Anyone remember Obama Girl? I'm surprised there isn't some hot model chick doing something similar this election.
One can understand the frustration among Americans when they see jobs going overseas. But will any President be able to stop this. Companies will always wish to maximise profit. Also people are concerned about immigration. But I think its stretching the argument a little when you compare your immigration situation to Europe and muslims bombing cities. There are millions of muslims in Europe and only a very tiny minority are extremists. Also my final point is about the bikini girls with USA flags representing Make America Great again. I have noticed that all these girls are white...........
Hope all you people are this opinionated and focused when the midterms come around because presidents don't do shit alone
her name's Azealia Banks, she's a Trump supporter:
A lot of Mexicans in Cali are born and raised in Cali, including gang members. You're using literally incorrectly. There are no Mexicans putting their hands on Americans and and pushing them away from the job interview. In America, people are too proud to work certain jobs that immigrants get anyway so it's funny hearing them whine about it. You have an estimate on when everything is going to be automated? What time period would you say that America was great and can you specify what was great about it?
This. Too many small minds around here. Anyone who can even remotely support (or try to justify) trump is 100% part of the problem in this country. They're supporting/tolerating/perpetuating the divide amongst Americans and the volume of support that man has is more telling of where we stand as a country than anything else. I've always tried to go through each day seeing the good in people...his hate-filled, racist, ignorant as fuck campaign has woken me up to the reality of many Americans beliefs, morals and values (or their complete lack thereof). Pathetic times we're in.
Someone give this woman some Positive Rep please. As she said too many small minds around here, so my rep stingy ass is unable to pass any along her way. Thank You.
Trump is just telling you what you want to hear. If Trump wanted to end illegal immigration he wouldn't be talking about building a wall. Illegals enter the country 2 ways. 1.They drive across in their family vehicles. 2.They take the bus into the country. There are bus terminals all over mexico and corresponding terminals in America, taking them directly to every sanctuary city in the US.. Build a wall and they will drive right by it....laughing their asses off. If Trump were serious he'd be talking about auditing social security nembers...rescinding NAFTA...jail time and serious fines for people that hire them and SELL THEM HOUSES. He'd be talking about the 14th amendment (intended for the offspring of slaves) and how it is been hijacked to give birthright citizenship to illegal immigrant offspring. A wall appeals to those that don't know what is happening as it happens,right before their eyes.