Spike Lee’s Amazing Rant Against Gentrification: ‘We Been Here!’

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Sirius Dogon, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Seriously, I didn't read it lol.

    If an illegal takes my job they deserve it. It falls solely on me for failing to excel in life and not obtaining skills that aren't so easily attainable. Even tho my ancestors were forcefully brought over here, I have absolutely no right to tell who and who can't come over here because like the majority of you American's, we are all benefiting from our ancestors coming here and taking this land illegally.
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Dont care if you read it, either....

    Do you hear yourself? NEWSFLASH, they don't take your job because they can do it better - do you seriously think that the working class in this country suddenly sucked at their jobs? No, they were undercut at making a decent living wage. Americans, (including your ancestors who fought hard to not 'earn' picking cotton 'wages' or working for free), legislated to be paid a decent wage. Are you unaware of the fight now in Congress to raise the minimum wage?

    Since our dollar goes further in their countries, they have no problem taking your job at less of a wage and tax free - even if they suck at it - because when it comes to blue collar jobs, you don't need much of an education.

    And this is why a lot of Blacks in particular are disenfranchised. They can't normally afford a secondary education or need to work to support their families in lue of college, and they are passed over for much cheaper labor... NOT for the reasons you say an ILLEGAL DESERVES to take your job. Man, just lay down already.

    Estimated $100 Billion lost money per year meant for Americans:
    Cost of illegal immigration By States
  3. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    your job? you are sooooo wrong. the entity you are work for can fire you at will.

    if that company wants to give you the boot then u have to go
  4. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member


    Typical doormat bootlicking mentality.
  5. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Why not?

    She's schooling your weird ass.
  6. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    your ass misdefine scab in reference to employment...so sit your foolish ass down and shut up. dumb ass saying illegals are scabs. u dumbass. u said scab means lowering their wages to under cut someone elses employment. that is so wrong.
    scabs are people who cross the picket line/strike
  7. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    Sambo, Uncle Ruckus, Bitch-ass-dude......Sometimes you have to wear a variety of titles to keep your seat at the debate table goodlove.......It is more important to understand this brother than to strike back at him.......
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member


    /thread! :drinkers:
  9. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    You do care bliss, or you wouldn't of reiterated that lame jab :D I'm not evengoing to entertain the rest of your post because your ass lacks critical reading skills and went all the way left in an response.

    My job is well secure from illegals, thanks for caring but it's unnecessary. I'm great :)
  10. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    she needs to explain that she is so upset then why she never reported the illegal that work st the store she gone to for 20 yrs?

    also, if america is sooooo outrage then why lets it go on since the 70s?
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Rotten to the core

    Yep, secure indeed. Which explains why you are..who you are, Cain.

  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    no time for foolishness. the point im inferring and i said from beginning america dont want illegal immigration to go away. hell, bliss and the rest know because you and or someone 6 degrees of seperation took advantage of it.
    stop with the fake anger
  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    since you so outraged what have you done? not a damn thang and u arent. you are just talking.....fake outrage.
    all that pro-bm pro-america dies before you get to the car
  15. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    did you report the illegal at the store you shop at?
    you are the problem.
  16. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Under the law, I am not allowed to ask him for his documents. I can suspect. But if I see a crime being committed, yes I report it. Have done so, will do so.

    And btw, I have reported an illegal to the DHLS, and you know what they did? Nothing. Squat. And yes, they were white.

    And if you knock on MY door and ask to do my garden/roof/pool/paint job/masonry/landscape/plumbing/electric/cleaning service/delivery/tree cutting/taxi cab/hack or what eva... and you're an illegal, imma chase you off. Cause I live in the hood and I know damn well there's a local American brotha more than willing and capable. He get's my loyalty FIRST, and he gets my BUSINESS and he gets PAID.

    Don't get it twisted...

    I'm not the problem. Apologists like you are.
  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    1. your ignorance only exceeds ur immaturity.....show me where im pro-illegal. my pt has been and will be thats so entrenched no o1 really wants to do anything about because they are getting benefits.

    2. gung ho for spike...? go to pg 1 and 3. read it and then slap urself. you are soooo immature.

    you just say anything and get mad cause they wont kiss your butt.

    really? you reported? after you did what happened?
  18. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    oh dont think i didnt catch that slick "im not a racist" move. you and flame were throwing those buzz words around then i called you out. so no you are lying bout u turning in whites. you are lying bout everything. you arent slick. tell that BS to someone at the TEA PARTY RALLY they believe anything.
  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You got nothing to reply, huh. Trust what I said was fact. They did nothing. AND she stole from me.
    Like I said, you got nothing. You're a no-good traitor. Piss off and go to their countries and beg for them to give your ass a free ride..man, they will chase your funky butt to the border. Hope they put it on You Tube, too, I want to laugh :smt036
  20. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    Hey..Hey...Immature ???.....How quickly you forget ----If my memory serves me correctly, She was one of those loyal well wishes who contributed feeling into that Goodlove thread just days ago.
    Words must be measured.....The maturity is in empathizing for her buddy to overcome adversity….

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