Recently the coversation about "soccer moms"....further "soccer mom sluts" has come up and I think I get it now, but one of my friends is still struggling with it so I thought I might toss it out here and see what comes up. So what's with this? First of all....please define. And second...what's the intrigue?
A soccer mom refers to a demographic group of women with school-age children and she is associated with modern material conveniences such as the SUV or Volvo and cell phone. The "soccer mom" typically indicates a single income family, where the husband works while the wife is a homemaker. Since she might have some time to play when hubby is at work, the slutty or preferably hot version of the soccer mom engages in extramarital affairs. Thats what they also call a hotwife.
In real life not porn fantasy, the majority of soccer moms are average overweight housewives and only few that would be considered MILFs.
Ok well I'm going to speak to this now that I have heard from so many who have not posted here .... and given that I've been called a soccer mom. Actually if you look around the soccer fields...most of the "Soccer moms" would hardly be considered overweight. (Remember I'm in California though.) There are many divorced "soccer moms" too. I wouldn't say it's about married women having affairs at all. Yes we are driving minivans or SUVs, involved in all sorts of activities with our children. I think the part that my gf and I took issue with is that because we are around it all....we consider the "soccer moms" to be the barbie dolls of moms. Often they will step on whoever they need to in order to get their child into whatever placement they want. They are often extremely phoney. From those who seem to be intrigued and attracted to soccer moms I've heard it more described as that they appreciate women who are very nuturing, family is very important to them, they are able to handle many different situtations well, and they can take on many different things at one time. And yes there seems to be this thing where it's become the newest teacher or librarian thing. Cute conservative when out and about and wild in the bedroom.
I still disagree with you about soccer moms not being overweight (in California it's mandatory for a woman to have a hot body), but what I do agree is that many soccer moms are either separated or divorced and are members of the "First Wives Club". In order to drive around a bunch of kids in SUVs or minivans women either have child support, alimony or are successful in their own careers. Still, I can see the women both married, divorced and single having affairs just out of being bored.
Getting off the subject a bit I doubt the sons of those soccer mothers would play for one of major football teams in Europe.
Interesting - maybe I should have put this in the stereotype area instead! So what I've heard from men is that the attraction hasn't been about having an affair but more about having a relationship with the "soccer moms". They are looking for certain qualities in a wife that they may have. Bored? :lol: Ok well most soccer moms don't have time to be bored. But I get what you are saying. I think rather than boredom maybe it's about wanting attention and to have someone who sees them as a woman.