Southern WW More Predisposed to IR?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by svengali, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. svengali

    svengali New Member

    This question isn't serious, per se, but I've often wondered if southern WW might be more predisposed to IR relationships than their northern counterparts because:

    1) the South has, for the most part, influenced society into the
    miscegenation taboo, or

    2) long-standing racial tensions increase people's consciousness of racial
  2. redlady

    redlady Active Member

    I think you have interesting question. I am not from the south but have live there for the past 5 years and so will share my experiance. Racial tention is crazy were I lived I was raised in the midwest and was not expceting what it was like. Just for informations sake I lived in a blk nieghboorhood. I have been attracted to bm for a long time. But when I got there I was just not looking and I never noticed any one looking at me the exact opposite in fact extreme respect and deferance from bm that I would meet no attendtion that would lead me to believe they might be attracted none. And I never no never saw ir couples. maybe at a college but NO where else(3-4). I was in a very large city too. So my situation changed, I started to look. The reaction was imeadiate and to me amazing I have never felt so beautiful in my life! Door holding asking me to diner I could not go any where with out having the attendtion of at least one bm usually more. This is not sleazy attention just noraml oh maybe she's interested in me attention. Had men stop me in the street on more than one occation when they noticed that I was noticing them! I am not trying to brag!lol Ladys having trouble meeting men go south its warmer down there! Had men walk up and ask me do you like bm? I was surprised and thought at least partially relevant to this post.
  3. dj4monie

    dj4monie New Member

    I said it once and I'll say it again -

    Any negative rants about the South, The New South, The Dirt South, The Dirty, Dirty (which is is, look at New Orleans...) are deserved 100% and I don't care what card carrying members of this board are also from the Deep South.

    Many are still ass-backwards (see Jena 6).

    Its smack dab in the middle of the bible belt that tries and screws up the progressive movement in this country and SOLELY responsible for Culture War we are currently in, see Terri Schiavo

    IR is strictly a NO-NO but people try it anyway, look at any large personal site.

    Just say NO to the South, and the SEC

    SEC you say?

    Yes they keep us from having a TRUE Playoff in College Football!
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    so.. you're not basing this on personal experience....just certain media outlets...

  5. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    God bless you!!!!!

    I could never live in the South even if i got paid to.
  6. svengali

    svengali New Member

    The question is not so much about your personal opinions about the South or its shortcomings--which are many--but rather, whether its history of race relations might be more conducive to WW's IR attraction.

    Essentially, might these same WW be less conscious of their IR attraction if they were from some other region or locale? I personally believe that they would not.
  7. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    the sec

    I will not defend the south-except that it is not quite as bad you all say it is! It appears to me to be no more prejudice than many cities in the north, midwest, or other parts of the country-as there are racists all over the country! (Yes there are some backwards people in the south). AND AS FOR THE SEC- hey man- we are pretty GOOD! (I am an Arkansas Razorback) and love the SEC!
  8. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Re: the sec

    but you are defending the south..


  9. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member


    Well I guess I am! I am just saying that I am not saying everything is perfect in the South-but you have to take the bad with the good wherever you live! No section of the country is perfect! It's just not as bad some people make it-there are a few civilized people down here! LOL
  10. svengali

    svengali New Member

    Why are we debating the degree of prejudice or racial tension in the South and/or the supremacy of this NCAA conference or that? The question is whether the South's history of strained race relations has created conditions more conducive to IR attraction--particularly in WW.

    In short, could a history of strained class relations cause women of the ruling class to be more attracted than other women to the formerly subordinate class simply because of a heightened awareness of their different statuses.
  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Re: well...

    I would go off personal experience before reported anyway..

    reported media doesn't cover everything, except what they want it to cover..

    personal experience accounts for that unsurveyed sector of the world, in which the unimaginable is infact a reality..


    just because philadelphia has a high crime rate and has murders and the sorts reported all the time, doesn't mean that the entire city is one big
    cesspool looking to swallow up anything and everything...
  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    ..because it's a forum, and whether you like it or not, people will tend to deviate slightly from the original topic..

    only reason you would have a problem with that, is if you were a control-freak or a virtual respresentation of a dictator

  13. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    thanks Pettyofficer

    Thanks Petty Officer. This is a forum for conversations is it not? Yes sometimes people may deviate a little! Don't get so wound up! As for the original question-I don't believe the history of the south has much to do with ir attraction. I believe there are several factors for ir attraction-just as there are different reasons people are attracted to each other. It has to do with physical attraction, mental attraction, and other factors. I don't believe it has to do with any elite group-just basically an attraction like ww in other parts of the country.
  14. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    Wait are many of you trying to say IR in the south is still stuck in the past?
    Or a high percentage of southern ww just don't go there?

    Never being to the south myself, and of course the media won't report on it, because of IT'S disrespect for support of IR couples.
  15. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Well, since you're in Miami, your technically in the south, but I know what you're saying. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    lol... he's talkin bout the "Jethro" south..

    where everyone has a shotgun and squirrels hanging from the porch.
  17. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member

    that's funny petty

    I can't speak for all ww in the south, but I will say again I don't think ir dating in the south has anything to do with actually "living in the south"! I have dated black men and white men, and my friends (whom are educated and successful nice people) do not have a problem with me dating bm. I do believe the older generation is still stuck in the past, but myself(I am 44) and the younger generation do not have a problem. My friends are only concerned that the men I date are decent and good to me-as they have the same standards for bm as well as wm. Some may be surprised that I date a bm , but they don't have a problem with it. In fact, in the south you have a lot of the reverse prejudice as well. I dated a bm when I lived in dallas and his family was not too thrilled to say the least!
  18. SharenoH8

    SharenoH8 Active Member

    In Europe I would say Northern ww much more than Southern...
  19. dealergirl

    dealergirl New Member

    I am originally from Wisconsin and there sure weren't any black people where I lived so I'm not sure where my attraction came from. My father was a terribly bigoted man about everything, not just race and I am so far removed from his ideas and always have been.

    When I moved to SC it seemed like an area that was open to the idea of IR, but I soon discovered that many bm were the ones that were surprised at being found attractive by ww.

    I was always being asked if I'd ever dated a bm before and thankfully the first bm that I went out with didn't ask me that or I'd have never been able to say yes to any of the following bm I went out with.

    There are still a number of people in the south that really look down on IR but I believe that the only way to progress and make changes is to be myself and do what I want to do and not succumb to the pressures of those that don't have an open mind.
  20. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    i grew up in the biggest redneck county in the state of florida. it actually has been named the poorest county in the southeast...but that's besides the point.

    there was tons of racial tension in my town growing up. i remember when i was in my early teens (about 15 years ago), they were still actually having racial riots down at the local high school. to this day, there is still quite a bit of confederate flag waving and wranglers. but it hasn't seemed to totally stop people from dating outside their race. while people still throw around racial slurs from time to time...the general population has come to accept that IR are a part of life. while you don't see many IR marriages there, you do see alot of IR dating and experimenting. sad as it is, alot of white girls there want to date black guys just to piss off there parents, or to get a rise out of the white customers in walmart. and i had a friend in my late teens who hooked up with a black dude just to see what the sex was like.

    i read where someone said earlier that everyone in the south is some cases, yes, that might be true. but aren't there backwards people up north too? while the south has it's's not all bad. i was raised here, and i turned out great, hahaha! :smt005

    and people tend to generalize that southern racism is all white, toothless, trailor trash...alot of it is, but they forget about the black women. you should see some of the stares that i have gotten, when out with my husband. it's sad.

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