Fear mongering? What emotion do you think fueled the hatred of the racists to begin with? Inciting violence? Is he the reason why Cops keep shooting unarmed black kids?? Andrew Jackson has done some of the things in THIS country that Trump wouldn't mind doing, and he is STILL on the 20 dollar bill, yet we talk about Hitler and act as if all of this became brand new when Trump decided to run for office. We talk about Hitler because that's who the media executives say the boogeyman is. Never mind King Leopold II and the many others. In case you haven't noticed this crowded theater really is on fire.
Majority of those are personal accomplishments. I'll give you Cuba and marriage equality. Obamacare forces Americans to pay health insurance or face hefty fines. Obamacare also lines up the health insurance industry pockets. Environmental issues have been tackled by pretty much every president.
We talk about Hitler because he is our society's agreed upon litmus text for judging how extreme political ideology can get. Nobody is saying that Trump invented fear mongering and ethnic scapegoating. But he isn't a talking head on Fox News, or a wingnut talk radio host. He is running for the presidency of one the most powerful nations on Earth. We should demand better from a president.
Not George W. Bush. I joined the Sierra Club to stick it to him. If you want poor people to die because the rich don't want to sit in a doctor's office waiting room or be patients of that doctor, of course, you would think Obamacare is a forced law. I think it should be available for anyone who wants it. And since the priority is the patient, of course it will cost more. But in the end, it's better than what was available before. Nothing but a big bill for a band-aid or pain reliever.
Yup! Racism/bigotry has never gone away as some would have you believe, but Trump's antics has brought them out in droves. The USA is definitely showing the world how racist it is. Obviously, it's not everyone, but there's plenty of them amongst us. With Trump... Today it's Mexicans (I think it's really any latino), and Muslims. Who next??? As we see on these debates... Apparently, he's never done anything wrong, everyone likes him, he has loads of friends, no one builds better walls and so on, and so on. Hmmm! Well... Of course all of his accomplishments are either denied and/or criticized by the folks on the right. However... The ACA - Of course it's far from perfect, but definitely a step in the right direction The economy and unemployment rate - Again, many say the economy is bad including jobs, but I clearly remember how the economy was losing hundreds of thousands of jobs per month. It was sustained and went from the end of 2007 right into 2009 before the bleeding stopped. Sure, it's not perfect, but the unemployment rate continues in it's downward trend, banks are lending money (instead of hoarding it), the housing market is thriving again, stock market stable, automobile industry as strong as it's ever been and so on. Re-established a relationship with Cuba. I'd say those three are huge.
I still feel that the re establishment with Cuba is pure bs for a hidden agenda probably because Cuba supposedly has the cure for AIDS.Cuba actually has some of the best health care in the western hemisphere.People like Donald Trump consider anyone who speaks Spanish as Mexican.lol
I agree.I prefer bigotry to be open about it, not this politically correct bs certain people love to push so they can feel like they're better than everyone else.
Forcing everyone to pay their own way when it comes to healthcare was the only way to address the ever expanding healthcare costs due in some part to the uninsured going to the emergency rooms and all of us taxpayers picking up the bill. 2% of your yearly income can be considered by some as "hefty" but certainly within the average healthcare cost of the average American. Lastly not everyone will have to pay the fine per below https://www.healthcare.gov/fees/fee-for-not-being-covered/ Take a look at these four charts below, it gives one a GREAT picture as to the amazing job President Obama has done, especially when he was handed an economy on day one that was comparable to the great depression. http://www.forwardprogressives.com/4-charts-prove-just-successful-president-obama/
Oh we agreed upon that? He was a special type of evil huh? Enough to take the focus off of more applicable examples? If Trump starts mass murdering people he probably won't begin with white people. Yet you like 99 percent of the American population would rather compare him to someone that did exactly that, and in a European country. Yet this is a mindset that we all agreed on? Lol. So the purpose of tv really is entertainment? Why am I the last to know? :smt042 We should demand better from a president? We as in......?? I'm not voting for him. For the psychopaths, and those with severe emotional/entitlement issues, he couldn't be a better candidate.
I don't dispute the fact that we should have truly high expectations from any POTUS/POTUS candidate, but I'd totally agree with folks who have likened Trump to Hitler. Obviously, he hasn't committed the atrocities that Hitler has. However, we can't ignore the fact that even Hitler started somewhat small. As he gained more power, so did the level of his egregious actions. Today, his focus is "Mexicans", and Muslims. Who, and what next? All of this from a man who apparently has never made a mistake, is never wrong, everyone loves him, and he has tons of friends in all groups, and has guaranteed us that his dick is not small. A person who takes being confrontational, argumentative, offensive, downright abrasive and inability to accept responsibility to new heights. We see examples of this every time someone challenges him. Also... Trump has said alot. Yet, he's never actually laid out his vision for any realistic strategies.
Never said that he didn't have anything in common with Hitler. Is that what you gathered from my post? Lol Pretty sure Hitler and Saddam were the only tyrants that ever lived. Yet hate expands the entire globe even now that they are gone. I wonder why. Maybe it's not supposed to make sense. Lol
So far I'm not aware of him saying or proposing anything that would hurt black people. So he said racist stuff about mexicans and muslims? Why should black folks care. It's useful to pretend solidarity to others but don't burden yourself with their problems. So he wants to deport illegal immigrants? Even if that's unrealistic, wouldn't building a wall (curbing further illegal immigration) actually help black folks in the end. Don't those immigrants drive down wages and take jobs that could go to americans. Don't they siphon resources away from american communities to pay for social programs in their communities. Who pays for the free education their children receive? Even if you don't like Donald Trump, why be overly hostile towards the man, his campaign and supporters? No disrespect, you say Trump supporters are intellectually challenged but your post was full of emotion, nothing more more... But you want to shit on Trump supporters when your no different. As for black people....Why go to his rallies? Why become the face of anti-Trump when it did not target black folks in the first place? Are you thinking straight? Let mexicans and muslims handle it. Don't become the scapegoat or sacrificial lamb. Everyone who wants Trump, don't think the man is a genius, they just see him as a means to an end. America is a pie. Why fight for others to have greater access to the pie when you yourself are lacking. Be self-serving. I'm not saying Trump is the right candidate but unless it becomes explicit that he has anti-black sentiments and ambitions, black folks don't need to join the crusade against him. Blacks need to weight they options, carefully. Don't be the foot-soldiers for other groups. You first, you second, you third; that's the mentality.
I'm pretty sure I didn't imply such in my post. Is that what you gathered? Sure, they're obviously other tyrants both past and present. However, I imagine folks tend to mention Hitler because what's known about him seems to be a fit.