WASHINGTON – Shantanu Srivatsa and Anamika Veeramani sat nervously, side by side on stage. Once again, an Indian-American was going to win the Scripps National Spelling Bee. It was just a matter of what word and what time on Friday. Shantanu, 13, an eighth-grader from West Fargo, N.D., stepped to the microphone first and couldn't spell "ochidore." She also became the third consecutive Indian-American bee champion. Indian-Americans comprise less than 1 percent of the U.S. population according to 2000 census data, but they have an impressive bee winning streak — taking the trophy in eight of the past 12 years. where are the black kids? where are the native kids? where are the white kids? where the 4th to 5 generation Asian American kids? where are hispanic american kids? where are the jewish american kids? where are 2nd or 3rd generation Nigerian, Ghanian, Kenyan American kids? Is this an indication for future power structure of America, at least for academics??? This is mind boggling.
Its all values. They value education we value fame and material shit. Its the illusion of wealth in the form of houses jewelry and cars that has these kids blinded. Your mind is your most valuable possession, your ability to work and be innovative is the more important than being some idiot on a reality show but unfortunately these kids think all that glitz is gold.
Although I dont condone the behaviors that you stated but let us not forget being a reality idiot has its perk, be it money, fame or sex, lol. John Goselin and other idiots come to mind.....
Yeah but how beneficial is something when it costs valuable time where you could be bettering yourself. People get caught up in the fame and rarely ever save that money or invest it. They end up worst than they began.
Whats your point? We know how america treats education, especially higher education at that. Same ol, same ol
It all boils down to things called "hobbies" Not every kid wants to memorize every word in the dictionary, just like not every kid wants to "clock" the latest version of grand theft auto. African/White American kids have their own little hobbies and im pretty sure many of them would excell at these spellings bees if they made it a hobby, however, its just not that important, let alone intersting or fun. My main point: within our current education system, rests a much bigger fish to fry than a spelling bee.
Flames- this is how domination begins. You excel in little league base ball today, then you go to junior tomorrow then to Major, you see the trend. Today's spelling bee is tomorrow's Governor Bobby Jindhal Today's little 2nd grader tomorrow's NeuroSurg-Dr. Sanjay Gupta. It is not that little. Come on Flames you're a big picture thinker, you slipping on this one, lol.
Education is INSANELY important in a Indian household. The parents are normally very strict and demand perfection/excellence. Partying, playing sports, watching TV etc takes a backseat while adademics is the most important thing.
Get off your knees. Bobby Jindal:smt043 Sanjay Gupta:smt043:smt043:smt043 As if they're no Black neurosurgeons or polititians. C'mon now
Its fucked up because like most imperialized countries they're left in ruins and then criticized for being worst off than when they were found.
Got quite a few Indian friends, and what you say is spot on. Its not just education, even who they marry is highly scrutinized. They really drive the importance of marrying into the same class.If you havent been to University, you really struggle getting a mate in the British Indian community.So everyone aims for university, and you can see the results. Also their social circle is really important, they tend to have friends in the same class.It really is a class driven society. I am not saying some Black people aren't like this, but heck the Indians take it to another level.
You're right and it's fucked up. Most people can't grasp things unless it's mentally satisfying. It's sad.
Yeah, there were a number of Indian kids in my high school class. Mostly all of them went to very pretigous colleges after high school graduation (Ivy League universities, Northwestern, University of Chicago etc). While a lot of kids were getting their party on, these kids were taking college level classes in the evening. You can make a case for the Asian community as well.