LOL - Yes, Thanks ESPY, this isnt the first time I run into this. As soon as I hit a certain spot in my work out routine after a slow down period, I cant keep the weight on... Last time, I was at 3300 calories per day and I was still losing weight... I was doing casein then, I might do that again. I usually cant stand most of the whey protein shakes so Im trying to find something I at least sort of like Im gonna look int yours Thank you espy!!! basically goes into the '3 body types' and weight gain issues the guy's not an English doctorate (not even sure of his credentials), but you'll get the idea. they also have a forum and other useful articles if you're really serious about your workout, id say become a member of their forum and start interacting with their community. late edit - make sure you research any supplements you're thinking of taking also.
awwww Petty! Very sweet of you to say, but of you have been chasing me, you have been very obtuse or I have been very dense.. yeah yeah - shut up. :smt054
I use a tropical fruit flavored soy shake mix that's actually designed for weight loss or maintenance, but by adding the whey shots it ups the protein content considerably, so I end up with a total of 51g of protein per shake. By mixing it with OJ, and adding the whey shot, the taste is really good IMO. I tried a lot of so called 'good tasting' protein shakes that I could barely gag down before I came up with this combo. You might try getting a vanilla flavored soy shake mix, there are tons on the market, then mix it with OJ and add the whey shot. Unless you don't like orange juice, in which case I'd pick another type of juice that you do like. Juices like pineapple, cranberry and orange tend to have a strong enough flavor that it masks the soy aftertaste. If you're trying to lose weight you'd want to avoid the extra sugar in juice, but since that's not an issue for you the extra sugar won't hurt.
Wow. I've been lifting weights for years and I've never seen someone decline giving a spot, nor has someone declined when I asked for the occassional spot. Always thought it was common courtesy? Oh well. Do you!
Huh? Your post is confusing. You say you took all those supplements and read Muscular Development, then turn around and tell people to take 40 pounds off the rack? What about the people who are doing reps of 4-6 reps to failure? Maybe you missed those issues and don't know about that? Lol
I think I can relate. I wear headphones, listen to light music, and I am very focused. Even if I didn't I would probably not hear anyone talking to me immediately. I remember weight lifting as a child, and I think my cousin and I would spot each other simply because we had been taught that for safety and were two boys in my uncle's basement happy to be lifting weights and gladly doing all the parts involved. However, most adults don't need a spotter and would be fine with better technique (knowing what muscle they are exercising and doing it without throwing and yanking). That said, I understand when someone really needs a spotter to push their limit, when the weight is unweildy in comparison to their body, when they are lifting to failure, and I wouldn't begrudge such a person if they asked me. I don't know what kind of program you were on, but considering everything you mentioned, that seems likely to have been a great waste of money.