Nuclear weapons are more impressive due to the display of energy released from the reaction, but biological weapons are more of a threat. ICBM can be shot down in defense but the damage from the nuclear fallout could be far reaching over the long term. Things could get really ugly in a fight against Russia, Iran, and North Korea. You are right about trump of course, he is too simple minded to have such responsibility.
My 2 cents?... Nowadays, any kid who comes up and ask me about joining the military...I tell them that now is not a good time (and that goes for Hillary or Donald). I'm still trying to figure out how we (the USA) got here? Where have all the quality presidential candidates gone?...or is it just the fact that there is no way to keep those skeletons in the closet?
I am worried what's going to happen after the presidential election. My son wants to make the Army a career and he's been talking about jumping out of airplanes and hanging from helicopters... His MOS is one that he'd be very active in the front line if the US went to war. Yet I already know my son is a Soldier and he is proud. Did you hear/read about the Philippine president-elect who has encouraged the public to help him in his war against crime, urging citizens with guns to shoot and kill drug dealers who resist arrest and fight back in their neighborhoods.
I'm worried too but unfortunately I see this shit coming from a mile away If you want to fight drugs fight poverty pure and simple
This one politician, who is pretty well known said recently," I don't want blaa people to get money from the government. I want blaa people to have an opportunity to better their lives." This guy dodged saying black people. He used the moniker to describe everyone who is poor and in need. So he strategically avoided saying black people. I recall a black politician in Chicago who addressed his colleagues by warning them of the increase in crime in the city. He was told that what he had said was scary. He responded by saying, "Poverty is always scary. Desperate people will do desperate things if you do nothing about it." Or something along those lines. Politicians go around and say that they want to do good things by and for their constituents. But when that time comes, they do a sidestep and say to any local or national press, "No comment," or , "We are still in negotiations at things moment." It's all a familiar, yet arcane game or dance.
I remember when the first Gulf War occurred. I was riding my bicycle along the road to get to school. A convoy of Army trucks came into my view. I stopped and gave each truck the thumbs up gesture. Each truck responded with two horn blasts in acknowledgement . I was simply giving the troops my support. I was angry that I wasn't able to serve because I had scoliosis surgery and the government classified me as unfit to serve. A campus security guard went to the Gulf. I told him how I wished I was there. He replied, "No, you don't." I guess I wouldn't like to go into a war. There is always something around the corner. I once wrote a poem about a war in the desert. It was a poem that rhymed and was about 5 pages long. One of my verses was like this; Here we are, under cover of darkness. Death is knocking on every door. To kill is something that you must do. You must kill until there is no more. I wrote it in 1985. I lost it when I moved to Florida. I'm sure your son knows what he is doing. I salute him.
As usual, me & raider on the same page. Trump is dangerous, even before you get to the hate stuff. Even if he loses, he's gonna have a negative effect on american politics. ...But anyway, why is this in the "Men's Locker Room"? It's an important topic of the day. Might get some new registrants if it were visible to all.
They asked one trump supporter -- he said "1920".... a good chunk of them think afro-americans were better off under slavery.
The system of choosing candidates and election of president is akin to the old Soviet system. You have a choice of candidates - which are chosen by a few. I do not consider the U.S. political system to be truly democratic. Its controlled by a few. And largely by big business.
Sometimes elections aren't about voting for the BEST candidate, but instead voting for the one with the least flaws. Head to head, Hillary is the least flawed candidate running in the general presidential election. No she's not perfect, but 'perfect' isn't running and never has.
While I'm not giving Hillary a free pass... I think Trump represents all that terribly wrong in the USA, and then some. His ego, and his "my way or no way" attitude is downright scary. Ever notice that he's never wrong on anything. Everyone else is always to blame. I guess he's without flaws (is his own eyes). Absolutely no way I'll choose to not vote. If I'm alive and well... My vote will be cast as it always is. I do wish everyone would see the importance of voting. This thing of... "I don't like any of them/the system is rigged/corrupt" and so on is simply a cop out.
Yeah... I agree you should definitely vote. I don't particularly care for either candidate, but it's about choosing the candidate that most closely identified with my morals and beliefs, the one who has the best interest of our country at heart and would do the best job while serving in office.
Hillary or Trump is such a crappy choice, I'm hoping that "none of the above" is on the ballot. But if hypothetically I was the deciding vote between these two, I would begrudgingly vote for Hillary.
I find it difficult because Hillary is specifically racist towards black men with her superpredator bullshit. Trump is generally racist towards everyone else. So, I am kind of stuck choosing between the racist and the racist...
My thing is that while they're not ideal... Trump is by far a much, much worse kind of evil. I don't believe he'll be able to "Make America Great Again", we've yet to hear any real/intelligent strategy from him, there's no way I'd ever be OK with a person who's so openly racist and nacissisistic. That said... I think Hillary is a better choice for POTUS by leaps and bounds.