So...who is out of the question?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Curiouswoman, Nov 29, 2007.


I date...

  1. exclusively the other race...

  2. mostly the other race, but my own isn't out of the question

    0 vote(s)
  3. my own race, but I'm dabbling in the other...

    0 vote(s)
  4. whomever I please...

    0 vote(s)
  1. Curiouswoman

    Curiouswoman New Member

    Read the poll...
  2. ---woman---

    ---woman--- New Member

  3. gladiator423

    gladiator423 New Member

    And the reason you ask this on a whitewomanblackman board is because......

    What attracts most people to this site is the IR concept. Most of the people here date OUTSIDE their race.
  4. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    I like all women, though I am dating an Indian woman at this time. I am not picky when it comes to race I am just picky when it comes to attitudes.
  5. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    The color of their skin makes no difference to me. I'm more worried about what's on the inside.
  6. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    I don't care what colour people have and would date whomever I wanted.

    And I'm not on this site because I have a "IR-fetish", like some seems to, but because I simply happen to have a black boyfriend. There are a lot of people here who don't date exclusively IR.
  7. aozora

    aozora New Member

    I have to say for the longest time I like both ethnic groups. I have to say that made me date outside my group is because I have not found anyone compatible with me and my ideals. I don't try exclusively to date white. I think that there are attractive black women too although I don't think beyond friendship I would date them. I think members of this forum have gave captivating examples of how their lives made a 180 degree turn concerning dating within their ethnic group. I, for one tried constantly to date within my own group. I found that although their might be some initial attraction or some similar hobbies, that I didn't view the person compatible with me and that included the fact that I thought she was too "urban" for me (I don't like using the term ghetto) and I realized that although I feel attraction towards black women, that I see other women from different ethnicities and find them beautiful and at times more open and knowledgeable of the things I like and I feel more of a common ground with them. I find that you have your own choice and I like to not only date women who are European descent but also Asian, Latin, and other groups who I find attractive. I am happy that I came to this conclusion and I feel that who you like is your own business and that you like the person and feel attraction to their personality which I see the people who do that for me are either white or another group.
  8. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    I would date whomever clicks with me and makes me feel good when I'm with them. I've only had one relationship with a bm and that is exactly the reason why I came to this site.

    However, having been with a bm I have to admit there was something there in our relationship that I've never experienced before. Though he turned out to be a 100% jerk, I did always feel a special connection with him, not just in a physical sense. And speaking physically, well, that was beyond comparison to any man I've ever been with.

    Is all or part of that b/c he was black, or simply b/c of who he was as an individual. I don't have a basis for comparison so it's hard for me to answer. Common sense and personal belief would lead me to say it's b/c of who he was. When I get back to dating I won't limit who I go out with - but I do find myself wishing that when I do find a good man, that he is black. Maybe that doesn't make sense, but hey, it's what is in my head so it doesn't have to!! :wink:
  9. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    I've come to the conclusion after dating women of several races, that my desire and stronger attraction for white was never going to go away. Instead of living in denial and dating within my racd, I decided to focus on going for what I've always wanted the most and that is to be in a long-term relationship with a white woman. I find it funny how people who date exclusively outside their race are criticized far more than people who date exclusively within their race. Attractions are what they are, and people shouldn't feel like they have to sxplain why they are attracted to some races more than others. The great thing that most of us have (most of us live in the US) is that we live in a country where you have virtually all options of races to date. Just pick what you want the most and be happy. As long as you and your partner are happy together, it doesn't matter what other people think.
  10. Curiouswoman

    Curiouswoman New Member

    Thanks for your replies people, to Gladiator423, please refrain from posting in any of my topics, I actually have come to the conclusion that I don't like you or your negative attitude; so your silence would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

    I ask because having come from an IR pairing, my parents have always fascinated me, how they met, how they have kept it together all these years, where the attraction was, etc. So to ask other people (because I am not asking my parents about their sex lives), has really given me another view on the subject.
  11. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    I picked the one that says "i date whomever i please" lol 8)
  12. Curiouswoman

    Curiouswoman New Member

    So I'm not out of the question? Because hey, you're cute...just saying.
  13. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    well thank you. :mrgreen: if a woman has the facial features and character/personality traits that i find appealing, her skin color wouldn't deter me. so in other words, if i knew you, and found you to be attractive, it wouldn't be out of the question. :wink:
  14. Curiouswoman

    Curiouswoman New Member

    That's so funny, seeing as I spent my entire summer in the Chi and I don't think I saw anyone who looked remotely like you once, serendipity is a bitch...
  15. mike38

    mike38 New Member

    I'm personally more at ease with dating outside of my race, but I have been open to dating within it. I feel I share more interests with women of a different race, like the type of music I am into (which is soft rock, smooth jazz, and pop music from the 70s and 80s).
  16. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    Well...umm :oops: :lol: i'm sure the guys are there somewhere. :wink: where in Chicago were you looking? i'm actually still down in Southern Illinois at the university. go Salukis!! :lol:
  17. Curiouswoman

    Curiouswoman New Member

    I think perhaps I should keep my compliments to myself in the future :shock: I know there are men out there, I've been with a few of them, so...yea. And I wasn't "looking" in Chicago, I was working for Harpo Productions, so if I happened to stumble upon a man, then there it was. Men are the last thing on my mind, my degree is first, and everything after that is...whatever. You know what? let's pretend I never said anything about it at all...alright. :smt018
  18. Bryant

    Bryant New Member

    don't worry about it. it's cool. 8) :wink:
  19. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    so you have my curiousity up give bryant a compliment and then you take it away? what's up with that? any girl no matter her color would be lucky to find a young man like bryant...

    do tell about your job/internship @harpo...i love oprah!
  20. Jarell2006

    Jarell2006 New Member

    I date whoever I'm compatible with.

    I love all women.

    it's just that I know that quite a few bw wouldn't be into what I'm into.


    I love interracial relationships. 8)

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