If I say always........people will say I am your alter ego or I am your cousin. Don't want to create suspicion.
Oh Intrigue... (man I'm gonna feel bad if he's not the one who mentioned that, but I'm too lazy to look through the old threads to find out, pretty sure it's Intrigue. If it's not, I apologize in advance Intrigue) :smt058
Whew! I thought that was the case Jordan, thanks for confirming, saved me trudging through old threads. (What'd you do for your birthday Espy?... Oh you know spent a couple hours reading threads in the Men's Locker room to confirm who likes to be peed on... :shock
Glad to return the favor Bookie, you crack me up frequently. I can think of no one, other than my little sister, who wouldn't just think I'd lost my mind if I told them that. Might actually be fun to do just to watch their faces. :smt081