South Africa

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Liquid Swords, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Maybe not anymore but that's because most of the European Jews ended up in Israel. They probably don't want to go back to Europe after being persecuted for almost 1,000 years there.
  2. domini7

    domini7 New Member

    Well go figure ,this story comes from the BBC ,which is miles away ,I live in South Africa and I don’t know about this ,any way if it’s a story that’s being written bye a individual isn’t it ironic that the timing comes now Confederations Cup ,World Cup around the corner you do the calculations
    Sorry but I love my country and these type of crimes are all over the world ,but they just hide them better
  3. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    Well, cant say I'm that suprised. A country with one of the highest aids rates, where many people unfortunately are so superstitious that they believe that sleeping with a virgin will cure them of aids. Shocking I know, but unfortunately true. I am sure this inflates the rape numbers.Read this article.

    So guess you really have to look at the SA government, and the way it conducts its educational programs. Because clearly what they are doing now isn't working.But even then, there is a stumbling block, for they elected a president who believes that you wont catch aids if you have a shower after having sex with an infected person. Its laughable, that in 21st century you can have president who is so backward(Jacob Zuma).

    Also I think, its a cultural thing. In a culture where tradittionally you are allowed as many wives as you can afford. When I say afford I mean in the sense of paying a dowry, usually cattle, to the brides family. In my opinion this leads to women being treated like some kind of commodity, and being less respected than in other cultures. With men passing this way of thinking to their sons, its probable that this way of thinking(less respect towards women) leads to increased rape incidences. Its only my opinion though.
  4. sweetmusicman

    sweetmusicman New Member

    The Scorpions no longer exists. The Group was dismantled by the Government.The reason behind it was according to speculation is that they found links of all sorts of crimes commited by high profile politicians. Well, i'm not suprised at all since Jacob Zuma has been involved in a multi million Rand/Dollar arms deal with a French company.
  5. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    Thanks for info.. since when?

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