Tell me about it folks. I did a speech forum a few years back in school on the emergence of hate sites on the web. And I have to say that during the research I found some pretty sick and disturbing stuff. Everything from recruiting young children into separatist movements to all-white breeding campaigns, and of course violence against minorities. Hasn't anyone noticed in the last few years how attacks against different colors of people (yes, including whites) has increased dramatically? People are getting paranoid these days and it's getting worse in my opinion. Especially with the war overseas and the influx of latinos from the south. Things are about to get really hot here.
:shock: I just read a thread on that website about interracial marriage :shock: How can they say such disgusting things!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! This is absolutely ridiculous!!!!!!! I feel so stupid because I didn't realize there were THAT MANY OF THEM!! I mean I live in a 95% white community, but I have always had my best friends being of different races. And people here are not so bad as I can see. The racism here is very subtle and mostly hidden I am so confused :cry: I thought the world had gotten a bit much for my idealism! :cry: They are UGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :x :x :x :x :x :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Well my eyes have been opened today........atleast it was sooner rather than later.
Well, there you have it, alessandra, not to mention the fact that most of these same demon seeds don't have any qualms about incest/pedophilia and beastiality, only to create another influx of inbreds down in the deep south of the USA (for starters), who are, more than likely, filled with tuberculosis, leprosy, and schizophrenic brain tumors.
the world had gotten better??? have you not paid attention in the last 20 years?? Neo Nazi groups on the rise from Canada throughout US, French Riots with anti arab attacks, anti native and anti family attacks by the canadian govt, anti jewish, anti-christian, anti muslim persecutions around the world, the whole middle east sinct the early 70s at war, North Korea, Sudan, Sierra Leone, LA riots, anti globalization riots in Seattle, new Orleans, Rwanda, Somalia, bombings in Europe, Shining Path terrorists, WTC 93 and 2001, James Bay Quebec--flooding of Native lands, Mohawk-Quebec provincial govt standoff at Awkwesane, white supremacist attacks in Idaho, Washington State and Portland Oregon, Oklahoma city bombing, Jones beach, New York, Bensonhurst riots???????? sorry, its not getting better it is getting worse
Thats just regular human behavior. I don't think there has ever been a time when all humans were at peace. Ever since the first humans learned to swing a stick. There has been human vs. human violence. The last century was the worst century of humanity. Hundred's of millions were killed in wars,genocides,etc. Thats how humanity will always be. Humans don't maintain a balance with their environment like other animals. We suck resources dry and destroy. And then we move on to new territory and do it again.
Racism varies greatly from place to place, person to person and is constantly evolving. that's why it isn't going anywhere any time soon. So many people don't even know it when it's staring them in the face. Everyone can spot the easy racism, (police brutality, racial profiling, ethnic slurs etc.) The problem is when it's not obvious. Those with racial hangups who don't want to be exposed as racist are very adept at not appearing outwardly racist. To further complicate matters, a lot of racism isn't even on a conscious level anymore. And there are as many varying types and degrees of racism as there are racists. Each one is unique. But as racism evolves, too many people go by an outdated definition which can mislead them. Too many think that as long as they don't hear the "N" word then everything is peachy. I think most on this board are perceptive enough to notice when something doesn't seem right. But a lot of people of all groups who disagree with racism have trouble with subtlety and nuance. Blatant racism is attacked with fervor while the much more common and subtle type is barely noticed. And if you do notice, and heaven forbid you actually say something, then they have ready made terms just for you. Some favorites are, "whining", "playing the race card" or "why do you make everything about race?" Very often these things are said BEFORE you even go into detail about the situation. It's just assumed automatically that you must be paranoid. And of course some people actually are paranoid, but one can't be sure until their story is analyzed as objectively as possible. Ever know somebody that says "of course there is racism", then if they hear a report of actual racism they immediately blow off the alleged victim's story. It seems to me that either there is racism or there isn't (it's generally acknowledged of course that there is.) Then if we know there is racism then we should allow for the possibility. Too many people don't do this, they know intellectually that racism is out there, but unless there's a guy in a white sheet and a burning cross then you may as well be talking about the easter bunny or puff the magic dragon. A lot of people just don't want to hear it. Whether it's true or not doesn't even seem to matter, just don't say it out loud.
After re-reading that well-crafted response, shaft2k4, you would make an excellent addition to the SPLC watchdog team, in fact, your post would make a good read on the official website.