have that control until after the criminal is apprehended.
  16. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    No one should have to tolerate such bullshit.
  17. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    It was a nightmare. I did let him know the last time he decided to pop back into my life to scare me, that I'd had enough of his shit and if he started fucking with me again, I'd kill his ass. Hopefully that got through to his crazy ass.
  18. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    This is where dual use tools can come in handy like a combination lock planted firmly in your hand wrapped around your finger; a sure way to put knots on his head. Skip the knives and carry a box cutter for some serious slicing. I don't encourage violence, but self defense doesn't mean letting up when he cries uncle. If you must defend yourself you have to be very brutal in the process. If he gets the upper hand he will show no mercy.
  19. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I don't like violence, but I'm prepared to do whatever I have to do to defend myself if it comes down to it. I appreciate the suggestions. I know he's capable of violence, he's even done time for domestic assault on an ex-girlfriend. Hopefully it will never get to that point.
  20. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    It sounds like it's time to get the police involved. After a certain point he's breaking the law (although the law on things like stalking varies from state to state).

    And seriously, what kind of asshole gives out someone else's phone number? What in the actual fuck?

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